Image Visualization Tools
pip install imgviz
# there are optional dependencies like skimage, below installs all.
pip install imgviz[all]
import imgviz
# sample data of rgb, depth, class label and instance masks
data = imgviz .data .arc2017 ()
rgb = data ["rgb" ]
gray = imgviz .rgb2gray (rgb )
# colorize depth image with JET colormap
depth = data ["depth" ]
depthviz = imgviz .depth2rgb (depth , min_value = 0.3 , max_value = 1 )
# colorize label image
class_label = data ["class_label" ]
labelviz = imgviz .label2rgb (
class_label , image = gray , label_names = data ["class_names" ], font_size = 20
# instance bboxes
bboxes = data ["bboxes" ].astype (int )
labels = data ["labels" ]
masks = data ["masks" ] == 1
captions = [data ["class_names" ][l ] for l in labels ]
maskviz = imgviz .instances2rgb (gray , masks = masks , labels = labels , captions = captions )
# tile instance masks
insviz = [
(rgb * m [:, :, None ])[b [0 ] : b [2 ], b [1 ] : b [3 ]] for b , m in zip (bboxes , masks )
insviz = imgviz .tile (imgs = insviz , border = (255 , 255 , 255 ))
insviz = imgviz .resize (insviz , height = rgb .shape [0 ])
# tile visualization
tiled = imgviz .tile (
[rgb , depthviz , labelviz , maskviz , insviz ],
shape = (1 , 5 ),
border = (255 , 255 , 255 ),
border_width = 5 ,