git clone [email protected]:pai_biz_arch/easy-rec.git
git submodule init
git submodule update
python git-lfs/ pull
# 运行测试用例确保通过
sh scripts/
EasyRec使用 Protocol Buffer 定义配置文件格式。
# easy_rec/python/protos/custom_model.proto
package protos;
import "easy_rec/python/protos/dnn.proto";
message CustomModel {
required DNN dnn = 1;
required float dense_regularization = 6 [default=1e-4];
- import custom_model.proto
- 在oneof model里面增加CustomModel
package protos;
import "easy_rec/python/protos/deepfm.proto";
import "easy_rec/python/protos/custom_model.proto"
message EasyRecModel {
required string model_class = 1;
// actually input layers, each layer produce a group of feature
repeated FeatureGroupConfig feature_groups = 2;
// model parameters
oneof model {
DummyModel dummy = 3;
WideAndDeep wide_and_deep = 4;
DeepFM deepfm = 5;
MultiTower multi_tower = 6;
CustomModel custom_model = 7;
sh scripts/
- 一般都继承自EasyRecModel,在调用super(CustomModel, self).__init__的过程中会构建以下对象,因此子类中不需要再构建下面的对象
self._base_model_config = model_config
# will be override by subclass
self._model_config = model_config
self._is_training = is_training
self._feature_dict = features
self._feature_configs = feature_configs
self._emb_reg = regularizers.l2_regularizer(self.embedding_regularization)
self._labels = labels
# will be filled by build_predict_graph function, which is implemented in subclass
# and will be used by EasyRec framework
self._prediction_dict = {}
# will be filled by build_loss_graph function, which is implemented in subclass
# and will used by EasyRec framework for calculating gradients, and do back propagation.
self._loss_dict = {}
- 如果是Rank模型,则推荐继承自RankModel
- 可以复用RankModel的build_predict_graph和build_loss_graph
- 可以利用RankModel中实现的_add_to_prediction_dict把build_predict_graph中DNN的输出加入到self._prediction_dict中,具体参考DeepFM和MultiTower的实现。
- model_config: 模型配置, easy_rec.python.protos.easy_rec_model_pb2.EasyRecModel对象
- model_config.custom_model: easy_rec.python.protos.custom_model_pb2.CustomModel对象,是模型特有的参数
- model_config.feature_groups: 特征组,如DeepFM包含deep组和wide组,多塔算法包含user组、item组、combo组等
- feature_configs: feature column配置,使用self._input_layer可以获得经过feature_column处理过的特征
- features: 原始输入
- labels: 样本的label, 如果estimator的mode是predict或者export时, labels为None, 此时build_loss_graph不会被调用
- is_training: 是否是训练,其它状态(评估/预测)。
- 使用输入的features,使用tensorflow的函数构建深度模型,输出预测值y,预测值y放到self._prediction_dict中
- Return: self._prediction_dict
- 使用build_predict_graph函数中输出的预测值y和self._labels构建损失函数,loss tensor加入到self._loss_dict
- self._labels通常是一个tensor list,如果CustomModel继承自RankModel,那么self._labels是一个tensor
- Return: self._loss_dict
- loss会被EasyRec框架记录(tf.summary), 写入model_dir目录下的events.*文件
- eval_config: easy_rec.python.protos.eval_pb2.EvalConfig:
- 一般根据其中的metric_sets来确定要计算哪些metric
- 使用build_predict_graph函数中输出的预测值y和self._labels构建metric op
- Return: dict of {"metric_name" : metric_tensor }
- metric会被EasyRec框架记录(tf.summary), 写入model_dir目录下的events.*文件
# easy_rec/python/model/
import os
import sys
import six
import tensorflow as tf
if tf.__version__ >= "2.0":
tf = tf.compat.v1
from easy_rec.python.model.easy_rec_model import EasyRecModel
from easy_rec.python.feature_column.feature_column import FeatureColumnParser
from easy_rec.python.protos.deepfm_pb2 import DeepFM as DeepFMConfig
from easy_rec.python.compat import regularizers
from easy_rec.python.protos.easy_rec_model_pb2 import LossType
class CustomModel(EasyRecModel):
def __init__(
self, model_config, feature_configs, features, labels=None, is_training=False
model_config: easy_rec.python.protos.easy_rec_model_pb2.EasyRecModel
model_config.custom_model is instance of:
feature_configs: a collection of easy_rec.python.protos.feature_config.FeatureConfig
features: dict of feature tensors, which are described by easy_rec.python.protos.DatasetConfig.input_fields
labels: dict of labels tensors, which are described by easy_rec.python.protos.DatasetConfig.label_fields
super(CustomModel, self).__init__(
model_config, feature_configs, features, labels, is_training
use feature columns to build complex features from input
use self._input_layer to build features from feature_configs:
self._ctxt_features are a single tensor, where the all features are concatentated into one,
self._ctxt_feature_list is a list of tensors, each feature_config lead to one tensor.
self._ctxt_features, self._ctxt_feature_lst = self._input_layer(
self._feature_dict, "ctxt"
self._user_features, self._user_feature_lst = self._input_layer(
self._feature_dict, "user"
self._item_features, self._item_feature_lst = self._input_layer(
self._feature_dict, "item"
The ctxt, user, item corresponds to 3 feature_groups defined in model_config.feature_groups:
"ctxt", "user", "item" are the feature_group names.
It is suggested to use the feature_configs to build features.
But if the feature_configs could not satified your requirements, you can use tensorflow
functions to process the raw inputs in features.
# do some other initializing work
def build_predict_graph(self):
# build forward graph
self._prediction_dict["y"] = y
# it is necessary to return the prediction_dict, which is required by EasyRecEstimator
return self._prediction_dict
def build_loss_graph(self):
assert self._model_config.loss_type == LossType.CLASSIFICATION
loss = ...
self._loss_dict["custom_loss"] = loss
return self._loss_dict
def build_metric_graph(self, eval_config):
metric_dict = {}
for metric in eval_config.metrics_set:
if metric.WhichOneof("metric") == "auc":
metric_dict["auc"] = tf.metrics.auc(
self._labels[0], self._prediction_dict["y"]
return metric_dict
- build_loss_graph
- build_metric_graph
# 训练数据和测试文件路径, 支持多个文件,匹配规则参考glob
train_input_path: "data/test/tb_data/taobao_train_data"
eval_input_path: "data/test/tb_data/taobao_test_data"
# 模型保存路径
model_dir: "experiments/custom_model_ctr/"
# 数据相关的描述
data_config {
# 特征相关
feature_configs : {
feature_configs : {
# 训练相关的参数
train_config {
# 评估相关
eval_config {
# 模型相关
model_config: {
model_class: 'CustomModel'
feature_groups: {
group_name: 'wide'
feature_names: 'field[1-20]'
wide_deep: WIDE
feature_groups: {
group_name: 'deep'
feature_names: 'field[1-20]'
wide_deep: DEEP
# you can define any groups, and use it in your model
feature_groups: {
group_name: 'user'
feature_names: 'field[5-10]'
wide_deep: DEEP
custom_model {
# specify the params defined in easy_rec/python/protos/custom_model.proto
embedding_regularization: 1e-5
python -m easy_rec.python.train_eval --pipeline_config_path samples/model_config/custom_model.config
def test_custom_model(self):
self._success = test_utils.test_single_train_eval(
python -m easy_rec.python.test.train_eval_test TrainEvalTest.test_custom_model
python git-lfs/ add data/test/your_data_files
python git-lfs/ push
git add easy_rec/python/model/
git add samples/model_config/custom_model.config
git add easy_rec/python/protos/custom_model.proto
git commit -a -m "add custom model"
git push origin your_branch