ALWAYS returns a promise. Doesn't matter whether service is created synchronously or asynchronously since container will convert it to a promise either way.
class EmailRenderer {}
// service might be created in synchronous way but container converts it to a promise
const renderer = container.get('EmailRenderer');
assert.ok(renderer instanceof Promise);
container.definitionWithFactory('EmailSender', async () => {
const mailer = new NodeMailer();
// establish connection before returning mailer instance
await mailer.connectToSMTP();
return mailer;
const sender = container.get('EmailSender');
assert.ok(sender instanceof Promise);
All services are created only once. alpha-dic does not support scopes just yet. If you have a really good use case for them please create an issue with your example.
container.definitionWithConstructor('EmailRenderer', EmailRenderer);
assert.ok(dic.get('EmailRenderer') === dic.get('EmailRenderer')); // exactly the same promise = exactly the same service