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File metadata and controls

73 lines (58 loc) · 2.97 KB


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This PHP extension introduces IntlDateTimePatternGenerator class — the missing part from PHP's intl extension.

All kudos for the native PHP7 version send to xBazilio.


The motivation is described in .

Long story short: currently (with standard intl) there is no way to format a date internationally without a year field (like "February 10" or "10 февраля"). IntlDateTimePatternGenerator fixes this issue, see examples.


  • Install ICU libraries
    • i.e. sudo apt-get install libicu-dev for Debian-like systems
  • Build and install extension
    • phpize && ./configure && make && sudo make install

    Note: if you have PHP installed from sources you should use full paths: [/path/to/php/]phpize && ./configure --with-php-config=[/path/to/php/]php-config && make && sudo make install

  • Make sure you have in your php.ini

Note: if you didn't install the extension via make install you have to use a full path: extension=[/path/to/ext_src_dir/modules/]

  • Try it using example php example.php


See example.php.


foreach (['ru_RU', 'en_US', 'fr_FR', 'zh_CN', 'fa_IR'] as $locale) {
    echo $locale, PHP_EOL;

    $dtpg = new IntlDateTimePatternGenerator($locale);

    foreach (['MMMMd', 'MMMdHHmm', 'YYMMM', 'eeeeMMMMdH'] as $skeleton) {
        $pattern = $dtpg->findBestPattern($skeleton);
        $formatted = (new IntlDateFormatter($locale, 0, 0, null, null, $pattern))->format(1455111783);
        printf("  %s%s%s\n", str_pad($skeleton, 12), str_pad($pattern, 20), str_pad($formatted, 32));

  MMMMd       d MMMM              10 февраля
  MMMdHHmm    d MMM, H:mm         10 февр., 17:43
  YYMMM       LLL YY              Февр. 16
  eeeeMMMMdH  cccc, d MMMM, H     Среда, 10 февраля, 17
  MMMMd       MMMM d              February 10
  MMMdHHmm    MMM d, HH:mm        Feb 10, 17:43
  YYMMM       MMM YY              Feb 16
  eeeeMMMMdH  EEEE, MMMM d, HH    Wednesday, February 10, 17
  MMMMd       d MMMM              10 février
  MMMdHHmm    d MMM HH:mm         10 févr. 17:43
  YYMMM       MMM YY              févr. 16
  eeeeMMMMdH  EEEE d MMMM HH 'h'  mercredi 10 février 17 h
  MMMMd       M月d日            2月10日
  MMMdHHmm    M月d日 HH:mm      2月10日 17:43
  YYMMM       YY年M月           16年2月
  eeeeMMMMdH  M月d日EEEE H时   2月10日星期三 17时
  MMMMd       d LLLL              ۱۰ فوریه
  MMMdHHmm    d LLL،‏ H:mm     ۱۰ فوریه،‏ ۱۷:۴۳
  YYMMM       MMM YY G            فوریهٔ ۱۶ م.
  eeeeMMMMdH  EEEE d LLLL،‏ H  چهارشنبه ۱۰ فوریه،‏ ۱۷