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File metadata and controls

532 lines (455 loc) · 17.1 KB


A ASP.NET Core service / middleware to resize your images on the fly as alternative for thumbor.

License: MIT NuGet Docker



  • loader:
    • Http (streaming mode)
    • File (use IFileProvider)
    • YouTube (get thumbnail)
    • Gravatar
    • OpenGraph
  • caches:
    • File
    • Distributed cache
    • MongoDB
  • image filters: resize, crop, rotate,..
  • common image effects like grayscale and blur are available
  • create your custom data filter
  • pdf filters: page-to-image for documents
  • url is protected by a HMACSHA256 signature to prevent DDoS attacks
  • can handle the device pixel ratio (DPR)
  • support for cache control and ETag
  • enable range processing by http request
  • use RecyclableMemoryStream for smarter memory management (IStreamPool)
  • cleanup service



Description Url segment
base path "image"
signature based on HMACSHA256 "cGiAwFYGYWx0SzO0YyCidWIfkdlUYrVgBwbm7bcTOjE" or "unsafe" (if enabled)
any filters "resize(200,200)/grayscale()/jpg(90)"
loader type "fetch"
loader source


Name Loader type Loader source NuGet
Http loader fetch absolute or relative url NuGet
File loader file relative path to file NuGet
YouTube loader youtube video id NuGet
Gravatar loader gravatar encoded email address NuGet
OpenGraph loader opengraph absolute url NuGet
Azure loader azure relative path to file NuGet
PuppeteerSharp loader screenshot absolute url NuGet


Name Description NuGet
File cache Meta and blob file path based on cache id. NuGet
Distributed cache MS SQL, Redis NuGet
MongoDB cache Use GridFS NuGet


Name Mime type NuGet
ImageSharp image/jpeg, image/png, image/gif, image/bmp, image/webp, image/tga NuGet
SkiaSharp image/jpeg, image/png, image/gif, image/bmp, image/webp NuGet
SvgNet image/svg+xml NuGet
DocNET application/pdf NuGet

How to use it



services.AddImageWizard(options => 
                           options.AllowUnsafeUrl = true;
                           options.AllowedDPR = new double[] { 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 };
                           options.Key = new byte[64] { .. };
                           options.UseETag = true;                                                
                           options.CacheControl.IsEnabled = true;
                           options.CacheControl.MaxAge = TimeSpan.FromDays(365);
                           options.CacheControl.MustRevalidate = false;
                           options.CacheControl.Public = true;
                           options.CacheControl.NoCache = false;
                           options.CacheControl.NoStore = false;
                           //select automatically the compatible mime type by request header
                           options.UseAcceptHeader = true;
			   options.RefreshLastAccessInterval = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1);
			   options.FallbackHandler = (state, url, cachedData) =>
				//use the existing cached data if available?
				if (cachedData != null)
				    return cachedData;

				//load fallback image
				FileInfo fallbackImage = state switch
				    LoaderResultState.NotFound => new FileInfo(@"notfound.jpg"),
				    LoaderResultState.Failed => new FileInfo(@"failed.jpg"),
				   _ => throw new Exception()

				if (fallbackImage.Exists == false)
				    return null;

				//convert FileInfo to CachedData
				return fallbackImage.ToCachedData();
            //registers ImageSharp pipeline for specified mime types
           .AddImageSharp(c => c
                .WithMimeTypes(MimeTypes.WebP, MimeTypes.Jpeg, MimeTypes.Png, MimeTypes.Gif)
                .WithOptions(x =>
                                x.ImageMaxHeight = 4000;
                                x.ImageMaxWidth = 4000;
                //Adds your custom filters
		//Executes custom action before the pipeline is started.
                .WithPreProcessing(x =>
                                x.Image.Mutate(m => m.AutoOrient());
		//Executes custom action after the pipeline is finished.
                .WithPostProcessing(x =>
			    	//blurs all images
                                x.Image.Mutate(m => m.Blur());
                                //overrides target format (Jpeg to WebP)
				if (x.ImageFormat is JpegFormat)
                                    x.ImageFormat = new WebPFormat() { Lossless = false };
				//overrides target format (Png to WebP)
				else if (x.ImageFormat is PngFormat)
                                    x.ImageFormat = new WebPFormat() { Lossless = true };
				//overrides metadata
				x.Image.Metadata.ExifProfile = new ExifProfile();
                        	x.Image.Metadata.ExifProfile.SetValue(ExifTag.Copyright, "ImageWizard");
           //uses file cache (relative or absolute path)
           .SetFileCache(options => options.Folder = "FileCache") 
           //or MongoDB cache
           .SetMongoDBCache(options => options.Hostname = "localhost")
           //or distributed cache
           //adds some loaders
           .AddFileLoader(options => options.Folder = "FileStorage")
           .AddHttpLoader(options => 
		   //checks every time for a new version of the original image.
		   options.RefreshMode = LoaderRefreshMode.EveryTime;

		   //sets base url for relative urls
		   options.DefaultBaseUrl = "https://mydomain";

		   //allows only relative urls 
		   //(use base url from request or DefaultBaseUrl from options)
		   options.AllowAbsoluteUrls = false;

		   //allows only specified hosts
		   options.AllowedHosts = new [] { "mydomain" };

		   //adds custom http header like apikey to prevent 
		   //that user can download the original image
		   options.SetHeader("ApiKey", "123456");
	    //Adds a background service which removes cached data based on defined CleanupReason.
            //The cache needs to implements ICleanupCache.
            .AddCleanupService(x =>
			//Duration between the cleanup actions. (Default: 1 day)
			x.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1);

			//Removes cached data which are older than defined duration. 

			//Removes cached data which are last used since defined duration. 

			//Removes cached data which are expired (based on the loader result).
//default path ("/image")

//use middleware
app.UseImageWizard(x =>
			//default path  ("/analytics")

//or use endpoint
app.Endpoints(e => e.MapImageWizard("/image"));

Internal services

  • ICacheKey
  • ICacheHash
  • ICacheLock
  • IUrlSignature
  • IStreamPool

Create custom filter

  • add a public method which is marked with the filter attribute
    • at url level are the following types possible for method overloading:
      • integer ("0")
      • floating-point number ("0.0")
      • bool ("True" or "False")
      • enum (value)
      • string ('Hello')
 public class BackgroundColorFilter : ImageSharpFilter
        //use dependency injection
        public BackgroundColorFilter(ILogger<BackgroundColorFilter> logger)
        public void BackgroundColor(byte r, byte g, byte b)
            Context.Image.Mutate(m => m.BackgroundColor(new Rgba32(r, g, b)));

        public void BackgroundColor(float r, float g, float b)
            Context.Image.Mutate(m => m.BackgroundColor(new Rgba32(r, g, b)));

Register filter:

	.AddImageSharp(c => c.WithFilter<BackgroundColorFilter>());

URL segments:


How to use the DPR (device pixel ratio) attribute

  • use dpr filter to set the value or enable the client hints
  • all parameter with DPR attribute will be multiplied by the DPR factor
 public class ResizeFilter : ImageSharpFilter
      public void Resize([DPR]int width, [DPR]int height)
          Context.Image.Mutate(m => m.Resize(width, height));

URL segment:

"/dpr(2.0)/resize(200,100)/"             //calls resize filter with the resolution 400 x 200
"/resize(200,100)/" + client hints  

Response header:

Content-DPR: 2

How to use optional parameters

  • use rather method overloading if possible
  • if all parameter have default values you can set all parameters by name


 public class TextFilter : ImageSharpFilter
      public void DrawText(int x = 0, int y = 0, string text = "", int size = 12, string font = "Arial")
          Context.Image.Mutate(m =>
                  new Font(SystemFonts.Find(font), size),
                  new PointF(x, y));

URL segment:


ASP.NET Core UrlBuilder


Add settings to the appsettings.json

 "ImageWizard": {
    "BaseUrl": "https://<your-domain>/image",
    "Enabled": true

Register settings to services




services.AddImageWizardClient(options => 
    options.BaseUrl = "https://<your-domain>/image";
    options.Key = "..";
    options.Enabled = true;
    options.UseUnsafeUrl = false;

Create url with fluent api

//use HTTP loader
//fetch local file from wwwroot folder (with fingerprint)
//or file loader
//or azure

Use dependency injection

@IImageWizardUrlBuilder UrlBuilder

<img src="@UrlBuilder.FetchLocalFile("picture.jpg").AsImage().Resize(400, 200, ResizeMode.Max).Grayscale().BuildUrl()" />

Use IUrlHelper

<img src="@Url.ImageWizard().FetchLocalFile("picture.jpg").AsImage().Resize(400, 200, ResizeMode.Max).Grayscale().BuildUrl()" />

Processing pipelines


Image transformations

  • resize(size)
  • resize(width,height)
  • resize(width,height,mode)
    • mode: min, max, crop, pad, stretch
  • resize(width,height,mode,anchor)
    • anchor: center, top, bottom, left, right, topleft, topright, bottomleft, bottomright
  • crop(width,height)
    • int for absolute values, 0.0 to 1.0 for relative values
  • crop(x,y,width,height)
    • int for absolute values, 0.0 to 1.0 for relative values
  • backgroundcolor(r,g,b)
    • int (0 to 255) or float (0.0 to 1.0)
  • backgroundcolor(r,g,b,a)
    • int (0 to 255) or float (0.0 to 1.0)
  • flip(type)
    • type: horizontal, vertical
  • rotate(value)
    • value: 90, 180 or 270
  • grayscale()
  • grayscale(amount)
    • amount: 0.0 to 1.0
  • blackwhite()
  • blur()
  • invert()
  • brightness(value)
  • contrast(value)
  • autoorient()
  • drawtext(text='Hello',size=24,x=0.5,y=0.5)
    • string: raw ('Hello') or base64url (SGVsbG8)

Output formats

  • jpg()
  • jpg(quality)
  • png()
  • gif()
  • tga()
  • bmp()
  • webp()
  • webp(quality)

Special options

  • dpr(value) //set allowed device pixel ratio


Image transformations

  • resize(width,height)
  • resize(width,height,mode)
    • mode: min, max, crop, pad, stretch
  • crop(width,height)
    • 0.0 to 1.0 for relative values
  • crop(x,y,width,height)
    • 0.0 to 1.0 for relative values
  • flip(type)
    • type: horizontal, vertical
  • rotate(value)
    • value: 0.0 to 360.0
  • grayscale()
  • blur()
  • blur(radius)
  • drawtext(text='Hello',size=24,x=0.5,y=0.5)
    • string: raw ('Hello') or base64url (SGVsbG8)

Output formats

  • jpg()
  • jpg(quality)
  • png()
  • gif()
  • bmp()
  • webp()


DocNET transformations

  • pagetoimage(pageindex)
  • pagetoimage(pageindex,width,height)
  • subpages(pageFromIndex, pageToIndex)


SVG transformations

  • removesize()
  • blur()
  • blur(deviation)
    • value: float
  • rotate(angle)
    • value: float

Plugin for Piranha CMS 8.0

ImageWizard.Piranha NuGet

Useful to resize imagefields.

<img src="@Url.ImageWizard().Fetch(Model.Body).Resize(900,900).Grayscale().Blur().BuildUrl()">



    image: usercode/imagewizard
    container_name: imagewizard
    restart: always
      - default      
      - file_cache:/data
      - General__AllowUnsafeUrl=false
      - General__UseAcceptHeader=false
      - General__UseETag=true
      - General__AllowedDPR__0=1.0
      - General__AllowedDPR__1=1.5
      - General__AllowedDPR__2=2.0
      - General__AllowedDPR__3=3.0
      - General__CacheControl__IsEnabled=true
      - General__CacheControl__Public=true
      - General__CacheControl__MaxAge=60
      - General__CacheControl__MustRevalidate=false
      - General__CacheControl__NoCache=false
      - General__CacheControl__NoStore=false      
      - FileCache__Folder=/cache
      - FileLoader__Folder=/data
      - HttpLoader__DefaultBaseUrl=https://domain.tld
      - HttpLoader__AllowAbsoluteUrls=false
      - HttpLoader__AllowedHosts__0=domain.tld
      - HttpLoader__Headers__0__Name=ApiKey
      - HttpLoader__Headers__0__Value=123