This guide contains instructions for migration from Wultra Mobile Token SDK for Android version 1.4.x
to version 1.5.x
All API calls based on listener interfaces are now deprecated and you can now use the new callbacks returning Result<T>
as a replacement.
Deprecated functions in IOperationsService
fun getLastOperationsResult(): OperationsResult?
- Replace with
- Replace with
fun getOperations(listener: IGetOperationListener?)
- Replace with
fun getOperations(callback: (result: Result<List<UserOperation>>) -> Unit)
- Replace with
fun getHistory(authentication: PowerAuthAuthentication, listener: IGetHistoryListener)
- Replace with
fun getHistory(authentication: PowerAuthAuthentication, callback: (result: Result<List<OperationHistoryEntry>>) -> Unit)
- Replace with
fun authorizeOperation(operation: IOperation, authentication: PowerAuthAuthentication, listener: IAcceptOperationListener)
- Replace with
fun authorizeOperation(operation: IOperation, authentication: PowerAuthAuthentication, callback: (result: Result<Unit>) -> Unit)
- Replace with
fun rejectOperation(operation: IOperation, reason: RejectionReason, listener: IRejectOperationListener)
- Replace with
fun rejectOperation(operation: IOperation, reason: RejectionReason, callback: (result: Result<Unit>) -> Unit)
- Replace with
Deprecated functions in IPushService
fun register(fcmToken: String, listener: IPushRegisterListener)
- Replace with
fun register(fcmToken: String, callback: (result: Result<Unit>) -> Unit)
- Replace with
Deprecated interfaces and classes:
interface IAcceptOperationListener
interface IRejectOperationListener
interface IGetOperationListener
interface IGetHistoryListener
interface IPushRegisterListener
abstract class OperationsResult
data class SuccessOperationsResult
data class ErrorOperationsResult