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Alerts and Notifications

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To complete this tutorial, you will need:

  1. Prometheus monitoring stack installed in your cluster as explained in Prometheus Stack.
  2. Loki stack installed in your cluster as explained in Loki Stack.
  3. Emojivoto Sample App deployed in the cluster. Please follow the steps from the main repository. You will be creating alerts for this application.
  4. Administrative rights over a Slack workspace. Later on you will be creating an application with an incoming webhook which will be used to send notifications from Alertmanager.

Alerts and Notifications Overview

Often times you need to be notified immediately about any critical issue in your cluster. That is where Alertmanager comes into the picture. Alertmanager helps in aggregating the alerts, and sending notifications as shown in the diagram below.

AlertManager Overview

Usually, alertmanager is deployed alongside Prometheus and forms the alerting layer of the kube-prom-stack. It handles alerts generated by Prometheus by deduplicating, grouping, and routing them to various integrations such as email, Slack or PagerDuty. Alerts and notifications are a critical part of your workflow. When things go wrong (e.g. any service is down, or a pod is crashing, etc.), you will want to get notifications in real time to handle critical situations as soon as possible.

Alertmanager is part of the kube-prom-stack installed in your cluster in Prometheus Stack. For this tutorial you will be using the same manifest file used for configuring Prometheus. AlertManager allows you to receive alerts from various clients (sources), like Prometheus for example. Rules are created on the Prometheus side, which in turn can fire alerts. Then, it’s the responsibility of AlertManager to intercept those alerts, group them (aggregation), apply other transformations and finally route to the configured receivers. Notification messages can be further formatted to include additional details if desired. You can use Slack, Gmail, etc to send real time notifications.

In this section, you will learn how to inspect the existing alerts, create new ones, and then configure AlertManager to send notifications via Slack.

List of Included Alerts

Kube-prom-stack has over a hundred rules already activated. To access the prometheus console, first do a port-forward to your local machine.

kubectl --namespace monitoring port-forward svc/kube-prom-stack-kube-prome-prometheus 9091:9090

Open a web browser on localhost:9091 and access the Alerts menu item. You should see some predefined Alerts and it should look like the following:

Predefined Alerts

Click on any of the alerts to expand it. You can see information about expression it queries, the labels it has setup and annotations which is very important from a templating perspective. Prometheus supports templating in the annotations and labels of alerts. For more information check out the official documentation.

Creating a New Alert

To create a new alert, you need to add a new definition in the additionalPrometheusRules section from the kube-prom-stack Helm values file. You will be creating a sample alert that will trigger if the emojivoto namespace does not have an expected number of instances. The expected number of pods for the emojivoto application is 4. First, open the 04-setup-observability/assets/manifests/prom-stack-values.yaml file provided in the Starter Kit repository, using a text editor of your choice (preferably with YAML lint support). Then, uncomment the additionalPrometheusRules block.

    - name: emojivoto-instance-down
        - alert: EmojivotoInstanceDown
          expr: sum(kube_pod_owner{namespace="emojivoto"}) by (namespace) < 4
          for: 1m
            severity: 'critical'
            description: ' The Number of pods from the namespace {{ $labels.namespace }} is lower than the expected 4. '
            summary: 'Pod {{ $labels.pod }} down'

Finally, apply settings using Helm:


helm upgrade kube-prom-stack prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack --version "${HELM_CHART_VERSION}" \
  --namespace monitoring \
  -f "04-setup-observability/assets/manifests/prom-stack-values-v${HELM_CHART_VERSION}.yaml"

To check that the alert has been created successfully, navigate to the [Promethes Console]localhost:9091 click on the Alerts menu item and identify the EmojivotioInstanceDown alert. It should be visible at the bottom of the list.

Configuring Alertmanager to Send Notifications to Slack

To complete this section you need to have administrative rights over a workspace. This will enable you to create the incoming webhook you will need in the next steps. You will also need to create a channel where you would like to receive notifications from AlertManager. You will be configuring Alertmanager to range over all of the alerts received printing their respective summaries and descriptions on new lines.

Steps to follow:

  1. Open a web browser and navigate to and click on the Create New App button.
  2. In the Create an app window select the From scratch option. Then, give your application a name and select the appropriate workspace.
  3. From the Basic Information page click on the Incoming Webhooks option, turn it on and click on the Add New Webhook to Workspace button at the bottom.
  4. On the next page, use the Search for a channel... drop-down list to select the desired channel where you want to send notifications. When ready, click on the Allow button.
  5. Take note of the Webhook URL value displayed on the page. You will be using it in the next section.

Next, you will tell Alertmanager how to send Slack notifications. Open the 04-setup-observability/assets/manifests/prom-stack-values-v35.5.1.yaml file provided in the Starter Kit repository, using a text editor of your choice (preferably with YAML lint support). Then, uncomment the entire alertmanager.config block. Make sure to update the slack_api_url and channel values by replacing the <> placeholders accordingly:

  enabled: true
      resolve_timeout: 5m
      receiver: "slack-notifications"
      repeat_interval: 12h
        - receiver: "slack-notifications"
          # matchers:
          #   - alertname="EmojivotoInstanceDown"
          # continue: false
      - name: "slack-notifications"
          - channel: "#<YOUR_SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME_HERE>"
            send_resolved: true
            title: "{{ range .Alerts }}{{ .Annotations.summary }}\n{{ end }}"
            text: "{{ range .Alerts }}{{ .Annotations.description }}\n{{ end }}"

Explanations for the above configuration:

  • slack_api_url - incoming Slack webhook URL created in step 4.
  • receivers.[].slack_configs - defines the Slack channel used to send notifications, notification title and the actual message. It is also possible to format the notification message (or body) based on your requirements.
  • title and text - iterates over the firing alerts and prints out the summary and description using the Prometheus templating system.
  • send_resolved - boolean indicating if Alertmanager should send a notification when an Alert is not firing anymore.


The matcher and continue parameters are still commented out as you will be uncomentting that later on in the guide. For now it should stay commented.

Finally, upgrade the kube-prometheus-stack, using Helm:


helm upgrade kube-prom-stack prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack --version "${HELM_CHART_VERSION}" \
  --namespace monitoring \
  -f "04-setup-observability/assets/manifests/prom-stack-values-v${HELM_CHART_VERSION}.yaml"

At this point, you should receive slack notifications for all the firing alerts.

Next, you're going to test if the EmojivotoInstanceDown alert added previously works and sends a notification to Slack by downscaling the number of replicas for the emoji deployment from the emojivoto namespace.

Steps to follow:

  1. From your terminal run the following command to bring the number of replicas for the emoji deployment to 0:

    kubectl scale --replicas=0 deployment/emoji -n emojivoto
  2. Open a web browser on localhost:9091 and access the Alerts menu item. Search for the EmojivotoInstanceDown alert created earlier. The status of the alert should be Firing after about one minute of scaling down the deployment.

  3. A message notification will be sent to Slack to the channel you configured earlier if everything went well. You should see the "The Number of pods from the namespace emojivoto is lower than the expected 4." alert in the Slack message as configure in the annotations.description config of the additionalPrometheusRulesMap block.

Currently all of the Alerts firing will be sent to the Slack channel. This can be cause for notification fatigue. To drill down on what is sent you can restrict Alertmanager to only send notification for alerts which match a certain pattern. This is done using the matcher parameter. Open the 04-setup-observability/assets/manifests/prom-stack-values-v35.5.1.yaml file provided in the Starter Kit repository, using a text editor of your choice (preferably with YAML lint support). Then, uncomment the entire alertmanager.config block. Make sure to uncomment the matcher and the continue parameters:

      resolve_timeout: 5m
      receiver: "slack-notifications"
      repeat_interval: 12h
        - receiver: "slack-notifications"
            - alertname="EmojivotoInstanceDown"
          continue: false
      - name: "slack-notifications"
          - channel: "#<YOUR_SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME_HERE>"
            send_resolved: true
            title: "{{ range .Alerts }}{{ .Annotations.summary }}\n{{ end }}"
            text: "{{ range .Alerts }}{{ .Annotations.description }}\n{{ end }}"

Finally, upgrade the kube-prometheus-stack, using Helm:


helm upgrade kube-prom-stack prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack --version "${HELM_CHART_VERSION}" \
  --namespace monitoring \
  -f "04-setup-observability/assets/manifests/prom-stack-values-v${HELM_CHART_VERSION}.yaml"

At this point you should only receieve alerts from the matching EmojivotoInstanceDown alertname. Since the continue is set to false Alertmanager will only send notifications from this alert and stop sending for others.

Notes: Clicking on the notification name in Slack will open a web browser to an unreachable web page with the internal Kubernetes DNS of the Alertmanager pod. This is expected. For more information you can check out this article. For additional information about the configuration parameters for Alertmanager you can check out this doc. You can also at some notification examples in this article.

Debugging a Firing Alert

When an alert fires and sends a notification in Slack it's important that you can debug the problem easily and find the root cause in a timely manner. To do this you can make use of Grafana which has already been installed in Prometheus Stack and of Loki Stack.

Steps to follow:

  1. Create a port forward for Grafana on port 3000:

    kubectl --namespace monitoring port-forward svc/kube-prom-stack-grafana 3000:80
  2. Open a web browser on localhost:3000 and log in using the default credentials (admin/prom-operator).

  3. Navigate to the Alerting section

  4. From the State filter click on the Firing option, identify the emojivoto-instance-down alert defined in the Creating a New Alert section and expand it. You should see the following: Grafana Alert

  5. Click on the See graph button. From the next page you can observe the count for the number of pods in the emojivoto namespace displayed as a metric. Take note that Grafana filters results using a time range of Last 1 hour by default. Adjust this to the time interval when the Alert fired. You can adjust the time range using an absolute time range using a From To option for a more granular result or using a Quick range such as Last 30 minutes.

  6. From the Explore tab select the Loki data source and in the Log browser input the following: {namespace="emojivoto"} and click on the Run query button from the top right side of the page. You should see the following: Loki Logs. Make sure you adjust the time interval accordingly.

  7. From this page you can filter the log results further. For example to filter the logs for the web-svc container of the emojivoto namespace you can enter the following query: {namespace="emojivoto", container="web-svc"}. More explanations about using LogQL can be found in Step 3 - Using LogQL from Loki Stack.

  8. You can also make use of the Exported Kubernetes Events installed previously and filter for events related to the emojivoto namespace. Enter the following query in the log browser: {app="event-exporter"} |= "emojivoto". This will return the kubernetes events related to the emojivoto namespace.

Go to Section 05 - Setup Backup and Restore.