Install nodeenv globally. For instructions installing it locally, see:
$ cd ~
$ sudo pip install nodeenv
Create a place for your We Vote React Native virtual environment to live on your hard drive. (If you have already installed the We Vote WebApp you should be able to use the existing environment you set up for that.) We recommend installing it away from the WeVoteReactNative source code:
$ mkdir /Users/<YOUR NAME HERE>/NodeEnvironments/
$ cd /Users/<YOUR NAME HERE>/NodeEnvironments/
Now create a new virtual environment in that 'NodeEnvironments' folder. This can take many minutes.
$ nodeenv WebAppEnv
Now activate this new virtual environment:
$ cd /Users/<YOUR NAME HERE>/NodeEnvironments/WebAppEnv/
$ . bin/activate
Confirm the versions of your main packages are >= to these versions:
(WebAppEnv) $ node -v
(WebAppEnv) $ npm -v
IF you find that your node or npm versions are below that, run this command:
(WebAppEnv) $ sudo npm install -g npm
(WebAppEnv) $ npm rebuild node-sass
(WebAppEnv) $ brew unlink node
(WebAppEnv) $ brew install node
Many of the instructions below come from the React Native Getting Started page. We recommend referencing starting there. The notes that follow here are to supplement the Getting Started page.
Create a place to put all of the code from Github:
$ mkdir /Users/<YOUR NAME HERE>/MyProjects/