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--- a/docs/source/index.rst
+++ b/docs/source/index.rst
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Welcome to the Viking Documentation!
+ using_viking/slurm_job_scheduler
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+.. include:: /global.rst
+Slurm job scheduler
+.. Note::
+ This page should be considered an introduction to the Slurm job scheduler as Slurm has capabilities *far beyond* what we describe on this page. We would encourage everyone to look through the `Slurm documentation `_ for more in depth information. The `Slurm Manual `_ pages can be especially good for a quick reference.
+What is Slurm?
+Slurm is a job scheduling system for small and large clusters. As a cluster workload manager, Slurm has three key functions:
+1. Lets a user request a resources on a compute node to run their workloads
+2. Provides a framework (commands) to start, cancel, and monitor a job
+3. Keeps track of all jobs to ensure everyone can efficiently use all computing resources without stepping on each others toes.
+When a user submits a job Slurm will decide when to allow the job to run on a compute node. This is very important for shared machines such as the Viking cluster so that the resources are shared fairly between users so one person's jobs do not dominate.
+.. tip::
+ The Slurm documentation has an in depth `overview `_ with a drawing to help picture Slurm.
+Resource allocation
+In order to interact with Slurm, the user must first give some indication of the resources they require. At a minimum these include:
+- How long does the job need to run for
+- On how many processors to run the job
+The default resource allocation for jobs can be found on the :doc:`resource partitions ` page.
+Armed with this information, the scheduler is able to dispatch the jobs at some point in the future when the resources become available. A fair-share policy is in operation to guide the scheduler towards allocating resources fairly between users.
+Running some Slurm commands on Viking
+To interact with Slurm there are a number of command you can use. This table summarises the most common commands that can be used on Viking:
+=========== ================================================================================================
+Command Description
+=========== ================================================================================================
+**squeue** Reports the state of jobs (with filtering, sorting, and formatting options). By default |br|
+ it reports the running jobs in priority order followed by the pending jobs in priority order
+**srun** Used to submit a job for execution in real time
+**salloc** Allocate resources for a job in real time (typically used to allocate resources and |br|
+ spawn a shell, in which the **srun** command is used to launch parallel tasks)
+**sbatch** Submit a job script for later execution (the script typically contains one or more |br|
+ **srun** commands to launch parallel tasks)
+**sattach** Attach standard input, output, and error to a currently running job , or job step
+**scancel** Cancel a pending or running job
+**sinfo** Reports the state of partitions and nodes managed by Slurm (it has a variety of filtering, |br|
+ sorting, and formatting options)
+**sacct** Report job accounting information about active or completed jobs
+=========== ================================================================================================
+The **squeue** command will be a command you use often. To run the command first login to Viking.
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ squeue
+You should see a list of jobs. Each column describes the status of each job:
+======================= ==========================================================================
+Column Description
+======================= ==========================================================================
+**JOBID** A number used to uniquely identify your job within **Slurm**
+**PARTITION** The partition the job has been submitted to
+**NAME** The job's name
+**USER** The username of the job's owner
+**ST** Current job status: **R** (running), **PD** (pending - queued and waiting)
+**TIME** The time the job has been running
+**NODES** The number of nodes used by the job
+**NODELIST (REASON)** The nodes used by the job or reason the job is not running
+======================= ==========================================================================
+To see only your jobs in the queue, run the following command
+.. code-block:: console
+ :caption: alternatively, replace ``$USER`` with any username
+ $ squeue -u $USER
+To provide information on the job you have queued or are running:
+.. code-block:: console
+ :caption: replace JOBID with a value job ID
+ $ squeue -j JOBID
+Other useful options you can use with **squeue** are summarised here:
+=========== ==================================================
+-a Display all jobs
+-l Display more information
+-u Only display users jobs
+-p Only display jobs in a particular partition
+--usage Print help
+-v Verbose listing
+=========== ==================================================
+For a comprehensive look at **squeue** refer to the `manual page `_ or run ``man squeue`` on Viking.
+The **sinfo** command displays node and partition (queue) information and state.
+===================== =================================================================================
+Column Description
+===================== =================================================================================
+**PARTITION** Asterisk after a partition name indicates the default partition
+**AVAIL** Partition is able to accept jobs
+**TIMELIMIT** Maximum time a job can run for
+**NODES** Number of available nodes in the partition
+**STATE** **Down** - not available, **alloc** - jobs being run, **idle** - waiting for jobs
+**NODELIST** Nodes available in the partition
+===================== =================================================================================
+For a comprehensive look at **sinfo** refer to the `manual page `_ or run ``man sinfo`` on Viking.
+To display a list of *recently completed* jobs use the **sacct** command.
+.. code-block:: console
+ :caption: in this case looking at job ID: 147874
+ $ sacct -j 147874
+ JobID JobName Partition Account AllocCPUS State ExitCode
+ ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------
+ 147874 simple.job nodes dept-proj+ 1 COMPLETED 0:0
+ 147874.batch batch dept-proj+ 1 COMPLETED 0:0
+Important switches to **sacct** are:
+========== ==================================
+Option Action
+========== ==================================
+-a Display all users jobs
+-b Display a brief listing
+-E Select the jobs end date/time
+-h Print help
+-j Display a specific job
+-l Display long format
+--name Display jobs with name
+-S Select the jobs start date/time
+-u Display only this user
+-v Verbose listing
+========== ==================================
+For a comprehensive look at **sacct** refer to the `manual page `_ or run ``man sacct`` on Viking.
+.. note::
+ There are many more commands you can use to query **Slurm**. Please see the `Slurm documentation `_ for further details.