diff --git a/source/docs/state_machines/src/SUMMARY.md b/source/docs/state_machines/src/SUMMARY.md
index 7ca75001f..c9f2f8b55 100644
--- a/source/docs/state_machines/src/SUMMARY.md
+++ b/source/docs/state_machines/src/SUMMARY.md
@@ -43,11 +43,17 @@
- [Macro-generated code (TODO)](./macro-generated-reference.md)
- [State Machine Refinements (TODO)](./refinements-reference.md)
- - [Tokenization](./tokenization-reference.md)
- - [Strategy Reference](strategy-reference.md)
- - [`variable`](strategy-variable.md)
- - [`option`](strategy-option.md)
- - [`map`](strategy-map.md)
- - [`set`](strategy-set.md)
- - [`multiset`](strategy-multiset.md)
+ - [VerusSync](./tokenization-reference.md)
+ - [Strategy Reference](./strategy-reference.md)
+ - [`variable`](./strategy-variable.md)
+ - [`option`](./strategy-option.md)
+ - [`map`](./strategy-map.md)
+ - [`set`](./strategy-set.md)
+ - [`multiset`](./strategy-multiset.md)
+ - [`bool`](./strategy-bool.md)
+ - [`count`](./strategy-count.md)
+ - [`not_tokenized`](./strategy-not-tokenized.md)
+ - [`storage_option`](./strategy-storage-option.md)
+ - [Operation definitions](./operations.md)
+ - [`birds_eye`](./birds-eye.md)
- [Formalism of Tokenization by monoids (TODO)](./monoid-formalism.md)
diff --git a/source/docs/state_machines/src/birds-eye.md b/source/docs/state_machines/src/birds-eye.md
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index 000000000..23d1ff548
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/docs/state_machines/src/birds-eye.md
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# The `birds_eye` command
+The `birds_eye` keyword can be used to allow unrestricted reads of the `pre` variable
+without impacting the tokens that are input or output in the operation.
+Specifically, `let` statements in transitions may be prefixed with the `birds_eye` annotation.
+birds_eye let $var_name = $expr
+The expression on the right-hand side may access `pre.field` for any field.
+A `birds_eye` let can be used in any `transition!`, `readonly!`, or `property!` operation.
+Though `birds_eye` allows accessing all fields, it is particularly useful for fields using
+the [`not_tokenized`](./strategy-not-tokenized.md) strategy or storage-based strategies.
+### Impact on determinism
+Ordinarily, VerusSync operations are deterministic in the input arguments and input tokens,
+a property enforced by various strategy-specific restrictions on how fields may be manipulated.
+However, when `birds_eye` is used, operations may become nondeterminstic.
+### Restrictions
+There are two main restrictions:
+ 1. No preconditions can depend on a `birds_eye` variable. This means that `require`,
+ `remove`, `have`, and `deposit` statements cannot depend on a `birds_eye` value.
+ Since this nondeterministic information is not available at the beginning of the token
+ operation, there would be no way to create a well-formed precondition.
+ 2. No `guard` operation can depend on a `birds_eye` variable. This is crucial for soundness;
+ the value being guarded must be deterministic as otherwise, the output token `&Tok`
+ might become invalid before its lifetime expires.
+These restrictions are currently implemented by a coarse-grained dependency analysis
+determined primarily by the order of statements, rather than the actual uses of variables.
+Dependency analysis may be made more precise in the future.
+### Impact on resulting ghost token operation
+The presencne of a `birds_eye` let-statement does not impact the tokens that are input
+or output. It does, however, create extra (ghost) out-parameters for the fields that
+are referenced inside `birds_eye`. This allows the operation's postconditions to
+refer to these nondeterministic values.
+## Example
diff --git a/source/docs/state_machines/src/operations.md b/source/docs/state_machines/src/operations.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..114493d5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/docs/state_machines/src/operations.md
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# Operations
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7066ceac3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/docs/state_machines/src/strategy-bool.md
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+# The `bool` strategy
+The `bool` strategy can be applied to fields of type `bool`.
+fields {
+ #[sharding(bool)]
+ pub field: bool,
+VerusSync creates a fresh token type, tok
+named `State::field` where `State` is the name of the VerusSync system and `field` is the name of the field.
+The token type tok
implements the
+[`UniqueSimpleToken`](https://verus-lang.github.io/verus/verusdoc/vstd/tokens/trait.UniqueSimpleToken.html) trait.
+**Relationship between global field value and the token.**
+When `field` is `false`, this corresponds to no token existing, while
+when `field` is `true`, this corresponds to a token existing.
+The token doesn't contain any additional data.
+Having multiple such tokens at the same time is an impossible state.
+## Manipulation of the field
+### Quick Reference
+In the following table, `b: bool`.
+ Command |
+ Meaning in transition |
+ Exchange Fn Parameter |
+ | | |
+ init field = b; |
+ init field = b; |
+ Output Option<tok> |
+ remove field -= true; |
+ require field == true;
update field = false; |
+ Input tok |
+ have field >= true; |
+ require field == true; |
+ Input &tok |
+ add field += true; |
+ assert field == false;
update field = true; |
+ Output tok |
+ remove field -= (b); |
+ require (b ==> field);
+update field = field && !b; |
+ Input Option<tok> |
+ have field >= (b); |
+ require (b ==> field); |
+ Input &Option<tok> |
+ add field += (b); |
+ assert !(field && b);
+update field = field || b; |
+ Output Option<tok> |
+### Initializing the field
+Initializing the field is done with the usual `init` statement (as it for all strategies).
+init field = b;
+The instance-init function will return a token of type Option<tok>
+related as follows:
+ value of b: bool |
+ value of optional token Option<tok> |
+ false |
+ None |
+ true |
+ Some(tok) where tok.value() == v |
+### Adding a token
+To write an operation that _creates_ a token,
+updating the field's value from `false` to `true`, write, inside any `transition!`
+add field += true;
+This operation has an inherent safety condition that the prior value of `field` is `false`.
+The resulting token exchange function will return a token of type tok
+### Removing a token
+To write an operation that _removes_ a token,
+updating the field's value from `true` to `false`, write, inside any `transition!`
+remove field -= true;
+The resulting exchange function will consume a tok
+as a parameter.
+### Checking the value of the token
+To check the value of the token without removing it,
+write, inside any `transition!`, `readonly!` or `property!` operation:
+have field >= true;
+The resulting exchange function will accept an immutable reference
(that is, it takes the token as input but does not consume it).
+### Operations that manipulate optional tokens
+You can also write versions of the above operations that operate on optional tokens.
+The operations below are equivalent to the above versions whenever `b == true`,
+and they are all no-ops when `b == false`.
+To create an Option<tok>
+add field += (b);
+To consume an Option<tok>
+remove field -= (b);
+To check the value of an &Option<tok>
+have field >= (b);
+The value of `b` is related to the value of
+as [they are for initialization](#initializing-the-field).
+## Example
diff --git a/source/docs/state_machines/src/strategy-count.md b/source/docs/state_machines/src/strategy-count.md
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index 000000000..a60eb0efb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/docs/state_machines/src/strategy-count.md
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+# The `count` strategy
+The `count` strategy can be applied to fields of type `nat`.
+fields {
+ #[sharding(count)]
+ pub field: nat,
+VerusSync creates a fresh token type, tok
+named `State::field` where `State` is the name of the VerusSync system and `field` is the name of the field.
+The token type tok
implements the
+[`CountToken`](https://verus-lang.github.io/verus/verusdoc/vstd/tokens/trait.CountToken.html) trait.
+Each token has a `count()` value, and these tokens
+"fungible" in the sense that they can be combined and split, numbers
+combining additively.
+**Relationship between global field value and the token.**
+The global value of the `field` is the sum of the counts of all the tokens.
+## Manipulation of the field
+### Quick Reference
+In the following table, `n: nat`.
+ Command |
+ Meaning in transition |
+ Exchange Fn Parameter |
+ | | |
+ init field = n; |
+ init field = n; |
+ Output tok |
+ remove field -= (n); |
+ require field >= n;
update field = field - n; |
+ Input tok |
+ have field >= n; |
+ require field >= n; |
+ Input &tok |
+ add field += n; |
+ update field = field + n; |
+ Output tok |
+### Initializing the field
+Initializing the field is done with the usual `init` statement (as it for all strategies).
+init field = n;
+The instance-init function will return a token of type tok
+with `count()` equal to `n`.
+### Adding a token (increasing the count)
+To write an operation that _creates_ a token,
+equivalently, adding to the total count, write,
+add field += (n);
+The resulting token exchange function will return a token of type tok
+with `count()` equal to `n`.
+### Removing a token
+To write an operation that _removes_ a token,
+equivalently, decreasing the total count,
+updating the field's value from `true` to `false`, write, inside any `transition!`
+remove field -= (n);
+The resulting exchange function will consume a tok
+with `count()` equal to `n`
+as a parameter.
+### Checking the value of the token
+To check the value of the token without removing it,
+write, inside any `transition!`, `readonly!` or `property!` operation:
+have field >= (n);
+The resulting exchange function will accept an immutable reference
(that is, it takes the token as input but does not consume it).
+## Example
diff --git a/source/docs/state_machines/src/strategy-map.md b/source/docs/state_machines/src/strategy-map.md
index aaee424dd..be42dd044 100644
--- a/source/docs/state_machines/src/strategy-map.md
+++ b/source/docs/state_machines/src/strategy-map.md
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ To consume a MapToken<K, V, tok>
where `tok.map() == m`:
+To check the value of a &MapToken<K, V, tok>
where `tok.map() == m`:
have field >= (m);
diff --git a/source/docs/state_machines/src/strategy-multiset.md b/source/docs/state_machines/src/strategy-multiset.md
index 1776af6fe..9e0ea7f53 100644
--- a/source/docs/state_machines/src/strategy-multiset.md
+++ b/source/docs/state_machines/src/strategy-multiset.md
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ To consume a MultisetToken<K, V, tok>
where `tok.multiset() == m`:
+To check the value of a &MultisetToken<K, V, tok>
where `tok.multiset() == m`:
have field >= (m);
diff --git a/source/docs/state_machines/src/strategy-not-tokenized.md b/source/docs/state_machines/src/strategy-not-tokenized.md
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+++ b/source/docs/state_machines/src/strategy-not-tokenized.md
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# not_tokenized
+The `not_tokenized` strategy can be applied to fields of any type `V`.
+fields {
+ #[sharding(not_tokenized)]
+ pub field: V,
+This results in **no** token types associated to the field `field`.
+It is often useful as a convenient alternative when you would otherwise need an
+existential variable in the VerusSync invariant.
+## Manipulation of the field
+### Initializing the field
+Initializing the field is done with the usual `init` statement (as it for all strategies).
+init field = v;
+Of course, the instance-init function does not emit any tokens for this instruction.
+### Reading the field
+Reading the field can be done by writing `pre.field`. Notably, this causes the resulting
+operation to be non-deterministic in its input arguments. Therefore, `pre.field` can
+only be accessed in a [`birds_eye` context](./birds-eye.md).
+### Updating the field
+The field can always be updated with an `update` statement in any `transition!` operation.
+update field = v;
+This does not result in any token inputs or token outputs, and it has no effect on the
+signature of the token operation. The `update` instruction may be required in order to
+preserve the system invariant.
+## Example
diff --git a/source/docs/state_machines/src/strategy-option.md b/source/docs/state_machines/src/strategy-option.md
index 7d21b2f81..072d1d3f4 100644
--- a/source/docs/state_machines/src/strategy-option.md
+++ b/source/docs/state_machines/src/strategy-option.md
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ related as follows:
- value of opt_v: V |
+ value of opt_v: Option<V> |
value of optional token Option<tok> |
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ To consume an Option<t
remove field -= (opt_v);
-To check the value of an Option<tok>
+To check the value of an &Option<tok>
have field >= (opt_v);
diff --git a/source/docs/state_machines/src/strategy-set.md b/source/docs/state_machines/src/strategy-set.md
index da62da8fe..a022b9321 100644
--- a/source/docs/state_machines/src/strategy-set.md
+++ b/source/docs/state_machines/src/strategy-set.md
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ To consume a SetToken<K, V, tok>
where `tok.set() == s`:
+To check the value of a &SetToken<K, V, tok>
where `tok.set() == s`:
have field >= (s);
diff --git a/source/docs/state_machines/src/strategy-storage-option.md b/source/docs/state_machines/src/strategy-storage-option.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fa1f5d419
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/docs/state_machines/src/strategy-storage-option.md
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+# The `storage_option` strategy
+The `storage_option` strategy can be applied to fields of type Option<Tok>
+for any type Tok
+fields {
+ #[sharding(storage_option)]
+ pub field: Option,
+Usually Tok
is itself some "token" type intended for tracked
+contexts---e.g., the token created by a different VerusSync system
+(or even the same VerusSync system, as recursive types _are_ permitted),
+a [`PointsTo`](https://verus-lang.github.io/verus/verusdoc/vstd/raw_ptr/struct.PointsTo.html),
+or a datatype/tuple combining multiple of these.
+VerusSync does not create any _additional_ tokens for the field.
+**Relationship between global field value and the token.**
+When a field is declared `storage_option`, the VerusSync gains the ability to "store"
+tokens of the given type Tok
. A field value of `None` means nothing is stored;
+a field value of `Some(tok)` means the token `tok` is stored.
+## Manipulation of the field
+### Quick Reference
+In the following table, tok: Tok
, and opt_token: Option<Tok>
+ Command |
+ Meaning in transition |
+ Exchange Fn Parameter |
+ | | |
+ init field = opt_tok; |
+ init field = opt_tok; |
+ Input Option<Tok> |
+ deposit field += Some(tok); |
+ assert field == None;
update field = Some(tok); |
+ Input Tok |
+ guard field >= Some(tok); |
+ assert field == Some(tok); |
+ Output &Tok |
+ withdraw field -= Some(tok); |
+ assert field == Some(tok);
update field = None; |
+ Output Tok |
+ deposit field += opt_tok; |
+ assert field == None || opt_tok == None;
update field = opt_tok; |
+ Input Option<Tok> |
+ guard field >= opt_tok; |
+ assert opt_tok.is_some() ==> field == opt_tok; |
+ Output &Option<Tok> |
+ withdraw field -= opt_tok; |
+ assert opt_tok.is_some() ==> field == opt_tok;
update field = if opt_tok == None { field } else { None }; |
+ Output Option<Tok> |
+### Initializing the field
+Initializing the field is done with the usual `init` statement (as it for all strategies).
+init field = opt_tok;
+The instance-init function will take _as input_ a token of type Option<Tok>
+equal to the value of `opt_tok`.
+That is, if `opt_tok` is `None`, then the initial state has nothing "stored" and passing `None` to the constructor is trivial;
+if `opt_tok` is `Some(tok)`, then the initial state has `tok` "stored" and it must be supplied via the input argument for the constructor.
+### Performing a deposit
+To deposit a token tok: Tok
, use the `deposit` statement in any `transition!` operation:
+deposit field += Some(tok);
+This sets the field value to `Some(tok)`. The resulting token operation then takes a token equal to `tok` as input.
+The `deposit` instruction has an inherent safety condition that `field` is `None` in the pre-state. (Note: this is not strictly necessary, and the restriction may be removed later.)
+If you require manual proof to prove the inherent safety condition, you can add
+an optional `by` clause:
+deposit field += Some(v)
+by {
+ // proof goes here
+### Performing a withdraw
+To withdraw a token tok: Tok
, use the `withdraw` statement in any `transition!` operation:
+withdraw field -= Some(tok);
+This sets the field value to `None`. The resulting token operation then returns a token
+equal to `tok` in its output.
+The `withdraw` instruction has an inherent safety condition that `field` is `Some(tok)` in the pre-state.
+**Manual proofs.** If you require manual proof to prove the inherent safety condition, you can add
+an optional `by` clause:
+withdraw field -= Some(tok)
+by {
+ // proof goes here
+**Using patterns.** Instead of specifying `tok` as an exact expression, you can also pattern-match
+by using the `let` keyword.
+withdraw field -= Some(let $pat);
+In this case, the inherent safety condition is that the `field` value is `Some` and that
+the inner value matches `$pat`. In this case, note that the value matched on `$pat` is
+_not_ deterministic in the input arguments of the token operation. Therefore,
+VerusSync considers any variables bound in `$pat` to implicitly be [`birds_eye`](./birds_eye.md)
+binders. Specifically, the pattern-matching variant is equivalent to:
+birds_eye let stored_value = pre.field.unwrap();
+withdraw field -= Some(stored_value);
+birds_eye let $pat = stored_value;
+### Performing a guard (obtaining a shared reference to the stored object)
+To guard a token tok: Tok
, use the `guard` statement in any `property!` operation:
+guard field >= Some(tok);
+The resulting token operation then returns a _shared reference_ to the token
+equal to `tok` in its output. The shared reference has a lifetime bounded by the lifetimes
+of the input references.
+The `guard` instruction has an inherent safety condition that `field` is `Some(tok)` in the pre-state.
+**Manual proofs.** If you require manual proof to prove the inherent safety condition, you can add
+an optional `by` clause:
+guard field >= Some(tok)
+by {
+ // proof goes here
+### Operations that manipulate optional tokens
+You can also write versions of the above operations that operate on optional tokens.
+The operations below are equivalent to the above versions whenever `opt_tok == Some(tok)`,
+and they are all no-ops when `opt_tok == None`.
+To deposit an Option<Tok>
+deposit field += (opt_tok);
+To withdraw an Option<Tok>
+remove field -= (opt_tok);
+To obtain an &Option<Tok>
+guard field >= (opt_v);
+## Example
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index 2150860bd..855bd4209 100644
--- a/source/docs/state_machines/src/strategy-variable.md
+++ b/source/docs/state_machines/src/strategy-variable.md
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ If it's read _and_ modified, it will be input as a
### Updating the field
-Updating the field is done with the `update` statement:
+Updating the field is done with the `update` statement in any `transition!` operation:
update field = v;