We are open to contributions, either adding new functions, improving documentation or fixing some bugs. See #23 for and example of a pull request from an external user that was interested in more functions.
We encourage you to add functions that are currently missing. Follow the style of functions already added in this project, that means, if you're adding ISteamFriends::ActivateGameOverlayToStore
, follow these guidelines:
- Implement it in file
- Name it
- Try to keep all arguments in the same order, with the same names (in a different naming convention, drop the type prefixes) and of the same type. Enums should be changed to string, for example
. - Callbacks and CallResults have a special way of being implemented: check our documentation.
- IDs that are actually 64-bit integers should be implemented using our uint64 userdata.
- It's fine if the functions are a bit different (example) because stuff in Lua is different than in C++.
Send us PRs even if you're not sure you're following these guidelines correctly. We won't bite. Open an issue if you have any doubts.
If you add new functions, please also document them. We do our documentation in ReadTheDocs. Everything is in the docs directory, it uses reStructuredText, this cheatsheet should help if you don't know it.
Basically all you need is sphinx (pip install sphinx sphinx-rtd-theme
), and then you can run make html
from inside the docs directory.
Pro Tip: This Dockerfile makes it easy to test documentation locally. You won't need to install anything (if you already have docker) and it enables live reload of the documentation when you change anything.
First, download the SteamWorks SDK, and unzip it on this directory.
While developing, we recommend you just worry about compiling to the platform you're using, and let Travis deal with the other platforms (since if it compiles in one, it most likely compiles in all, the difficult part is getting the dependencies right).
Install package libluajit-5.1-dev
. Run make linux64
. You might need to change the Makefile
to use -I/usr/include/luajit-2.1
instead, depending on your install. Don't commit that, as it will break continuous integration.
Install package libluajit-5.1-dev:i386
(you may also need g++-multilib
). Run make linux32
. This assumes you're using a 64 bit OS.
Install luajit (brew install luajit
). Run make osx
We'll use chocolatey. Install VS and mingw (choco install visualstudio2017community visualstudio2017-workload-nativecrossplat mingw
). Then run mingw32-make windows32
for Windows 32 and mingw32-make windows64
for Windows 64.