diff --git a/rules/rules-reviewed/camel3/camel2/component-changes.groovy.windup.xml b/rules/rules-reviewed/camel3/camel2/component-changes.groovy.windup.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a09ce0d3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rules/rules-reviewed/camel3/camel2/component-changes.groovy.windup.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+ XML Rules for Camel endpoints that have had one or more options removed
+ Authorization token was moved from uri-path to a query parameter. Use `telegram:bots?authorizationToken=myTokenHere`.
+ It's mandatory to specify key/passphrase for `ShiroSecurityPolicy`.
+ `{method}` has been removed from the mock component's assertion api.
+ `@OutHeaders` annotation has been removed. Use `@Headers` instead
+ out.body/out.header has been removed from simple language
+ out.body/out.header has been removed from simple language
+ out.body/out.header has been removed from simple language
+ `property` function has been removed from simple language. Use `exchangeProperty` instead.
+ `terser` language renamed to `hl7terser`
+ The default encryption algorithm is mandatory changed from `DES/CBC/PKCS5Padding` to null. Therefore if algorithm hasn't been set yet, it's required to set a value for it.
+ The default encryption key has been removed, so it is now mandatory to supply the key String/bytes if you are using symmetric encryption.
+ Consumer.options with `consumer.` prefix have been removed. Use options without the prefix i.e `delay` instead of `consumer.delay`
+ `org.apache.camel.processor.interceptor.Tracer` class has been removed and replaced by `org.apache.camel.Tracing`. See the documentation.
+ `org.apache.camel.processor.interceptor.DefaultTraceFormatter` class has been removed. Use `ExchangeFormatter` as described in the documentation.
+ `BacklogTracer` is no longer enabled by default in JMX. For using BacklogTracer you need to enable by setting `backlogTracing=true` on CamelContext.
+ The default signature algorithm in the XMLSecurity component has changed `SHA1WithDSA` to `SHA256withRSA`.
+ The default signature algorithm in the Crypto component has changed from `SHA1WithDSA` to `SHA256withRSA`.
+ The XSLT component has moved out of `camel-core` into `camel-xslt` and `camel-xslt-saxon`. Use `xslt-saxon` in URI as described in the documentation.
diff --git a/rules/rules-reviewed/camel3/camel2/tests/component-changes.windup.test.xml b/rules/rules-reviewed/camel3/camel2/tests/component-changes.windup.test.xml
index 240d17b81..13d7b8d8c 100644
--- a/rules/rules-reviewed/camel3/camel2/tests/component-changes.windup.test.xml
+++ b/rules/rules-reviewed/camel3/camel2/tests/component-changes.windup.test.xml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
xsi:schemaLocation="http://windup.jboss.org/schema/jboss-ruleset http://windup.jboss.org/schema/jboss-ruleset/windup-jboss-ruleset.xsd">
- ../component-changes.windup.groovy
+ ../component-changes.groovy.windup.xml../component-changes.windup.xml