For anyone who wants good feedback on their paper I, developed the following workflow. I will not direct anyone to a specific method by which this could be accomplished, but let's just say you had a very dedicated friend who always wanted to chat with you and can follow instructions, but needs help doing so.
- You take the rubric from the Master Applied Data Science Assessment UOS1.pdf for the paper. Then you extract the criteria from the table and format them properly. For example:
Research Question
Pass Criteria
The student discusses the results
with respect to the (business or
research) problem.
The student suggests follow-up
Good Criteria
The student discusses the results
with respect to the (business or
research) problem, and the
envisioned value of the proposed
The student makes multiple
suggestions about possible
future directions
Excellent criteria
The discussion of the results with
respect to the problem, and the
envisioned value of the proposed
solution is supported by
The student makes suggestions
about possible future directions
and their envisioned value
You then paste your paper, or if you like a section of your paper.
Then, you ask the following questions individually:
- think step by step, you will first detail if the paper meets the all the Pass criteria. Note that while the paper must meet the criteria, you must be accurate with the threshold. If a criteria is minimally but explicitly met, that is enough. Be critical.
- You will now detail if the paper meets the all the Good criteria by the same standards. Be critical.
- Finally, you will detail if the paper meets the all the Excellent criteria by the same standards. Be critical.
- Grade the paper strictly by which criteria it meets.
- This is not perfect, sometimes your friend misses things. You can help your friend by only pasting relevant sections of your paper.
- Your friend is not your grading teacher and the results are not binding. Your grading teacher may interpret these criteria differently.
- When you have a grade, get a new friend. Sometimes friends like a certain pattern that they are in and they repeat it despite it being inaccurate.