Preface is a free (an open-source) library written in (and for) OCaml and released under the MIT license The library is mainly maintained by:
- Gabriel Scherer for many design choice and technical help about specific subject
- Andrey Mokhov for his help in understanding Selectives (and Free Selective) and constant reviews related to Selectives
- Florian Angeletti for advices and help
- Oleg Kiselyov for advices about Freer monad
- XHTMLBoy for providing an implementation of Freer capable of discarding the continuation
- Pierre-Evariste Dagand for a lot of help with Arrows
- Nicolas Rinaudo many questions and conversations (not especially related to Preface) that led to organisational/structural changes
Preface use several libraries (especially for unit tests). For more information, feel free to refer to the OPAM files located at the root of the project. Here is a list of our dependancies:
- Alcotest - for the definition of unit tests
- QCheck - for the definition of properties based testing (coupled with Alcotest)
- Either - for having an
before OCaml4.12
In addition to OCaml, we use tools from the OCaml ecosystem:
- Dune - as a build system (and task runner)
- OCamlformat - as a code formatter in order to keep our code formatted according to fixed standards.
- Odoc - as a documentation generator.
- mdx - for guide as tests
In addition, we use Merlin and Tuareg or OCaml mode as IDE. For the more adventurous with more RAM IntelliJ.