This project is a Java library for Complex Numbers. The Complex class is a modified version of the one in the project common-math developed by Apache Software Foundation.
This is a super lightweight project that provides support for complex numbers in Java.
Unlike the original Apache project, the Complex class in this library inherits from java.lang.Number.
You can download source and binaries from the release page.
Alternatively you can pull it from the central Maven repositories:
To use the library just create complex number instances and call the class methods.
// import complex number class
import com.vm.jcomplex.Complex;
// create number 12 + 13i
Complex number = new Complex(12, 13);
// create number for polar coordinates (modulus: 10, phase: Math.PI)
Complex numberFromPolar = Complex.fromPolar(10, Math.PI);
// sum the numbers
Complex sum = number.add(numberFromPolar);
The class provides many functions such as add, multiply, subtract, divide, sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, exp, log, pow
and others. Operations methods return a new instance with the result.
You can find javadoc here.
Code is under the Apache Licence v2.