Releases: xiaomlove/nexusphp
- Torrent list add cover + SeedBox icon #100
- New configuration: upload directly if they reach a certain number of offer passes
- Admin background, show the number of torretns under the tag, detach all torrents under the tag
- Upload page, PT-Gen gets the profile filled in if it is a Douban link, automatically fills in the subtitle and IMDB link
- Upload page, simply match the quality options below according to the main title and check
- Installer, check disable function
- User details, add claiming operation
- User home page seed paging display
- Add full selection to the list of cheating suspects and change the number of entries per page from 10 to 50
- Update cache for FAQ and rule changes
- Limit the click frequency of bonus redemption to prevent duplication
- Menu item: [Top/Log/Staff] display only if you have permission
- Torrent deletion permission is independent of torrent management, default is admin
- [Main Settings]->[Enable NFO], only affects whether you can upload nfo files, does not affect the display of torrent file information
- [Plugin] Custom Role permissions
- Installation support for specifying UID registration start value
- Global promotion support configure begin time
- The width of the top logo part is consistent with the content body
- Torrent review authority is independent of seed management
- The position of the medal on the user details page is changed to always be displayed below the user name
- Permissions can not belong to any level
- Deleting torrents requires manage torrent permission
- Added HDR + Bit depth to MediaInfo
- Large preview effect of medals
- The problem that the login page can be opened when passkey is selected as the login method (>= 1.7.18 affected)
- The problem that the torrents are not visible when users who do not have the permission to manage torrents edit them
- The problem of cookie not expired but occasionally invalid
- Fix the problem that users without authority can approval torrents
- [Plugin] Lucky draw
- Rainbow ID (rainbow-like flashing username)
- Name change card (modify username)
- User name modification record
- Torrent deny reasons
- Medallion support preview large image and global display
- announce Interface duplicate reporting determination more accurate
- Approval pop-up window showing approval history and common rejection reasons, supporting quick selection of reasons
- A fatal error that can happen with attendance
- Admins reply to complaints, emails notify complainants #90
- Bonus harem addition
- Management background, user-related add uid search, user list add whether to have download permission filter conditions #90
- User H&R list, add eliminate function #90
- Judgment whether to repeat the announce to remove the ip-related parameters, more accurate
- Confirm user page (checkuser.php) error
- Login via passkey #79
- Global torrent promotion state support configuration deadline
- Normal administrators can log in to the admin backend
- Redis requires a minimum of 2.0.0
- Old reporting interface, update torrent active time and visibility when no events occur but seeding situation has changed
- Rss interface add cache (5 minutes)
- Execute cleanup web side, multi-language and provide direct forced cleanup portal
- Admin backend, torrent details link error
- Admin backend, error in granting medals to users
- Admin backend, some operations overstepped the authority
Add passkey login when guest visit is not normal. If enabled, the login link is in the User CP, under the passkey.
Secret login is using account+password, passkey does not need to enter account password, just pass passkey via URL. Choose on demand.
Global torrent promotion state support configuring the cut-off time, please configure it in the new administration backend.
- New configuration item: whether or not approval torrents are visible
- Add a reminder of the number of not approvaled torrents to the management group when not approvaled torrents are not visible
- Add a filter for approval status to the search box
- IMDB data crawling support specified language #63
- New Filament-based administration backend
- The management background supports batch operation of torrent sticky, remove tags and attach tags
- Seed approval status is not [allow], [deny] mutual transfer does not send notification
- Notify the owner when approval status [deny] update reason
- Personal page, published torrents, never seed also show
- Torrent MediaInfo, if it does not match the standard English text view format, it will be displayed as it is #79
- Error when claiming settlement if there is a failure to meet the standard was deleted
- Edit the user donation deadline left blank automatically filled to 0000-00-00 00:00:00 and is not permanent
- rss Only filtering conditions such as favorites and keywords not work #78
If you want to change the configuration to invisible without audit, please set all the old torrents as audited first, otherwise the old torrens will not be visible to normal users and cannot be downloaded/reported properly. Manually execute the following statement to modify.
update torrents set approval_status = 1;
This upgrade requires updating dependencies, remeber to run composer install.
To work with the new backend, please modify the Nginx configuration, change the location / rule, and add the location of filament.
location / {
index index.html index.php;
# change index.php to nexus.php
try_files $uri $uri/ /nexus.php$is_args$args;
# add filament rule
location ^~ /filament {
try_files $uri $uri/ /nexus.php$is_args$args;
- Torrent approval #74
- Personal page uploaded list add whether banned tag
- Add H&R information to user details, admin can view other users H&R
- Forum posts are replied to and replies are modified to send internal messages
- 1.7.15 bug introduced: torrent category icon is not displayed
- Some pages incorrectly display the current time when the time field is empty
- Some forum reply portal cannot jump to the reply position directly
Whether the approval icon is not displayed by default, there is a need to turn on in the torrent settings.
- Add banner alerts on site-wide promotions
- Underlying fatal errors:
Database connection [default] not configured
- 1.7.14 Problem with introduced global promotion not taking effect, affecting