Runs query operations with 8 threads
> mvn clean package -Pbenchmark
> java -jar target/vertx-pg-client-0.3.1-SNAPSHOT-benchmark.jar
You can profile the benchmark
> java -jar target/vertx-pg-client-0.3.1-SNAPSHOT-benchmark.jar SingleSelectBenchmark.poolPreparedQuery -jvmArgsAppend "-XX:+UnlockCommercialFeatures -XX:+FlightRecorder -XX:StartFlightRecording=duration=60s,filename=./profiling-data.jfr,name=profile,settings=profile"
just make sure to run one benchmark at a time.
Some messages are really small, and it would be good allocate the right size instead of 256 by default.
Investigate plugability of row decoder that can operate on @DataObject