diff --git a/BlazorBootstrap.Demo.RCL/Components/Pages/Charts/LineCharts/LineChart_Demo_07_Time_Axis.razor b/BlazorBootstrap.Demo.RCL/Components/Pages/Charts/LineCharts/LineChart_Demo_07_Time_Axis.razor
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eb12a1062
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BlazorBootstrap.Demo.RCL/Components/Pages/Charts/LineCharts/LineChart_Demo_07_Time_Axis.razor
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+@* You need to enable a date adapter for ChartJS, e.g. Luxon: *@
+ await TextLabels())" Size="ButtonSize.Small" Type="ButtonType.Button"> Text labels
+ await DateLabels("dd-MM-yyyy"))" Size="ButtonSize.Small" Type="ButtonType.Button"> Date labels [European format]
+ await DateLabels("MM/dd/yy"))" Size="ButtonSize.Small" Type="ButtonType.Button"> Date labels [US format]
+@code {
+ private LineChart lineChart = default!;
+ private LineChartOptions lineChartOptions = default!;
+ private ChartData chartData = default!;
+ private DateTime startOfYear = new DateTime( DateTime.Today.Year, 1, 1 );
+ protected override void OnInitialized()
+ {
+ var colors = ColorUtility.CategoricalTwelveColors;
+ var rng = new Random();
+ var labels = new List();
+ var data = new List();
+ for( int i = 0; i < 20; i++ )
+ {
+ labels.Add( startOfYear.AddDays( rng.Next( 0, 365 ) ).ToString( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) );
+ data.Add( rng.Next( 0, 200 ) );
+ }
+ var datasets = new List();
+ labels.Sort();
+ var dataset = new LineChartDataset
+ {
+ Label = "Value",
+ Data = data,
+ BackgroundColor = colors[ 0 ],
+ BorderColor = colors[ 0 ],
+ BorderWidth = 2,
+ HoverBorderWidth = 4
+ };
+ datasets.Add( dataset );
+ chartData = new ChartData { Labels = labels, Datasets = datasets };
+ lineChartOptions = new();
+ lineChartOptions.Responsive = true;
+ lineChartOptions.Interaction = new Interaction { Mode = InteractionMode.Index };
+ lineChartOptions.Scales.X!.Title = new ChartAxesTitle { Text = "Day", Display = true };
+ lineChartOptions.Scales.Y!.Title = new ChartAxesTitle { Text = "Value", Display = true };
+ }
+ protected async Task TextLabels()
+ {
+ // Set the defaults
+ lineChartOptions.Scales.X!.Type = null;
+ lineChartOptions.Scales.X!.Time = null;
+ lineChartOptions.Scales.X!.Min = null;
+ lineChartOptions.Scales.X!.Max = null;
+ await lineChart.UpdateAsync( chartData, lineChartOptions );
+ }
+ protected async Task DateLabels( string format )
+ {
+ lineChartOptions.Scales.X!.Type = ChartAxesType.Time;
+ lineChartOptions.Scales.X!.Time = new ChartTimeAxisOptions()
+ {
+ TooltipFormat = format,
+ DisplayFormats = new
+ {
+ month = format
+ },
+ Unit = ChartTimeUnit.Month
+ };
+ lineChartOptions.Scales.X!.Min = startOfYear.ToString( "yyyy-MM-dd" );
+ lineChartOptions.Scales.X!.Max = startOfYear.AddYears( 1 ).ToString( "yyyy-MM-dd" );
+ await lineChart.UpdateAsync( chartData, lineChartOptions );
+ }
+ protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync( bool firstRender )
+ {
+ if( firstRender )
+ {
+ await lineChart.InitializeAsync( chartData, lineChartOptions );
+ }
+ await base.OnAfterRenderAsync( firstRender );
+ }
\ No newline at end of file