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methylcircleplot.R (methyl lollipop diagrams)

This guide will go through the process to make methylation lollipop diagrams for bisulfite sequencing (and also color the lollipops differently for NOME-seq)



Wu, Dai-Ying (2013): methylcircleplot: a tool for visualizing CpG and GpC methylation status across multiple samples and loci. figshare.




  • Reference to be used to identify potential CpG and GpCs sites

  • Bisulfite converted sequence (files must end in .txt or .fasta)

    1. In a multi-fasta file (ie. clone.fasta)

    2. In a folder with each file being a single-fasta file

    3. In a file with each line being a different set

  • Primer sequence (optional) in 5'->3' orientation


This program uses reference sequence to find CpG and GpC sites. Primers are used to isolate the sequence of interest. Sequence of interest is then aligned to reference sequence to find corresponding CpG and GpC sites. These sites are checked for methylation and result is displayed with circles (lollipops).



#load script
#specify reference
ref.seq = "atatctaggactctaggcgggtgggtaa
#specify bisulfite converted sequence file
bis.seq = "clone.fasta" #multi-fasta example file above
#specify primers
fwd.primer = "tgggctgaaatactgggttcaccc"
rev.primer = "atggctggacacctggcttcag"
#specify figure name + size
png("myclones.png", width=550, height=400)
#generate NOME-seq figure with reference and GC(NOME) status colors changed
methylcircleplot(ref.seq, bis.seq, fwd.primer, rev.primer, 
	reference=TRUE, NOME=2, col.gme = "lightgrey", col.gum = "white")
#save figure

###Details Start up an R (or Rstudio) session with the sequence from clones in a clone.fasta file and this script saved in the same folder Navigate R to the folder with this script and load it using


If the command does not work, make sure the R working directory is in the same folder as the location of the file you downloaded (use getwd() to check and setwd() to change working dir). R starts in a default working directory and that is where it looks automatically for files such as methylcircleplot.R and the file you specify for clone sequence.

Next, specify the reference sequence and file/folder with bisulfite sequence. Remember to surround them with quotes.

ref.seq = "atatctaggactctaggcgggtgggtaa
bis.seq = "clone.fasta"

Lastly, specify primers. (Optional but recommended)

fwd.primer = "tgggctgaaatactgggttcaccc"
rev.primer = "atggctggacacctggcttcag"

To generate the figure run the following command (notice some options specified at the end)

methylcircleplot(ref.seq, bis.seq, fwd.primer, rev.primer, reference=TRUE, NOME=2)

Keep in mind that reference=TRUE and NOME=2 are optional parameters (full list below). After you have created a suitable figure you can save it in PNG format by using the following command:

png(filename="clone.png", width = 600, height = 600, units = "px")
methylcircleplot(ref.seq, bis.seq, fwd.primer, rev.primer, reference=TRUE, NOME=2)

It is possible to adjust the width and height to be larger numbers. For more options on output format (such as tiff images) see here

It is also possible to export to vectorized pdf this way (see additional notes below)

Optional parameters

While reference (ref.seq) and bisulfite sequence (bis.seq) are required, there are other parameters that can be set.

Some examples of what the parameters look like can be found here

Parameters and defaults listed below:

rev.comp = FALSE reverse complements bisulfite sequence

size = 2 size of circles

scaling = 1 distance between circles, accepts value between 0 and 1 with < 1 moving the bubbles closer together

reference = FALSE show reference sequence at top

NOME = 0 GpC detection: 0 - disabled (default) | 1 - plot together | 2 - plot GpC below CpG

noaxis = FALSE Turn off x/y-axis and labels (used to generated simplier figures) = "white" color of unmethylated CpG = "black" color of methylated CpG

col.gme = "lightgreen" color of methylated GpC

col.gum = "aliceblue" color of unmethylated GpC

verbose = TRUE Display diagnostic messages

showNumUnconverted = FALSE Show number of unconverted Cs

cloneName = NULL Specify clone names (Y-axis labels)

cloneOrder = NULL Specify the order in which to rearrange the rows (clones)

getAln = FALSE Return alignment between reference and samples (PairwiseAlignedFixedSubject object, see Biostrings manual for more details)

Additional Notes

By default, R will set the size (resolution) of the figure and space out the rows as much as possible. It is possible to specify how much distance should be between the rows but this only works for a certain figure size/resolution. If figure dimensions is increased (see png() command), you will need to adjust size and scaling values (res and pointsize) to keep the look the same I have yet to find a way to 'autoscale' size and spacing to account for changes in figure size/resolution.

By having a png() command before methycircleplot() and command after, R will save the plot generated a specified .png file. It is also possible to export pdfs and tiffs by replacing png() with pdf() or tiff() As a sidenote, pdf() and svg() require width and height to be specified in inches (instead of pixels) such as svg("clone.svg", width=5.5, height=4) (default is 7x7)

Occasionally you may encounter some vertical banding patterns when using png() to export. To work around this, I typically export with pdf() and use the linux convert utility to change the file from .pdf to .png. Another workaround would be to export using svg() and then convert to png (using Inkscape). I have found that svg files produced by R sometimes have font incompatibility issues with Adobe Illustrator, so to work around this and keep everything vectorized, I first open the .svg file using Inkscape, then export a .emf file for Illustrator to open. (or just export pdf and open in Illustrator)

List of colors in R can be found here

RCurl can be used to keep the script up to date (but would add extra dependencies):