274 Match reference value in current cell, return as result is key given
276: @@TODO: handle CURIE prefix expansion
277 """
278 def __init__(self, k=None):
Points: 3
85 if status == 409:
86 return (status, reason, None, data)
87: #@@TODO: Create annotations for title, creator, date??
88 raise ROSRS_Error("Error creating RO", "%03d %s"%(status, reason), httpsession.baseuri())
Points: 2
63 </html>
64 """ % values
65: # @@TODO: with Django 1.6, can also set reason string
66 return HttpResponse(responsebody, status=values['status'])
Points: 1
146 log.info("Evaluate RO %s, minim %s, target %s, purpose %s"%(RO,minim,target,purpose))
147 # create rometa object
148: # @@TODO: use proper configuration and credentials
149 ROparse = urlparse.urlparse(RO)
150 rosrs_uri = (ROparse.scheme or "http") + "://" + (ROparse.netloc or "localhost:8000") + "/"
Points: 3
147 if status == 409:
148 return (status, reason, None, data)
149: #@@TODO: Create annotations for title, creator, date??
150 raise self.error("Error creating RO", "%03d %s"%(status, reason))
Points: 5
421 returns: (status, reason)
422 """
423: assert False, "@@TODO Not fully implemented - need to GET current annotation and extract annotated resource to resuri"
424 (status, reason) = self.updateROAnnotation(rouri, annuri, resuri, bodyuri)
425 return (status, reason)
Points: 3
522 def copyRO(self, oldrouri, slug):
523: assert False, "@@TODO"
524 return (status, reason, copyuri)
525 # copyuri -> Deferred(oldrouri, rotype, rostatus, newrouri)
527 def cancelCopyRO(self, copyuri):
528: assert False, "@@TODO"
529 return (status, reason)
Points: 13
531 def updateROStatus(self, rouri, rostatus):
532: assert False, "@@TODO"
533 return (status, reason, updateuri)
Points: 8
240 query = querytemplate%queryparams
241 log.debug(" - forall query: "+query)
242: ### @@TODO: Why is this failing?
243 # resp = rometa.queryAnnotations(query, initBindings=constraintbinding)
244 resp = rometa.queryAnnotations(query)
255 simplebinding[str(k)] = str(binding[k])
256 simplebinding['_count'] = len(resp)
257: # @@TODO remove this when rdflib bug resolved
258 if str(k) in ['if', 'of'] and str(binding[k])[:5] not in ["file:","http:"]:
259 # Houston, we have a problem...
Points: 5
428 Returns a graph node for the supplied type and value
429 """
430: #@@TODO: construct appropriately typed RDF literals
431 if atype == "resource":
432 return rdflib.URIRef(getResourceNameString(ro_config, aval))
443 atype is one of "string", "resource", ...
444 """
445: #@@TODO: deal with appropriately typed RDF literals
446 if atype == "resource" or isinstance(aval,rdflib.URIRef):
447 return '<' + str(aval) + '>'
Points: 5
371 print " uri: %(rouri)s" % rodict
372 print " description: %(rodescription)s" % rodict
373: # @@TODO: add ROEVO information
374 return 0
Points: 5 (What needs to be added?)
250 which are replaced by values from matched queries, or other values. The exact values availabl;e for substitution vary with the rule type, but in the case of <b>ForEach:</b> rules, the query variables from a query match are available to a corresponding <b>Fail:</b> message.
252: @@TODO - list other message substitution variables
Points: 3
55 # minim URI of minim model for which evaluation has been performed
56 #
57: # @@TODO:
58 # Consider refactoring this to follow the report/altreport pattern used for
59 # generating result label text
68 # Define values for display with common error cases.
69: # @@TODO: This should really be a separate mixin. Needs fleshing out.
70 def errorvalues(self, status, reason, message):
71 return (
Points: 2
31 def doQuery(rometa, queryPattern, queryVerb=None, resultMod="", queryPrefixes=None, initBindings=None):
32: # @@TODO - factor out query construction from various places below to use this
33 querytemplate = (make_sparql_prefixes(queryPrefixes or [])+
34 """
131 log.info("evaluate: %s %s %s"%(r['level'],str(r['uri']),r['seq']))
132 if 'datarule' in r:
133: # @@TODO: factor to separate function?
134 # (This is a deprecated form, as it locks the rule to a particular resource)
135 satisfied = rometa.roManifestContains( (rouri, ORE.aggregates, r['datarule']['aggregates']) )
137 log.debug("- %s: %s"%(repr((rouri, ORE.aggregates, r['datarule']['aggregates'])), satisfied))
138 elif 'softwarerule' in r:
139: # @@TODO: factor to separate function
140 cmnd = r['softwarerule']['command']
141 resp = r['softwarerule']['response']
Points: 5
42 status = ro_command.check_command_args(progname, options, args)
43 if status != 0: return status
44: #@@TODO: refactor to use command/usage table in rocommand for dispatch
45 if args[1] == "help":
46 status = ro_command.help(progname, args)
186 Returns exit status.
187 """
188: # @@TODO: robase is ignored: remove parameter here and from all calls
189 (options, args) = parseCommandArgs(argv)
190 if not options or options.debug:
Points: 5 (need to scan for calls)
302 (predicate,valtype) = getAnnotationByName(ro_config, attrname)
303 val = attrvalue and makeAnnotationValue(ro_config, attrvalue, valtype)
304: #@@TODO refactor common code with getRoAnnotations, etc.
305 add_annotations = []
306 remove_annotations = []
354 subject = ro_manifest.getComponentUri(ro_dir, rofile)
355 (predicate,valtype) = getAnnotationByName(ro_config, attrname)
356: #@@TODO refactor common code with getRoAnnotations, etc.
357 for ann_node in ro_graph.subjects(predicate=RO.annotatesAggregatedResource, object=subject):
358 ann_uri = ro_graph.value(subject=ann_node, predicate=AO.body)
391 subject = ro_manifest.getComponentUri(ro_dir, rofile)
392 log.debug("getFileAnnotations: %s"%str(subject))
393: #@@TODO refactor common code with getRoAnnotations, etc.
394 for ann_node in ro_graph.subjects(predicate=RO.annotatesAggregatedResource, object=subject):
395 ann_uri = ro_graph.value(subject=ann_node, predicate=AO.body)
409 log.debug("getAllAnnotations %s"%str(ro_dir))
410 ro_graph = ro_manifest.readManifestGraph(ro_dir)
411: #@@TODO refactor common code with getRoAnnotations, etc.
412 for (ann_node, subject) in ro_graph.subject_objects(predicate=RO.annotatesAggregatedResource):
413 ann_uri = ro_graph.value(subject=ann_node, predicate=AO.body)
Points: 3
303 raise
304 # Create manifest file
305: # @@TODO: create in-memory graph and serialize that
306 manifestfilename = os.path.join(manifestdir, ro_settings.MANIFEST_FILE)
307 log.debug("manifestfilename: " + manifestfilename)
Points: 2
380 return
382: # @@TODO Add test cases for software environment rule pass/fail, based on previous
383 def annotateWfRo(self, testbase, rodir):
384 """
508 return
510: # @@TODO Add test cases for liveness test
512 def testEvaluateMissing(self):
Points: 3
129 def testAnnotateKeywords(self):
130: self.annotateTest("keywords", "foo,bar", DCTERMS.subject, "foo,bar") #@@TODO: make multiples
131 return
141 def testAnnotateCreated(self):
142: #@@TODO: use for creation date/time of file
143 created = "2011-09-14T12:00:00"
144 self.annotateTest("created", created, DCTERMS.created, created)
159 return
161: # @@TODO: Test use of CURIE as type
163 def annotateMultiple(self, rodir, rofile, annotations):
478 # Test display of annotations for entire RO
480: # @@TODO: Test annotations shown in RO listing
482 # Sentinel/placeholder tests
Points: 8
263 attrdict = {
264 "type": rdflib.Literal("Research Object"),
265: # @@TODO: handle lists "keywords": ["test", "research", "object"],
266 "description": rdflib.Literal("Test research object"),
267 "format": rdflib.Literal("application/vnd.wf4ever.ro"),
280 attrpropdict = {
281 "type": DCTERMS.type,
282: # @@TODO "keywords": DCTERMS.subject,
283 "description": DCTERMS.description,
284 "format": DCTERMS.format,
Points: 5
101 attrdict = {
102 "type": rdflib.Literal("Research Object"),
103: # @@TODO: handle lists "keywords": ["test", "research", "object"],
104 "description": rdflib.Literal("Test research object"),
105 "format": rdflib.Literal("application/vnd.wf4ever.ro"),
116 attrpropdict = {
117 "type": DCTERMS.type,
118: # @@TODO "keywords": DCTERMS.subject,
119 "description": DCTERMS.description,
120 "format": DCTERMS.format,
Points: 5
148 self.assertEqual(reason, "OK")
149 self.assertEqual(headers["content-type"], "application/zip")
150: # @@TODO test content of zip (data)?
151 return
492 self.assertIn(bodyuri1, buris1)
493 # Update annotation using external body reference
494: # @@TODO - this doesn't check that old annotation is removed.
495: # @@TODO - currently, update is not fully implemented (2013-05).
496 bodyuri2 = rdflib.URIRef("http://example.org/ext/ann2.rdf")
497 (status, reason, annuri) = self.rosrs.createROAnnotationExt(rouri, resuri, bodyuri2)
Points: 8
624 , '''<span class="testresult">minimally satisfies</span> checklist for'''
625 , '''<span class="testpurpose">Runnable</span>.'''
626: # , '''<p>This Research Object @@TODO.</p>'''
627 , '''</th>'''
628 , '''</tr>'''
Points: 2
Points: 5
Points: 3
Points: 5
Points: 2
- See: http://www.wf4ever-project.org/wiki/display/docs/Integrity+and+Authenticity+component
- Target specification is very error prone
- Error handling when target not found is poor
Points: 5
Points: 8
Points: 3
Points: 3
Points: 2
(done for eval checklist; annotations, list todo)
Points: 2
Points: 8
And for replay, a further 5 points?
Points: 5
Points: 34 (needs speccing and test cases)
If the same target is evaluated using the same model in the context of two different ROs, with different results, the resulting combined graph is ambiguous. An additional node is needed to create a 3-way satisfaction relation between RO, target, minim. Fix, I think is to introduce a result node to replace ResearchObject, then have link from RO to the result node (or maybe the other way round).
Points: 13
Points: 210
Days: 26 @ 8 points/day
Points: 112
Days: 14 @ 8 points/day
Points: 98
Days: 12 @ 8 points/day