Releases: wtsi-npg/bambi
Releases · wtsi-npg/bambi
release 0.9.8
Bug fix: chrsplit function now adds PG lines to output BAM/CRAM header
Bug fix: Handle empty BAM files (bamit)
Bug fix: remove old RG lines before adding new ones (decode)
Handle separators in tag indexes
decode function refactored to work with read groups instead of individual read records (#53)
new read2tags function for extracting sequence and quality ranges from reads and assigning them to auxiliary tags
Implemented 'bambi chrsplit' for SplitBamByChromosome
Implemented 'bambi select' for alignment filtering
Add option to concatenate indexes, optionally with a '-'
release 0.9.3
changes to metrics file output for backwards compatibility (tag#0: no tag name, and perfect_matches pf_perfect matches set to 0)
release 0.9.2
include merge tag function for dual indexes
bug fix for bam_aux_update_str()
release 0.9.1
i2b - added support for multiple barcode and quality tags