#About Artyom
Artyom.js is a robust and useful wrapper of the webkitSpeechRecognition and speechSynthesis APIs written in Javascript. Besides, artyom allow you to add dinamically commands to your web app (website).
Artyom is constantly updated with new gadgets and awesome features, star and watch this repository to be aware of artyom updates.
Between the most known features of artyom are :
- Quick recognition of voice commands.
- Add commands easily.
- Smart commands (usage of wildcards).
- Create a dictation object to convert easily voice to text.
- Simulate commands without microphone.
- Execution keyword to execute a command immediately after the use of the keyword.
- Pause and resume command recognition.
- Artyom has available the soundex algorithm to increase the accuracy of the recognition of commands (disabled by default).
- Use a remote command processor service instead of local processing with Javascript.
- Synthesize extreme huge blocks of text (+20K words according to the last test).
- onStart and onEnd callbacks will be always executed independently of the text length.
npm install artyom.js
bower install artyom.js
Or just download a .zip package with the source code, minified file and commands examples : download .zip file
Artyom provides complete support for the following languages. Every language needs an initialization code that needs to be provided in the lang property at the initialization.
Do not hesitate to create a ticket on the issues area of the Github repository for any question, problem or inconvenient that you may have about artyom.
// Add command (Short code artisan way)
artyom.on(['Good morning','Good afternoon']).then(function(i){
switch (i) {
case 0:
artyom.say("Good morning, how are you?");
case 1:
artyom.say("Good afternoon, how are you?");
// Smart command (Short code artisan way), set the second parameter of .on to true
artyom.on(['Repeat after me *'] , true).then(function(i,wildcard){
artyom.say("You've said : " + wildcard);
// or add some commands in the normal way
indexes: ['Hello','Hi','is someone there'],
action: function(i){
artyom.say("Hello, it's me");
indexes: ['Repeat after me *'],
action: function(i,wildcard){
artyom.say("You've said : "+ wildcard);
// Start the commands !
lang:"en-GB", // GreatBritain english
continuous:true, // Listen forever
soundex:true,// Use the soundex algorithm to increase accuracy
debug:true, // Show messages in the console
executionKeyword: "and do it now",
listen:true // Start to listen commands !
* To speech text
artyom.say("Hello, this is a demo text.",{
onStart: function(){
console.log("Reading ...");
onEnd: function(){
console.log("No more text to talk");
Working with artyom is cool and easy, read the documentation to discover more awesome features.
Thanks for visit the repository !