All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Modified batchInserter to check if certain record values are empty before adding the record to the queue #30
- Added TimeTracker to keep track of how long an event is in memory #29
- Always provide a state hash cassandra #28
- Added cassandra row_id with TIMEUUID for long-polling #25
- Modified retry package to use backoff package for exponential backoffs on retries #21
- Added automated releases using travis #22
- fix read error causing corrupt data
- Updated batchInserter to have a configurable amount of batchers #18
- Bump webpa-common [#12]
- Bump go-kit [#12]
- Fix go-health version [#12]
- Change cassandra deviceList getter functionality [#12]
- adding ycql support
- switched webpa-common/wrp to wrp-go
- bumped webpa-common
- bumped capacityset
- Changed ugorji dependency
- Initial creation, moved from: