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Recording a YouTube Video

Charles Forman edited this page Dec 28, 2020 · 5 revisions

Day before

Charge batteries:

  • Follow focus batteries
  • Wireless Audio RX&TX
  • LED rim and fill light
  • Practical LED cubes
  • VR Headset & backup controller batteries
  • Phone (for teleprompter)
  • Earbuds

Clean desk

Make Outline


Set dressing:

  1. Make sure desk is clean
  2. Place items: Accent light cubes: turn off until needed.
  3. Make sure steadicam is in shot.
  4. Set computer background.


  1. Place key light to stage left by camera: warm
  2. Place rim light behind and above subject: cool
  3. Place background fill behind rim light: purple
  4. Set Desk led strip to: Orange

Setup devices:

  1. Turn on camera.
  2. Turn on TV as monitor
  3. Turn on camera slider.
  4. Battery in Follow Focus remote.
  5. Set in and out points for slider and set to loop: 30%
  6. Set monitors to: 2560x1440, 1920x1080 60hz.


  1. Make sure camera is outputting HDMI 1080p24
  2. ISO: 2500 ND: 1.6 APERTURE: 2.2


  1. Plug in Audio RX
  2. Mic Subject
  3. Open Media Express and double check audio levels

Ready to shoot:

  1. Turn on lights: Rim, BG Fill, practicals.
  2. Check focus.
  3. Check sound.
  4. Run: pacmd list-sources to make sure you have the right audio from the computer
  5. Start recording:
ffmpeg -y \
-channels 2 -raw_format yuv422p10 -format_code 23ps -f decklink -i 'DeckLink Quad HDMI Recorder (1)' -thread_queue_size 90 \
-f x11grab -framerate 60 -video_size 4480x1440 -i :1+1440,0 -thread_queue_size 90 \
-f pulse -ac 2 -i 2 \
-map 0 -c:a pcm_s16le -c:v libx264 -preset ultrafast -crf 10  ~/ \
-map 1 -map 2 -vcodec libx264 -crf 10 -preset veryfast -pix_fmt yuv420p -acodec copy ~/
  1. Double check videos: framerate ok? video? audio?
  2. Call Zach on Zoom through the phone on the teleprompter.
  3. Start recording and start the show.
  4. Be brief and keep recording to under 30 minutes.

Post Production

Back up files

  1. Copy my files to the NAS
  2. Have Zach send me his files


  1. Create new DaVinci Resolve project
  2. Import Media
  3. Create a multicam sequence
  4. Retime: Usually screens need to be moved back 4 frames


  1. Hang art on the wall
  2. Make new art
  3. Hang shelves on the wall
  4. 3d print some sculptures
  5. small logo on hoody?
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