- How often do you print at the Design Studio?
- Have you ever come in during off-hours to print? On-hours?
- Has there ever been a time when you wanted to print, but all the printers were in use? What did you do?
- Would being able to check printer status from your mobile device be helpful?
- How do you find out when your print succeeds or fails?
- Would receiving text notifications about print success or failure be helpful?
- When your print fails, do you try to re-print it? If so, how?
- Do printers sometimes have colors you dislike?
- Where do most of your prints come from?
- What are the pros and cons of printing at the Design Studio as compared to printing at the Engineering & Science Building (ESB) Makerspace?
- Once every few months
- A few times a semester
- Once a month
- Yes, yes
- Try to print during my shift b/c I'm usually in the Studio at that time, but they usually finish during off-hours
- Both
- Left and came back another time during off-hours
- Yes, ended up queueing up the print so when it finished I could do mine
- I left, came back and tried to print when I was free
- Yes
- Yes, super helpful, if I knew I had to print wouldn't have to walk all the way here
- That would be so cool
- Come back to the Design Studio and check to see if it is on the print table or in one of the printers
- Come and talk to the mentor or see if it's on the table
- Check the table if it's there or if it's on the printer
- Yes, but it would be a lot of work for mentors to keep track of
- Yes, that way I wouldn't have to walk all the way here, especially during freshman year b/c I was way further away
- That would be cool too
- Check the part to see if it's a part issue or a printer issue. If it's a part issue, I might re-use the same printer, or a different printer otherwise.
- Try to re-print it, but it takes me a lot longer to get around to printing it the second time
- Yeah, try to re-print tha part but will try to re-design it if it failed for reasons due to the part
- Yes, the flesh color, it's unnatural and concerns me. I'm not a big fan of the yellow filament either.
- Brown
- I like the plain whites, the bright colors aren't my favorite because it doesn't look that great on important projects, neutral colors are best.
- Thingiverse
- Design them on Tinkercad
- Make them all myself
- You don't have to wait in a queue at the Design Studio. The ESB on the other hand has higher print quality and dissolvable supports (not that necessary for my purposes). The Design Studio operates on student hours, since Featheringill Hall is open 24/7 so it can tend to have better hours, and it's more central. The ESB has more standard colors.
- Prefer DS because it's more easy-going, you have to go through safety training for the ESB and if their times don't match you can't really get that training. DS is also more central on main campus.
- DS feels homier, more welcoming to work in. Makerspace has some cool tools like foam cutter but I don't expect them to be here. I like the diverse set of tools, heard the electronic makerspace is fantastic but I've never used it.