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+# Evaluation
+- **Status:** In Progress
+- **Application Document:** https://github.com/w3f/Grants-Program/blob/master/applications/dapp_wallet_integration_native_mobile_libraries.md
+- **Milestone:** 1
+- **Kusama Identity:** [ESxS4A7GHMLzve4Mbc9t27RpXtVTnV3LtcMTtcnD26jcUHA](https://polkascan.io/pre/kusama/account/ESxS4A7GHMLzve4Mbc9t27RpXtVTnV3LtcMTtcnD26jcUHA)
+- **Previously successfully merged evaluation:** All by semuelle
+| Number | Deliverable | Accepted | Link | Evaluation Notes |
+| ------ | ----------- | :------: | ---- |----------------- |
+| **0a.** | License |
| [LICENSE](https://github.com/tesseract-one/Tesseract.android/blob/b6dfe65d1306c6eeb3d4218bba07f84d4b8ddf51/LICENSE) | Apache 2.0 |
+| **0b.** | Documentation | | [README](https://github.com/tesseract-one/Tesseract.android/blob/b6dfe65d1306c6eeb3d4218bba07f84d4b8ddf51/README.md), [WALLET.MD](https://github.com/tesseract-one/Tesseract.android/blob/b6dfe65d1306c6eeb3d4218bba07f84d4b8ddf51/WALLET.MD) | — |
+| **0c.** | Testing and Testing Guide | | link | Core functions will be fully covered by unit tests to ensure functionality and robustness. In the guide, we will describe how to run these tests. |
+| **0d.** | Docker | | link | Due to the client-side nature of the deliverable, there is no need for a docker image. |
+| 0e. | Article | | link | We will publish an article that explains how Tesseract makes dApps better and how to enable Tesseract protocol support in a Polkadot wallet for Android. |
+| 1. | Wallet-side Android library | | link | The library provides Kotlin APIs for Tesseract's wallet-side |
+| 2. | Wallet-side IPC wrapper for Android | | link | Kotlin wrapper for the wallet side of Android IPC transport |
+| 3. | Wallet-side of the Test protocol in Kotlin | | link | Kotlin API for the wallet side of Tesseract Test protocol |
+| 4. | Wallet-side of the Substrate protocol in Kotlin | | link | Kotlin API for the wallet side of Tesseract Substrate protocol |
+| 5. | Android demo Wallet | | link | A demo wallet that demonstrates the Kotlin APIs usage |
+| X. | ... | | link | see [General Notes](#general-notes) |
+## General Notes
+- —