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+# Decentralized pallet-staking Audit Too
+- **Team Name:** Mark Van de Vyver [PhD](https://www.student.uwa.edu.au/course/award-verification-service?family=vyver&family_partial=on&given=mark&given_partial=on&search=Search)
+- **Payment Address:** 15WoVugRLfBAogS1FBmhzxVv8WZqZK1z4KKHALijTZfdVcCm (USDT)
+- **[Level](https://github.com/w3f/Grants-Program/tree/master#level_slider-levels):** 3
+## Project Overview :page_facing_up:
+### Overview
+A decentralized tool (Excel/OpenOffice workbook) to allow developers, journalists/bloggers, business analysts, regulators and users to confirm the proper functioning of a program of
+1. staked token rewards, and
+1. non-staked token dilution.
+- Brief description: A Excel/OpenOffice workbook that validates the staking metrics of a relay chain.
+- Substrate / Polkadot / Kusama integration: The workbook will be submitted to the [pallet-staking](https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk/tree/master/substrate/frame/staking) repository. The implementation will be Polkadot specific, but the workbook structure and detail will be extensible by other developers as they implement a staking program.
+- Motivation: See [below](#motivation).
+#### Description
+The tool (Excel/OpenOffice workbook) targets `pallet-staking`. Polkadot staking rewards will be used as a PoC of how users of the staking pallet can create an audit tool. The workbook will be dual Apache 2.0 & MIT licensed, so developers are free to adapt and extend it as they see fit. As a decentralized tool, apart from trying to escape the surveillance business models, I will provide an Excel/OpenOffice/LibreOffice workbook.
+The idea is that a relay chain that uses pallet-staking distributes their implementation of this tool as part of their toolchain.
+This tool/workbook treats the running code or blockchain data as the source of truth. Under this premise, user inputs to the workbook are flagged as incorrect.
+##### Pallet Integration
+The workbook, containing the Polkadot PoC, will be submitted to the [pallet-staking](https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk/tree/master/substrate/frame/staking). If that PR is declined, the github repository for this project will be available.
+##### Quality Assurance
+The data ETL scripts will be tested using [bats (Bash automated testing system)](https://bats-core.readthedocs.io/en/stable/).
+The worksheets will have internal consistency checks. An example summary of such checks is:
+#### Motivation
+[The silent 25% change in Polkadot staking rewards when the runtime was upgraded to v9340 (Jan 13/14 2023)](https://forum.polkadot.network/t/change-in-stake-rewards-rate-2023-jan-13-and-14/2387).
+There are some contradictions between public descriptions of the staking rewards available, and the rewards paid.
+Specifically, [this page](https://wiki.polkadot.network/docs/learn-staking-advanced#inflation) suggests expecting staking returns of **at least 20%** when the staking level is 50% or lower:
+While [this page](https://polkadot.network/features/staking/) shows the current, realized, staking return is **less than 16%**, for a staking level of 44%:
+This suggests there is a need for an audit tool that allows a user to articulate their understanding of the state of the runtime of a relaychain. And then verify those expectations are met using data from the blockchain.
+In addition, it is desireable this tool:
+- be decentralized i.e. run on a user desktop, not a (centralized) web site;
+- be accessible to any journalist/blogger, business analyst, regulator or like minded user tasked with validating and/or monitoring the performance/state of a relaychain;
+- be extendable by any user with minimal script/macro skills;
+- store data such that it is accessible outside of the workbook.
+### Project Details
+- Documentation
+ - Collate
+ - `pallet-staking`, `pallet-staking-reward-curve`, and `pallet-session` descriptions and details
+ - Various Wiki [descriptions](https://wiki.polkadot.network/docs/maintain-guides-validator-payout) and [details]()
+ - W3F [documentation](https://research.web3.foundation/Polkadot/overview/token-economics)
+ - StackExchange posts. Examples:
+ - [here]()
+ - [here](https://substrate.stackexchange.com/questions/2015/how-to-obtain-the-staking-amount-for-non-active-validators)
+ - Synthesize
+ - Distill
+- Mockups/designs of any UI components:
+ | Component | Mockup |
+ |-------------------|-------------------|
+ | Dashboard | |
+ | Table of Contents | |
+ | Documentation | |
+ | Keys | |
+ | Setup | |
+ - Worksheets: Status, Charts, Dilution, Yield
+- Core functionality
+ - Token aggregate issuance growth vs inflation
+ - Active nominators/validators
+ - Inactive nominators/validators
+ - Unstaked
+ - Diluted vs undiluted holdings/positions
+ - Active nominators/validators
+ - Inactive nominators/validators
+ - Unstaked
+- Data models / API specifications of the
+ - Draft PoC Parquet schema
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "name": "account",
+ "data_type": "Utf8",
+ "nullable": true,
+ "dict_id": 0,
+ "dict_is_ordered": false,
+ "metadata": {}
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "amount",
+ "data_type": "UInt64",
+ "nullable": true,
+ "dict_id": 0,
+ "dict_is_ordered": false,
+ "metadata": {}
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "block_timestamp",
+ "data_type": "Int64",
+ "nullable": true,
+ "dict_id": 0,
+ "dict_is_ordered": false,
+ "metadata": {}
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "event_id",
+ "data_type": "Int64",
+ "nullable": true,
+ "dict_id": 0,
+ "dict_is_ordered": false,
+ "metadata": {}
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "era",
+ "data_type": "Utf8",
+ "nullable": true,
+ "dict_id": 0,
+ "dict_is_ordered": false,
+ "metadata": {}
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "validator_stash",
+ "data_type": "Utf8",
+ "nullable": true,
+ "dict_id": 0,
+ "dict_is_ordered": false,
+ "metadata": {}
+ }
+ ],
+ "metadata": {}
+- Technology stack
+ - subscan.io, curl/wget, jq
+ - Linux shell scripts, shellspec
+ - Parquet/DuckDb/SQLite
+ - LibreOffice
+- Documentation of:
+ - Scripts
+ - User Guide
+### Out of scope
+- Analysis, verification or correction of any game theoretic claims.
+- Analysis, verification of fitness for purpose.
+- Changes to code (test cases and code comments are in scope).
+- Changes to chain configuration settings.
+- Type consistency between the implementation and the Workbook.
+### Ecosystem Fit
+- Where and how does your project fit into the ecosystem?
+ - The tool should be useful to any user seeking to validate the staking reward and non-staking dilution policies of a relaychain.
+- Who is your target audience?
+ - Blockchain/crypto-coin journalists/bloggers, business analysts, regulators, users.
+- What need(s) does your project meet?
+ - Provides evidence about the state of the staking reward and non-staking dilution policies of a relaychain.
+- Are there any other projects similar to yours in the Substrate / Polkadot / Kusama ecosystem?
+ - No
+- Are there similar projects in related ecosystems
+ - Not that I am aware of.
+## Team :busts_in_silhouette
+### Team members
+- Mark Van de Vyver, [PhD](https://www.student.uwa.edu.au/course/award-verification-service?family=vyver&family_partial=on&given=mark&given_partial=on&search=Search)
+### Contact
+- **Contact Name:** Mark Van de Vyver, [PhD](https://www.student.uwa.edu.au/course/award-verification-service?family=vyver&family_partial=on&given=mark&given_partial=on&search=Search)
+- **Contact Email:**
+### Legal Structure
+- **Registered Address:** 9681 41st St NE, Saint Michael, MN 55376
+- **Registered Legal Entity:** Begley Brothers Inc.
+### Team's experience
+- Mark Van de Vyver, [PhD](https://www.student.uwa.edu.au/course/award-verification-service?family=vyver&family_partial=on&given=mark&given_partial=on&search=Search)
+ Expertise is in financial economics, mathematical statistics and implementation in both domains.
+ - Commercial:
+ - CourseAccess - with John Chionglo (CA), circa 1997. University class scheduling, course grade and materials management web site. When `htc` and `idx` files were a thing. Used by Dr. David Walsh to manage Financial Management course. That is, 300+ students served from a (dual!) Pentium-Pro.
+ - Taqtiqa - Solo, circa 2009-11. Rode the AWS and devops wave. Negotiated commercial and academic use licenses with NYSE.
+ - [Participant](https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1835-2561.2002.tb00191.x) in the Investment and Financial Services Association (IFSA) debate on expensing employee stock options.
+ - Technical:
+ - Thesis topics: Generalized AutoRegressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (GARCH) option pricing and derivation of the asymptotic distribution of the deviance statistic, and related functions (estimators). Awarded Distinction.
+ - Supervisor: [Prof Ross Maller](https://web.archive.org/web/20230605043356/https://researchers.anu.edu.au/researchers/maller-ra).
+ - Examiners:
+ - [Prof Peter Brockwell](https://web.archive.org/web/20230731032804/https://dl.acm.org/profile/81100472556),
+ - [Prof Charl Chiarella](https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jedc.2018.06.001),
+ - [Prof Jin-Chuan Duan](https://web.archive.org/web/20230131093512/https://d.nuscri.org/profiles/duanjc/).
+ - Market microstructure; [Corporate Finance](https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1835-2561.2002.tb00191.x); Investment Management; [Econometrics](http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1368-423X.t01-1-00090).
+ - Wrote a distributed computing screen saver for thesis calculations. Deployed across 400+ student laboratory computers; Served from dual Pentium-Pro (Win/NT 3/4).
+ - Rust; Ruby; Julia; Python; MPI/MPICH;
+ - Post-Doctoral Research Positions:
+ - Financial Engineering Group, Centre of Advanced European Studies and Research. Bonn, Germany.
+ - Centre of Expertise in Computational Finance, Cooperative Research Centre for Technology-Enabled Capital Markets, University of Technology, Sydney.
+ - Open Source:
+ - HTTP://GITHUB.COM/BEGLEYBROTHERS/IGNITE.CHEF - Chef Library Cookbook to manage Weaveworks Ingite.
+ - HTTP://GITHUB.COM/BEGLEYBROTHERS/OCIX - Cross compile toolchains in Open Container Initiative images.
+ - HTTP://GITHUB.COM/JLENV - Robust Julia version and environment management: Bash and Chef.
+ - W3F:
+ - Grant: [Token-economics survey (2022)](https://github.com/w3f/Grants-Program/blob/master/applications/tokenomics-survey-2022.md)
+ - RFP: [Designing UpChain: a framework for securing Substrate runtime upgrades and Substrate network upgrades](https://github.com/w3f/Grants-Program/pull/1309)
+### Team Code Repos
+### Team LinkedIn Profiles (if available)
+## Development Status :open_book
+- [The unannounced Polkadot staking rewards change when the runtime was upgraded to v9340 (Jan 13/14 2023)](https://forum.polkadot.network/t/change-in-stake-rewards-rate-2023-jan-13-and-14/2387).
+## Development Roadmap :nut_and_bolt
+### Development Overview
+- **Total Estimated Duration:** 4 months
+- **Full-Time Equivalent (FTE):** 0.8 FTE
+- **Total Costs:** 75,000 USD
+### Milestone 1 — Spec. research, data scripts and tests
+- **Estimated duration:** 1 month
+- **FTE:** 0.8 FTE
+- **Costs:** 25,000 USD
+| Number | Deliverable | Specification |
+| -----: | ----------- | ------------- |
+| **0a.** | License | Dual Apache 2.0, MIT |
+| **0b.** | Documentation | Collate `pallet-staking`, `pallet-staking-reward-curve`, and `pallet-session` descriptions and details. Various Wiki [descriptions](https://wiki.polkadot.network/docs/maintain-guides-validator-payout) and [details](). W3F [documentation](https://research.web3.foundation/Polkadot/overview/token-economics). StackExchange posts: [here]() and [here](https://substrate.stackexchange.com/questions/2015/how-to-obtain-the-staking-amount-for-non-active-validators). English language, markdown format.|
+| **0c.** | Testing & Guide | Data ETL test framework scaffolding. In the user guide, we will describe how to run these tests. |
+| **0d.** | Docker | We will provide a Dockerfile(s) that can be used to test all the functionality delivered with this milestone. |
+| 0e. | User Guide | We will publish a document that explains how to use the audit tool. English language, markdown format (Overleaf).|
+| 1.a | Draft user guide: Skeleton | User guide structure. English language, markdown format (Overleaf). |
+| 1.b | Draft user guide: Dashboard | Dashboard descriptions. English language, markdown format (Overleaf). |
+| 1.c | Draft user guide: Data ETL | Data script descriptions. English language, markdown format (Overleaf). |
+| 1.d | Draft user guide: Testing | Test script descriptions. English language, markdown format (Overleaf). |
+| 1.e | Draft workbook: Skeleton | Workbook structure. English language, OpenOffice/LibreOffice format. |
+| 1.f | Draft workbook: Dashboard | Workbook dashboard sheets structure. English language, OpenOffice/LibreOffice format. |
+| 1.g | Draft workbook: Data ETL | Workbook data sheets structure. English language, OpenOffice/LibreOffice format. |
+| 1.h | Documentation issues & PRs | Open and engage in documentation related issues and PRs. The scope is to align any documentation with the code. |
+| 1.i | Implementation issues & PRs | Open and engage in implementation related issues and PRs. These will be limited to test cases and code comments.|
+### Milestone 2 — Audit workbook and user guide
+- **Estimated duration:** 1 month
+- **FTE:** 0.8 FTE
+- **Costs:** 20,000 USD
+| Number | Deliverable | Specification |
+| -----: | ----------- | ------------- |
+| **0a.** | License | Dual Apache 2.0, MIT |
+| **0b.** | Documentation | Synthesize collated staking/dilution documentation. English language, markdown format.|
+| **0c.** | Testing and Testing Guide | Core functions will be fully covered by comprehensive unit tests to ensure functionality and robustness. In the guide, we will describe how to run these tests. |
+| **0d.** | Docker | We will provide a Dockerfile(s) that can be used to test all the functionality delivered with this milestone. |
+| 0e. | User Guide | A **document** that explains how to use the audit workbook. English language, PDF format (Overleaf). |
+| 1.a | Draft user guide: Skeleton | User guide structure. English language, markdown format (Overleaf). |
+| 1.b | Draft user guide: Dashboard | Dashboard descriptions. English language, markdown format (Overleaf). |
+| 1.c | Draft user guide: Data ETL | Data script descriptions. English language, markdown format (Overleaf). |
+| 1.d | Draft user guide: Staking | Staking descriptions. English language, markdown format (Overleaf). |
+| 1.e | Draft user guide: Dilution | Dilution descriptions. English language, markdown format (Overleaf). |
+| 1.f | Draft user guide: Testing | Test script descriptions. English language, markdown format. |
+| 1.g | Draft workbook: Skeleton | Workbook structure. English language, OpenOffice/LibreOffice format. |
+| 1.h | Draft workbook: Dashboard | Workbook dashboard sheets structure. English language, OpenOffice/LibreOffice format. |
+| 1.i | Draft workbook: Data | Workbook data sheets structure. English language, OpenOffice/LibreOffice format. |
+| 1.j | Draft workbook: Staking | Workbook staking logic. English language, OpenOffice/LibreOffice format. |
+| 1.k | Draft workbook: Dilution | Workbook dilution logic. English language, OpenOffice/LibreOffice format. |
+| 1.l | Documentation issues & PRs | Open and engage in documentation related issues and PRs. The scope is to align any documentation with the code. |
+| 1.m | Implementation issues & PRs | Open and engage in implementation related issues and PRs. These will be limited to test cases and code comments.|
+### Milestone 3 — Audit workbook and user guide
+- **Estimated duration:** 1 month
+- **FTE:** 0.8 FTE
+- **Costs:** 20,000 USD
+| Number | Deliverable | Specification |
+| -----: | ----------- | ------------- |
+| **0a.** | License | Dual Apache 2.0, MIT |
+| **0b.** | Documentation | We will provide both **inline documentation** of the code and a basic **tutorial** that explains how a user can (for example) spin up one of our Substrate nodes and send test transactions, which will show how the new functionality works. |
+| **0c.** | Testing and Testing Guide | Core functions will be fully covered by comprehensive unit tests to ensure functionality and robustness. In the guide, we will describe how to run these tests. |
+| **0d.** | Docker | We will provide a Dockerfile(s) that can be used to test all the functionality delivered with this milestone. |
+| 1.a | Finalized user guide: Dashboard | Dashboard descriptions. English language, markdown format (Overleaf). |
+| 1.b | Finalized user guide: Data ETL | Data script descriptions. English language, markdown format (Overleaf). |
+| 1.c | Finalized user guide: Staking | Staking descriptions. English language, markdown format (Overleaf). |
+| 1.d | Finalized user guide: Dilution | Dilution descriptions. English language, markdown format (Overleaf). |
+| 1.e | Finalized user guide: Testing | Test script descriptions. English language, markdown format (Overleaf). |
+| 1.f | Finalized workbook: Dashboard | Workbook dashboard sheets structure. English language, OpenOffice/LibreOffice format. |
+| 1.g | Finalized workbook: Data | Workbook data sheets structure. English language, OpenOffice/LibreOffice format. |
+| 1.h | Finalized workbook: Staking | Workbook staking logic. English language, OpenOffice/LibreOffice format. |
+| 1.i | Finalized workbook: Dilution | Workbook dilution logic. English language, OpenOffice/LibreOffice format. |
+| 1.j | Finalized workbook: Charts | Workbook charts. English language, OpenOffice/LibreOffice format. |
+| 1.k | Documentation issues & PRs | Open and engage in documentation related issues and PRs. The scope is to align any documentation with the code. |
+| 1.l | Implementation issues & PRs | Open and engage in implementation related issues and PRs. These will be limited to test cases and code comments.|
+| 1.m | Staking Pallet PR | Open and engage in PR to add this tool to the Staking Pallet. |
+### Milestone 4 — Final milestone review, scope creep
+- **Estimated duration:** 1 month
+- **FTE:** 0.5 FTE
+- **Costs:** 10,000 USD
+| Number | Deliverable | Specification |
+| -----: | ----------- | ------------- |
+| **0a.** | License | Dual Apache 2.0, MIT |
+| **0b.** | Documentation | We will provide both **inline documentation** of the code and a basic **tutorial** that explains how a user can (for example) spin up one of our Substrate nodes and send test transactions, which will show how the new functionality works. |
+| **0c.** | Testing and Testing Guide | Core functions will be fully covered by comprehensive unit tests to ensure functionality and robustness. In the guide, we will describe how to run these tests. |
+| **0d.** | Docker | We will provide a Dockerfile(s) that can be used to test all the functionality delivered with this milestone. |
+| 0e. | User Guide | A **document** that explains how to use the audit workbook. English language, PDF format (Overleaf). |
+| 1.a | Reviewed user guide: Dashboard | Dashboard descriptions. English language, markdown format (Overleaf). |
+| 1.b | Reviewed user guide: Data ETL | Data script descriptions. English language, markdown format (Overleaf). |
+| 1.c | Reviewed user guide: Staking | Staking descriptions. English language, markdown format (Overleaf). |
+| 1.d | Reviewed user guide: Dilution | Dilution descriptions. English language, markdown format (Overleaf). |
+| 1.e | Reviewed user guide: Testing | Test script descriptions. English language, markdown format (Overleaf). |
+| 1.f | Reviewed workbook: Dashboard | Workbook dashboard sheets structure. English language, OpenOffice/LibreOffice format. |
+| 1.g | Reviewed workbook: Data | Workbook data sheets structure. English language, OpenOffice/LibreOffice format. |
+| 1.h | Reviewed workbook: Staking | Workbook staking logic. English language, OpenOffice/LibreOffice format. |
+| 1.i | Reviewed workbook: Dilution | Workbook dilution logic. English language, OpenOffice/LibreOffice format. |
+| 1.j | Reviewed workbook: Charts | Workbook charts. English language, OpenOffice/LibreOffice format. |
+| 1.k | Documentation issues & PRs | Open and engage in documentation related issues and PRs. |
+| 1.l | Implementation issues & PRs | Open and engage in implementation related issues and PRs. |
+| 1.m | Staking Pallet PR | Open and engage in PR to add this tool to the Staking Pallet. |
+## Future Plans
+- We intend this tool to be used to monitor Polkadot. The workbook possibly can be extended to other main-nets. The ease or difficulty of such extensions depend on the staking/slashing logic the main-net implements.
+- Possible extensions are:
+ - Kusama
+- If user interest is sufficient, port the data ETL scripts to OpenOffice macros.
+## Additional Information :heavy_plus_sign
+**How did you hear about the Grants Program?** Web3 Foundation Website
+Here you can also add any additional information that you think is relevant to this application but isn't part of it already, such as:
+- Prior art:
+ - PoC Data gathered in the course of identifying [the unannounced Polkadot staking rewards change when the runtime was upgraded to v9340 (Jan 13/14 2023)](https://forum.polkadot.network/t/change-in-stake-rewards-rate-2023-jan-13-and-14/2387).
+- Pior grants:
+ - [Tokeneconomics survey 2022](https://github.com/w3f/Grants-Program/blob/master/applications/tokenomics-survey-2022.md)