- Step1: Download the driver
git clone https://github.com/UCTRONICS/UCTRONICS_LCD35_HDMI_RPI.git
- Step2: Go to the driver path
sed -i -e 's/\r$//' *.sh
chmod +x *.sh
- Step4: install the driver
sudo ./install_uc_touch_0.sh
sudo ./install_uc_touch_180.sh
- Step1: Install calibration software
sudo ./calibrateToolInstall.sh
- Step2: Calibration screen
- Rotation 0
./calibration_uc_touch_0.sh /dev/input/event1
./calibration_uc_touch_180.sh /dev/input/event1
/dev/input/event1 is the input node of the touch screen, the user needs to view his own touch screen input node
- Step3: Tap the five dots on the screen in sequence and wait for the restart
cd UCTRONICS_HSLCD35/Octoprint
sudo chmod +x UCTRONICS_HSLCD35_SHOW
- Notice: When the rotation button is pressed, the touch driver does not support synchronous rotation.
You should install the touch driver mannually.