- Add --edit-config option to launch editor with taketo config
Add support for server groups. The list of servers in particular group can be obtained with the following command:
taketo <group_name> --list
This becomes especially useful with tmuxall.
- Fix server aliases bug, bump version to 0.1.2 at 12.12.2012 :)
- Add basic autocompletion support for ZSH, see scripts/zsh/completion
- Servers can now be outside projects and environments (userful for standalone servers)
- SSH config is being generated both for hostnames and global aliases
- Add ability to generate ssh config
- Add default_command server config option
Add per-config, per-project and per-environment default server config support, i.e.
default_server_config { env :TERM => 'xterm-256color' } # Global default server config project :p1 do default_server_config { env :FOO => 'bar' } # global default server config is merged ... end
Shared server configs can be included without redundant empty-array arguments, i.e.
include_shared_server_configs(:foo, :bar, :baz => [:arg1, :arg2], :qux => :arg3)
Add ability to include several shared server config at once Use hash as include_shared_server_config parameter to include multiple shared server configs with arguments, like:
include_shared_server_configs(:foo => :some_arg, :bar => [:arg1, :arg2])
or just enumerate them if no arguments needed:
include_shared_server_configs(:baz, :quux)
NOTE: This change will break your config if you've used parametrized shared server configs before; rewrite them using hash-form
- Add identity_file server config option
- Add shared server config support
- Add --directory option, which enables specifying directory on remote server upon launch
- Add global_alias config option for servers
- Add --view option. Now you can view your config quickly:
taketo my_project:environment:server --view
or justtaketo --view
- Now commands can have description
- Add default_destination config option
- Add intelligent destination resolving
- Add ability to define environment variables
- Add support for server commands
- Initial release
- Support for simplest configs