This directory represents the Ministry of Magic blockchain for Use Case 2.
With potentially sensitive data, such as employment records, this blockchain is private.
This module records employment records, however, unlike muggleAuth, the credential provided to certX is encrypted and only the credential holder, i.e., Alice will have the key. In this case, she can share with her potential employers to review her credentials.
- Checks if the record exists
- If so, encrypts the record
- Sends IBC packet
to certX
# Queries the list of employment record
MoMd query employments list-record --node tcp://localhost:46657
# send an encrypted credential to certX
# unlike muggleAuth, here Alice might want to provide a reference did
# e.g. her initial application to the Quidditch team was done with did:certX:aliceQuidditch
MoMd tx employments send-eCredential employments channel-0 did:certX:aliceQuidditch 0 --node tcp://localhost:46657 --home .home --from alice
To query the encrypted credentials, please refer to certX