It contains the links to src/
files of every exercise, so that you can quickly navigate to solution of any exercises.
Basic Rust
Intermediate Rust
Advanced Rust
- Print "Hello, World!" to the console.
- Modify the program to take user input and print "Hello, [name]!".
- Create a program that prints a greeting based on the time of day.
- Print a multi-line string using raw strings.
- Format a string with multiple variables and print it.
- Print a list of numbers from 1 to 10.
- Print the length of a given string.
- Print the result of basic arithmetic operations.
- Print a countdown from 10 to 1.
- Create a program that prints a quote using escape characters.
- Swap two variables without using a third variable.
- Declare a constant and print its value.
- Create a mutable variable and change its value inside a loop.
- Shadow a variable and print both values.
- Create a program that calculates the area of a rectangle.
- Convert a string to an integer and print the result.
- Declare a variable with a tuple and access its elements.
- Create a program that doubles the value of a number using a mutable variable.
- Implement a program that changes a variable's value based on user input.
- Create a program that increments a counter variable each time a button is pressed.
- Convert a floating-point number to an integer.
- Parse a string as a number and perform arithmetic on it.
- Convert a number from one type to another and print the result.
- Create a program that determines the type of a variable.
- Implement a program that calculates the square root of a number.
- Create a program that converts Celsius to Fahrenheit.
- Convert a number to a string and concatenate it with another string.
- Write a program that casts an integer to a character.
- Convert a number from binary to decimal.
- Create a program that calculates the area of a circle using a floating-point number.
- Implement a program that checks if a number is even or odd.
- Write a simple program that uses
to compare two numbers. - Create a calculator using a match statement.
- Implement a program that checks whether a character is a vowel or consonant.
- Write a program that checks if a number is positive, negative, or zero.
- Implement a program that finds the largest of three numbers.
- Create a program that simulates a basic traffic light system.
- Write a program that checks if a year is a leap year.
- Create a simple menu-driven program using a loop and match statement.
- Write a program that calculates the factorial of a number using a loop.
- Create a function that returns the square of a number.
- Implement a function that takes two numbers and returns their sum.
- Write a function that checks if a number is prime.
- Implement a function that returns the nth Fibonacci number.
- Write a function that reverses a string.
- Create a function that checks if a string is a palindrome.
- Implement a function that returns the maximum of two numbers.
- Write a function that calculates the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two numbers.
- Implement a function that calculates the sum of an array of numbers.
- Create a function that generates a random number within a specified range.
- Create a function that takes ownership of a string and prints it.
- Implement a function that borrows a string and returns its length.
- Write a function that takes two borrowed strings and concatenates them.
- Create a function that returns ownership of a string to the caller.
- Implement a function that modifies a borrowed string using mutable references.
- Write a program that demonstrates the use of multiple references.
- Create a function that borrows an array and returns its sum.
- Implement a program that shows how ownership changes when a variable is reassigned.
- Write a function that takes ownership of a vector and returns its length.
- Create a program that demonstrates the use of references in function parameters and return types.
- Create a
to represent a book with fields for title, author, and pages. - Implement a method for the book
to display its details. - Write a program that creates a
to represent a point in 2D space and calculate the distance between two points. - Create a
to represent a rectangle and calculate its area. - Implement a
to represent a student with fields for name, age, and grades, and calculate the average grade. - Write a program that creates a
to represent a complex number and implements methods for addition and subtraction. - Create a
to represent a car with fields for make, model, and year, and implement methods to start and stop the car. - Implement a
to represent a bank account with fields for account number, balance, and owner, and create methods to deposit and withdraw money. - Write a program that creates a
to represent a person with fields for name, age, and address, and implement methods to update the address. - Create a
to represent a circle with a field for radius, and implement methods to calculate the circumference and area.
- Create an
to represent traffic light states and use pattern matching to display messages. - Implement a program that uses an
to represent different shapes (Circle, Square, Rectangle) and calculate their area. - Write a program that uses an
to represent the result of a calculation (Success, Error) and uses pattern matching to handle both cases. - Create an
to represent different types of users (Admin, Guest, Registered) and use pattern matching to display messages based on user type. - Implement a program that uses an
to represent different payment methods (CreditCard, PayPal, Cash) and calculate the total cost based on the payment method. - Write a program that uses an
to represent different file types (Text, Binary, Image) and use pattern matching to process files based on their type. - Create an
to represent different weather conditions (Sunny, Rainy, Cloudy) and use pattern matching to display appropriate messages. - Implement a program that uses an
to represent the status of an order (Pending, Shipped, Delivered) and use pattern matching to update the status. - Write a program that uses an
to represent different error types (NotFound, PermissionDenied, Unknown) and use pattern matching to handle errors. - Create an
to represent different operations (Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide) and use pattern matching to implement a basic calculator.
- Create a program that adds and removes elements from a vector.
- Implement a program that finds the largest number in a vector.
- Write a program that sorts a vector of integers in ascending and descending order.
- Create a program that removes duplicate elements from a vector.
- Implement a program that uses a
to count the occurrences of words in a text. - Write a program that stores student grades in a
and calculates the average grade. - Create a program that stores user preferences in a
and allows updating and retrieving preferences. - Implement a program that uses a
to group words by their first letter. - Write a program that uses a
to store and retrieve configuration settings. - Create a program that uses a
to implement a basic phone book with names and phone numbers.
- Write a program that handles file reading errors and displays an appropriate message if the file is not found.
- Implement a function that returns a
type and handles both success and error cases. - Create a program that parses a string as an integer and handles invalid input with error messages.
- Write a function that attempts to open a file and returns a custom error type if the file cannot be opened.
- Implement a program that reads user input and handles errors if the input is not a valid number.
- Create a program that uses
to handle missing values and displays a default value if a value isNone
. - Write a program that attempts to divide two numbers and handles division by zero errors.
- Implement a function that performs a calculation and returns a
type with a custom error message if the calculation fails. - Create a program that reads a configuration file and handles errors if the file is missing or corrupted.
- Write a function that attempts to connect to a server and returns a custom error type if the connection fails.
- Create a program that uses an iterator to sum all elements in a vector.
- Implement a program that filters out even numbers from a vector using an iterator.
- Write a program that maps a vector of integers to their squares using an iterator.
- Create a program that uses an iterator to find the first element in a vector that satisfies a condition.
- Implement a program that creates a custom iterator for a
representing a range of numbers. - Write a program that chains multiple iterators to process a vector of numbers.
- Create a program that uses a closure to sort a vector of integers in descending order.
- Implement a program that uses a closure to filter a vector of strings based on their length.
- Write a program that uses a closure to find the maximum value in a vector of integers.
- Create a program that uses a closure to generate a sequence of numbers and returns the result as a vector.
- Create a module to organize functions for mathematical operations and use it in a main program.
- Implement a program that uses a module to organize functions for file handling and use it in a main program.
- Write a program that creates a module to organize functions for string processing and use it in a main program.
- Create a module to organize functions for error handling and use it in a main program.
- Implement a program that uses a module to organize functions for working with collections (
) and use it in a main program. - Write a program that creates a module to organize functions for networking (e.g., making HTTP requests) and use it in a main program.
- Create a crate for common utilities (e.g., logging, configuration) and use it in a project.
- Implement a program that creates a module to organize functions for working with dates and times and use it in a main program.
- Write a program that creates a crate to provide a library of functions for data serialization (e.g., JSON, XML) and use it in a project.
- Create a program that uses a third-party crate (e.g.,
) and organizes the code into modules.
- Write a program that uses threads to perform multiple calculations in parallel.
- Implement a program that spawns multiple threads to process a large array and combines the results.
- Create a program that uses channels to send messages between threads.
- Implement a program that uses a thread pool to manage and execute multiple tasks concurrently.
- Write a program that uses
(atomic reference counting) to share data between threads safely. - Create a program that uses
to protect shared data from race conditions. - Implement a program that uses
to allow multiple readers or one writer at a time. - Write a program that uses threads to download multiple files concurrently.
- Create a program that implements a simple producer-consumer pattern using threads and channels.
- Implement a program that uses threads to simulate a basic chat server where multiple clients can send and receive messages concurrently.
- Write an asynchronous program that fetches data from a web API using
. - Implement a program that performs multiple HTTP requests concurrently using
. - Create an asynchronous program that reads and writes to a file without blocking the main thread.
- Write a program that uses asynchronous functions to perform a long-running task in the background.
- Implement a program that uses
to create an asynchronous TCP server. - Create an asynchronous program that simulates a delay using
or similar. - Write a program that performs multiple database queries concurrently using asynchronous functions.
- Implement an asynchronous program that streams data from a source and processes it in real-time.
- Create an asynchronous program that handles multiple client connections to a server concurrently.
- Write a program that uses asynchronous functions to manage a pool of resources (e.g., database connections).
- Write a program that uses
to create a linked list. - Implement a program that uses
to create a tree data structure with shared ownership of nodes. - Create a program that uses
to modify data inside astruct
with shared ownership. - Write a program that uses
to create a recursive data structure (e.g., a binary tree). - Implement a program that uses
to share a configuration object between multiple threads. - Create a program that uses
to implement interior mutability in astruct
. - Write a program that uses
together to create a graph data structure. - Implement a program that uses
to store a trait object and call methods on it dynamically. - Create a program that uses
to manage a list of subscribers in a publish-subscribe pattern. - Write a program that uses
to dynamically update a data structure while maintaining shared ownership.
- Write a simple macro that prints "Hello, Macro!" to the console.
- Implement a macro that calculates the square of a number.
- Create a macro that generates getter and setter methods for a
. - Write a macro that repeats a block of code a specified number of times.
- Implement a macro that generates a match statement for an
with multiple variants. - Create a macro that generates a function to create a new instance of a
. - Write a macro that implements a trait for a
. - Implement a macro that creates a vector with a specified number of elements.
- Create a macro that performs compile-time checks on a
field. - Write a macro that generates code for a custom
implementation for astruct
- Write a program that uses raw pointers to access and modify memory.
- Implement a program that uses unsafe code to call a C function from Rust.
- Create a program that uses unsafe code to implement a custom memory allocator.
- Write a program that uses unsafe code to bypass Rust's borrowing rules and modify data.
- Implement a program that uses unsafe code to create a custom smart pointer.
- Create a program that uses unsafe code to implement a linked list with raw pointers.
- Write a program that uses unsafe code to optimize a performance-critical section of code.
- Implement a program that uses unsafe code to implement a custom trait for a foreign type.
- Create a program that uses unsafe code to directly access hardware registers.
- Write a program that uses unsafe code to create a low-level system library.
- Write a program that uses lifetimes to ensure references are valid.
- Implement a function that uses generics to work with multiple data types.
- Create a program that uses lifetimes and generics together to create a flexible data structure.
- Write a function that returns a reference with a lifetime annotation.
- Implement a generic function that works with any type that implements a specific trait.
- Create a program that uses lifetimes to manage references in a data structure.
- Write a generic function that returns the larger of two values.
- Implement a program that uses lifetimes to manage the scope of a borrowed value.
- Create a program that uses generics to implement a custom collection type.
- Write a program that uses lifetimes and generics to implement a flexible and reusable function.
- Create a simple CLI tool that greets the user with their name.
- Implement a CLI tool that fetches weather information from an API.
- Write a CLI tool that performs basic file operations (e.g., create, read, write, delete).
- Create a CLI tool that interacts with a database to store and retrieve data.
- Implement a CLI tool that performs basic arithmetic operations with command-line arguments.
- Write a CLI tool that parses JSON data from a file and displays it in a readable format.
- Create a CLI tool that downloads files from the internet and saves them locally.
- Implement a CLI tool that converts data between different formats (e.g., CSV to JSON).
- Write a CLI tool that manages a to-do list with add, remove, and list operations.
- Create a CLI tool that interacts with a web API to send and receive data.
- File Searcher: Create a CLI tool that recursively searches for files by name in a directory.
- Process Manager: Build a CLI tool to list and manage system processes (e.g., kill processes).
- Database CRUD: Create a CLI tool that performs basic CRUD operations on a SQLite database.
- Config File Parser: Build a CLI tool that reads and edits configuration files (e.g., JSON, TOML).
- API Client: Create a CLI tool that interacts with a REST API to fetch and display data.
- Log Analyzer: Build a CLI tool to parse and analyze log files, providing statistics and error reports.
- Markdown to HTML Converter: Create a CLI tool that converts Markdown files into HTML.
- Task Runner: Build a CLI tool that schedules and runs predefined tasks (like a simple cron job).
- Backup Manager: Create a CLI tool to automate the backup of files to a specified location.
- Git Helper: Build a CLI tool that wraps common Git commands to simplify version control tasks.
- Basic Packager: Create a CLI tool that packages a Rust project into a binary for distribution.
- Cross-Compiler: Build a CLI tool that cross-compiles a Rust project for different platforms.
- Installer Generator: Create a CLI tool that generates an installer for a Rust application.
- Tarball Creator: Build a CLI tool that packages a project into a tarball with optional compression.
- Binary Size Analyzer: Create a CLI tool that analyzes and reports the size of a compiled binary.
- Release Packager: Build a CLI tool that automates the creation of release packages with versioning.
- Installer Validator: Create a CLI tool that verifies the integrity and correctness of an installer.
- Package Signer: Build a CLI tool that signs packages with a cryptographic signature.
- Deb/RPM Package Creator: Create a CLI tool that builds a Debian or RPM package from a Rust project.
- Multi-Platform Installer: Build a CLI tool that generates installers for multiple platforms (e.g., Windows, macOS, Linux).
- Multi-OS CLI Tool: Create a CLI tool that runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux with platform-specific features.
- Cross-Platform File Watcher: Build a CLI tool that watches for file changes on different operating systems.
- Universal Package Manager: Create a CLI tool that works with multiple package managers (e.g., apt, brew, chocolatey).
- Portable CLI Tool: Build a CLI tool that requires no installation and runs from a USB drive.
- Cross-Platform Logger: Create a CLI tool that logs system events across different operating systems.
- Environment Configuration Tool: Build a CLI tool that configures environment variables for different OSs.
- Cross-Platform Process Monitor: Create a CLI tool that monitors system processes on multiple operating systems.
- Universal Installer: Build a CLI tool that installs software packages across different platforms.
- Multi-OS Backup Tool: Create a CLI tool that performs backups on different operating systems.
- Cross-Platform Clipboard Manager: Build a CLI tool that manages the clipboard across different operating systems.
- Plugin System: Create a CLI tool that supports plugins, allowing users to extend its functionality.
- API Gateway: Build a CLI tool that acts as a gateway for integrating with multiple APIs.
- Task Scheduler: Create a CLI tool that schedules and runs tasks at specified intervals, integrating with system cron jobs.
- Messaging Queue Client: Build a CLI tool that interacts with a message queue system (e.g., RabbitMQ, Kafka).
- Service Integrator: Create a CLI tool that integrates with cloud services (e.g., AWS, GCP) and performs tasks.
- Database Migrator: Build a CLI tool that manages database migrations and integrates with different database systems.
- CI/CD Pipeline Integrator: Create a CLI tool that integrates with CI/CD systems like Jenkins or GitHub Actions.
- System Monitor Integrator: Build a CLI tool that integrates with system monitoring tools (e.g., Prometheus, Grafana).
- Custom Shell: Create a CLI tool that acts as a custom shell with support for plugins and extensions.
- Configuration Manager: Build a CLI tool that manages configuration files and integrates with other system tools.