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Victor Korir edited this page Feb 22, 2020 · 24 revisions

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This is a quick and easy way to start developing GPPORGS using java, maven, and git on Mac. It uses maven's embedded-tomcat server and mysql database.

What You Need

For mac users, it may be easiest to use brew to install the dependencies.

$ brew install maven
$ brew install node
$ brew install git

Initial Set Up

  1. Download and install jdk, maven, git, and node. Set JAVA_HOME variable to point to your jdk, and add maven to your PATH.

Mac OSX:

  (change below as needed and add in ~/.bash_profile)
  export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8`
  export PATH="/usr/local/maven-3.3.9/bin":$PATH

  (read the new settings)
  $ source ~/.bash_profile
  1. Clone GPPORGS project
 $ git clone
 Cloning into 'gpporgs'...
 remote: Reusing existing pack: ..., done.
 remote: Counting objects: ..., done.
 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (.../...), done.
 remote: Total ... (delta ...), reused ... (delta ...)
 Receiving objects: 100% (.../...), ... MiB | ... MiB/s, done.
 Resolving deltas: 100% (.../...), done.
 Checking connectivity... done

3 Install node dependencies

 $ npm install
  1. Make script file executable
 $ cd gpporgs
 gpporgs $ chmod u+x

Install on Server

  1. Generate the client production files (this must be run before generating the war file)
$ cd client
gpporgs/client$ ng build --prod --base-href ./
  1. Generate deployable war file from the server
$ cd server
gpporgs/server$ mvn clean package
  1. If you made any changes to the tables structure, generate a new mysql dump
$ mysqldump -u [mysql username] -p --databases rateandreview_dev > rateandreview_dev.sql
  1. Copy the files to Blum server. If you don't have credentials email Lars ([email protected])
gpporgs/server$ scp rateandreview_dev.sql target/gpporgs.war [blum username][blum username]
  1. ssh into the Blum server and replace the old files
gpporgs/server$ ssh [username]
[[blum username]@blumweb1 ~]$
  1. Find the pid of the currently running website and kill it before replacing the old files
[[blum username]@blumweb1 ~]$ sudo netstat -lntp | grep -w ':8080'
tcp        0      0 :::8080                     :::*                        LISTEN      [pid]/java
[[blum username]@blumweb1 ~]$ kill [pid]
  1. Replace mysql tables and data
[[blum username]@blumweb1 ~]$ mysql -u [mysql username] -p rateandreview_dev < rateandreview_dev.sql
  1. Replace the war file and restart the web server from the dev root directory
[[blum username]@blumweb1 ~]$ sudo cp gpporgs.war /project/eecs/blumcenter/www/gpporgs/dev/gpporgs.war
[[blum username]@blumweb1 ~]$ java -jar gpporgs.war |& tee -a /tmp/gpporgs.log &
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