There are 2 core packages to look at, the aave-v3-pool and the aave-v3-tokens packages. The Aave-v3-pool package contains all the necessary contracts to deploy the pool contract, which is the main point of interaction with aave. the aave-v3-tokens package imports the pool package and adds aave's token contracts which are fundamental to aave (AToken, VariableDebtToken and StableDebtToken)
To build the packages for the cannon network simply run:
PROVIDER_URL=YOUR_PROVIDER_URL PRIVATE_KEY=YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY npx hardhat cannon:build < cannonfile name >
To build the packages on a specific network, make sure the network config is defined in hardhat.config.ts
and run the following:
PROVIDER_URL=YOUR_PROVIDER_URL PRIVATE_KEY=YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY npx hardhat cannon:build --network < network_name > < cannonfile_name >
Finally, run the script to alter the packages to match addresses on their respective network. Here's an example of altering the aave-v3-pool package on mainnet
./ pool mainnet 1