diff --git a/test/UniStaker.integration.t.sol b/test/UniStaker.integration.t.sol index f747a7a..ad012dc 100644 --- a/test/UniStaker.integration.t.sol +++ b/test/UniStaker.integration.t.sol @@ -81,16 +81,17 @@ contract Propose is IntegrationTest { _fee = uint24(bound(_fee, 0, 999_999)); _tickSpacing = int24(bound(_tickSpacing, 1, 16_383)); - _passQueueAndExecuteProposals(); IUniswapV3FactoryOwnerActions factory = IUniswapV3FactoryOwnerActions(UNISWAP_V3_FACTORY_ADDRESS); int24 oldTickSpacing = factory.feeAmountTickSpacing(_fee); + // If the tick spacing is above 0 it will revert + vm.assume(oldTickSpacing == 0); + _passQueueAndExecuteProposals(); vm.prank(UNISWAP_GOVERNOR_TIMELOCK); v3FactoryOwner.enableFeeAmount(_fee, _tickSpacing); int24 newTickSpacing = factory.feeAmountTickSpacing(_fee); - assertEq(oldTickSpacing, 0, "Original tick spacing is incorrect for the set fee"); assertEq(newTickSpacing, _tickSpacing, "Tick spacing is incorrect for the set fee"); } @@ -263,6 +264,8 @@ contract Stake is IntegrationTest, PercentAssertions { uint128 _swapAmount ) public { vm.assume(_depositor != address(0) && _delegatee != address(0) && _amount != 0); + // Make sure depositor is not UniStaker + vm.assume(_depositor != 0xE2307e3710d108ceC7a4722a020a050681c835b3); _passQueueAndExecuteProposals(); _notifyRewards(_swapAmount); _amount = _dealStakingToken(_depositor, _amount);