- Initial PdfViewPager widget, without zooming and panning capabilities
- Added PdfViewPagerZoom using ImageViewZoom library
- Some UI Test coverage for the samples.
- New PdfViewPagerZoom widget, now using PhotoView library Note: Users porting from 0.2.0 won't notice anything. PdfViewPagerZoom will work as usual, but now using another library under the hood.
- The old ImageViewZoom implementation remains in PdfViewPagerIVZoom class, for anyone who still wants to use it.
- More UI Test coverage for the samples (lib users won't notice that, but I will :P)
- 0.2.1 uses a fixed version of ImageViewZoom, instead of latest version '+'
- Drastically improved memory management (Thanks to fkruege's implementations').
- Easier usage having PDFPagerAdapterZoom as the new PDFPagerAdapter class, because no one wants a PDF without zoom.
- Refactored to have a more flexible BitmapContainer classes.
- Added UI tests to memory management (initial idea from fkruege).
- Renamed the old PdfPagerAdapterIVZoom to LegacyPDFPagerAdapter. It is deprecated, but you can still use it.
- PDF scale can now be set.
- Released all PhotoView resources to avoid possible leaks.
- Upload new screenshots as sample project looks much better now
- Definitely eliminate LegacyPDFPagerAdapter and PdfViewPagerIVZoom classes, which were deprecated.
- Refactor PDFPagerAdapter to a Builder pattern, for constructing it in a more comfortable way.
- Add a "scale" parameter to PDFViewPagerZoom in XML files.
- Add an OnClickListener to each page of the PdfViewPager