There are three ways how to connect to Nvidia Jetson from host computer: micro-usb cable connection through SSH, micro-usb cable connection through serial terminal (putty), wireless connection through SSH.
- connect usb cable from host computer to micro-usb port on DroneCore.Pilot marked as USB_DEV.
- power on board and wait till jetson boots
- open terminal on Linux host computer
- type
ssh [email protected]
(dcs_user is default username)
- enter password (default password = dronecore)
- now user is remotely connected to jetson terminal
- WIFI card with antennas must be assembled on the board. (M2 WIFI cards verified: Intel AC-9260NGW, Intel AC-8265NGW)
- power on board and wait till jetson boots
- jetson automatically creates WIFI hotspot with SSID: DCS_wifi, PASSWORD: dronecore
- find this WIFI network and connect to it from Linux host PC
- open terminal on host PC and type
ssh [email protected]
(dcs_user is default username) - enter password (default password = dronecore)
- now user is remotely connected to jetson terminal
- NOTE: if jetson is not in access-point mode but connected to existing wifi network, user must know IP address of jetson in that network and connect to this IP
ssh [email protected]
- connect usb cable from host computer to micro-usb port on DroneCore.Pilot marked as USB_DEV.
- power on board and wait till jetson boots
- open serial terminal program (putty, teraterm, gtkterm etc.) on Linux or Windows host PC
- open corresponding port (jetson is commonly identified as ttyACM0 on Ubuntu host PC)
- enter user name of user (DCS_user is default username)
- enter password (default password = dronecore)
- now user is remotely connected to jetson terminal
Changing ubuntu hostname:
execute following commands in terminal
hostnamectl set-hostname desired_hostname
sudo reboot
Changing ubuntu user-name:
execute following commands in terminal
sudo usermod -l desired_username current_username
sudo usermod -d /home/desired_username -m desired_username
sudo groupmod -n desired_username current_username
Changing ubuntu user-password:
execute following commands in terminal
For user password:
For root password:
sudo passwd
- execute following commands in terminal //add how to change automatic wifi hotspot sid/pass