All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Fixed issue with selected values not being shown in some cases
- Fixed issue with (soft-)deleted models throwing an exception when rendering field
- Fixed issue with really long fields with a lot of values not allowing removing items using X
- Added Nova Devtool (immensely improves first set-up developer experience) (huge thanks to @crynobone)
- Fixed UI issues relating to multiselect fields inside action modals
- Fixed a bug with fillIfVisible (thanks to @LorenzoAlu and @muhammadsaeedparacha)
- Fixed crash with empty belongsToMany
- Bumped minimum Nova version to 4.27 due to inner method visibility change inside Nova
- Fixed resolveDefaultValue visibility
- Fixed a bug when using show() and hide() inside dependsOn (thanks to @LorenzoAlu)
- Fixed fillIfVisible running even when the field was not visible (thanks to @puzzledmonkey)
- Improved .gitattributes to reduce vendor size
- Fixed issue with Laravel Octane observer leaks
- Fixed issue with some null default values
- Fixed Nova 4.25 support (UndefinedValue class as new default value)
- Fixed dependsOn changes not propagating further than one layer down
- Fixed unintended crash with null defaultValue
- Fixed unnecessary group labels on form view
- Added BelongsToMany default() support
- Default value should be a model or an array/collection of models
- Added Slovak language (thanks to @wamesro)
- Fixed dependsOnOptions changes not propagating further than one layer down
- Fixed PHP arrow fn usage (thanks to @Alvaro-Vidal-Azevedo-Pinheiro)
- Fixed attribute usage when filling field (thanks to @lonnylot)
- Updated packages
- Fixed multi-word resource name in belongsToMany relationship (thanks to @mrleblanc101)
- Fixed group options dark mode style issues (thanks to @mrleblanc101)
- BelongsTo resolve performance improvements
- Improved indexCharDisplayLimit support
- Updated packages
- Fixed belongsToMany detail view link styles (thanks to @mrleblanc101)
- Fixed disable state opacity (thanks to @mrleblanc101)
- Fixed missing nova-assets post-autoload command
- Fixed group options dark mode style issues
- Fixed dark mode not always applying when using
theme setting
- Added
helper function to Multiselect which allows specifying a custom key name for resource selects - Added model links support to BelongsToMany relationship field (thanks to @mrleblanc101)
- Fixed
not reacting to dependsOn changes (thanks to @mrleblanc101) - Fixed
field styles (thanks to @mrleblanc101)
- Added
to associatable request
- Nova's
- Use
(thanks to @crynobone) - Fixed UI issue with flexible content (thanks to @anand-patel)
- Updated packages
- Fixed an UI issue with border colors on dark mode
- Fixed an issue with empty model causing an exception in the
- Fixed reorder not working due to wrong vue-draggable version
- Fixed single select color in light mode
- Added ability to override option tag for form field (thanks to @gavro)
- UI compactness improvements
- Updated packages
- Made UI more compact
- Fixed clear all button overlapping with selected items
- Updated packages
- Fixed colors that broke with Nova upgrades
- Make form field class name more unique
- Fix compatibility issue with Flexible field (thanks to @alancolant)
- Fixed exception with nova-settings
- Fixed belongsTo index field
- Use Outl1ne translations loader 5.0
- Re-add support for Laravel 8.0 and PHP 8.0
NB! Namespace has changed from OptimistDigital to Outl1ne
Please rename optimistdigital/nova-multiselect-field
to outl1ne/nova-multiselect-field
in composer.json
, use version ^4.0
and run composer update
Then change use OptimistDigital\MultiselectField\Multiselect
to use Outl1ne\MultiselectField\Multiselect
. Thanks!
- Changed namespace from OptimistDigital to Outl1ne
- Fixed light/dark mode support
- Updated packages
- Fixed taggable info text colors
- Nova 4 support
- Fully compatible with light and dark modes
- Dropped Laravel 7 and 8 support
- Dropped PHP 7.X support
- Dropped Nova 3 support