- "fix SimpleHtmlDom::__construct(): Argument #1 ($node) must be of type DOMNode, null given" (thanks @frugan-dev)
- added possibility overwrite special script tags on minify process (thanks @hryvinskyi)
- fix some PHP 8.1 type errors
- use a new version of "voku/simple_html_dom" (4.8.5)
- phpstan reported errors fixed
- optimize regex for gigantic inputs
- use a new version of "voku/simple_html_dom" (4.8.4)
- remove content before "<!doctype.*>", otherwise DOMDocument cannot handle the input
- use a new version of "voku/simple_html_dom" (4.7.22)
- use a new version of "voku/simple_html_dom" (4.7.21)
- fix invalid input html
- allow to configure special comments via "setSpecialHtmlComments()"
- fix problems with self-closing-tags e.g.
- fix "domNodeClosingTagOptional()" -> fix logic of detecting next sibling dom node
- fix "domNodeClosingTagOptional()" -> do not remove "" if there is more content in the parent node
- use a new version of "voku/simple_html_dom" (4.7.16)
- add support for removing more default attributes
- add "doRemoveDefaultTypeFromButton()"
- add "doRemoveDefaultMediaTypeFromStyleAndLinkTag()"
- add "doRemoveDeprecatedTypeFromStyleAndLinkTag()"
- add "overwriteTemplateLogicSyntaxInSpecialScriptTags()"
- use a new version of "voku/simple_html_dom" (4.7.15)
- add "isHTML4()"
- add "isXHTML()"
- fix "remove deprecated script-mime-types"
- use a new version of "voku/simple_html_dom" (4.7.13)
- add "doKeepHttpAndHttpsPrefixOnExternalAttributes(bool)": keep http:// and https:// prefix for external links | thanks @abuyoyo
- add "doMakeSameDomainsLinksRelative(string[] $localDomains)": make the local domains relative | thanks @abuyoyo
- optimized "optgroup"-html compressing
- use a new version of "voku/simple_html_dom" (4.7.12)
- add "doRemoveHttpsPrefixFromAttributes()": remove optional "https:"-prefix from attributes (depends on "doOptimizeAttributes(true)")
- fix: too many single white spaces are removed
- fix: fix regex for self-closing tags
- optimize performance via "strpos" before regex
- fix: protect "nocompress"-tags before notifying the Observer
- fix: removing of dom elements
- fix: removing of "</p>"-tags
- use new version of "voku/simple_html_dom"
- optimize unicode support
- fix: remove unnecessary </source> closing tag #40
- fix: bad minify text/x-custom-template #38
- use interfaces in the "HtmlMinDom"-Observer
-> this is a BC, but you can simply replace this classes in your observer implementation:
---> "SimpleHtmlDom" with "SimpleHtmlDomInterface
---> "HtmlMin" with "HtmlMinInterface"
- fix / optimize: "doRemoveOmittedQuotes" -> support for "<html ⚡>" via SimpleHtmlDom
- fix: "'" && '"' in attributes
- fix: keep HTML closing tags in <script> tags
- fix: keep newlines in e.g. "pre"-tags
- fix: remove newlines from "srcset" and "sizes" attribute
- fix: get parent node
- code-style: remove "true" && "false" if return type is bool
- use new version of "voku/simple_html_dom"
- add "HtmlMinDomObserverInterface" (+ HtmlMin as Observable)
- use phpcs fixer
- implement the "<nocompress>"-tag + tests
- update vendor (voku/simple_html_dom >= v4.1.7) + fix entities (<, >)
- update vendor (voku/simple_html_dom >= v4.1.6) + option for keep broken html
- update vendor (voku/simple_html_dom >= v4.1.4)
- fix regex for self-closing tags
- update vendor (voku/simple_html_dom >= v4.1.3)
- remove "Portable UTF-8" as required dependency
-> this is a breaking change, without any API changes
- check if there was already whitespace e.g. from the content
- fix "Minifier removes spaces between tags"
- fix "Multiple horizontal whitespace characters not collapsed"
- try to fix "Minifier removes spaces between tags" v2
- disable "doRemoveWhitespaceAroundTags" by default
- try to fix "Minifier removes spaces between tags" v1
- drop support for PHP < 7.0
- use "strict_types"
- doRemoveOmittedQuotes() -> remove quotes e.g. class="lall" => class=lall
- doRemoveOmittedHtmlTags() -> remove ommitted html tags e.g. <p>lall</p> => <p>lall