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Eliminate AppContext
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The apps are splitting more cleanly, removing the need for the AppContext
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hojberg committed Apr 6, 2022
1 parent 957c66f commit d0007fa
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Showing 6 changed files with 198 additions and 85 deletions.
4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions src/Env.elm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ module Env exposing (..)
import Api exposing (ApiBasePath(..))
import Browser.Navigation as Nav
import Code.Perspective exposing (Perspective)
import Env.AppContext as AppContext exposing (AppContext)

type OperatingSystem
Expand All @@ -19,7 +18,6 @@ type alias Env =
{ operatingSystem : OperatingSystem
, basePath : String
, apiBasePath : ApiBasePath
, appContext : AppContext
, navKey : Nav.Key
, perspective : Perspective
Expand All @@ -29,7 +27,6 @@ type alias Flags =
{ operatingSystem : String
, basePath : String
, apiBasePath : List String
, appContext : String

Expand All @@ -38,7 +35,6 @@ init flags navKey perspective =
{ operatingSystem = operatingSystemFromString flags.operatingSystem
, basePath = flags.basePath
, apiBasePath = ApiBasePath flags.apiBasePath
, appContext = AppContext.fromString flags.appContext
, navKey = navKey
, perspective = perspective
Expand Down
45 changes: 0 additions & 45 deletions src/Env/AppContext.elm

This file was deleted.

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
module Code.PerspectiveLanding exposing (..)
module UnisonLocal.PerspectiveLanding exposing (..)

import Code.Definition.Doc as Doc
import Code.Definition.Readme as Readme
import Code.Definition.Reference exposing (Reference)
import Code.FullyQualifiedName as FQN exposing (FQN)
import Code.Namespace exposing (Namespace(..))
import Code.Perspective as Perspective
import Env exposing (Env)
import Env.AppContext exposing (AppContext(..))
import Code.Perspective as Perspective exposing (Perspective)
import Html exposing (Html, a, article, div, h2, header, p, section, span, strong, text)
import Html.Attributes exposing (class, href, id, rel, target)
import Lib.Util as Util
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -111,32 +109,21 @@ viewEmptyState title description cta =

viewEmptyStateCodebase : AppContext -> Html Msg
viewEmptyStateCodebase appContext =
button =
Button.iconThenLabel Find "Find Definition"
|> Button.primaryMono
|> Button.medium
case appContext of
UnisonLocal ->
(span [ class "unison-local" ] [ text "Your ", span [ class "context" ] [ text "Local" ], text " Unison Codebase" ])
[ p [] [ text "Browse, search, read docs, open definitions, and explore your local codebase." ]
, p []
[ text "Check out "
, a [ class "unison-share", href "", rel "noopener", target "_blank" ] [ strong [] [ text "Unison Share" ] ]
, text " for community projects."

UnisonShare ->
(span [ class "unison-share" ] [ text "Unison ", span [ class "context" ] [ text "Share" ] ])
[ p [] [ text "Explore to discover and share Unison libraries, documentation, types, and terms." ] ]
viewEmptyStateCodebase : Html Msg
viewEmptyStateCodebase =
(span [ class "unison-local" ] [ text "Your ", span [ class "context" ] [ text "Local" ], text " Unison Codebase" ])
[ p [] [ text "Browse, search, read docs, open definitions, and explore your local codebase." ]
, p []
[ text "Check out "
, a [ class "unison-share", href "", rel "noopener", target "_blank" ] [ strong [] [ text "Unison Share" ] ]
, text " for community projects."
(Button.iconThenLabel Find "Find Definition"
|> Button.primaryMono
|> Button.medium

viewEmptyStateNamespace : FQN -> Html Msg
Expand All @@ -154,11 +141,11 @@ viewEmptyStateNamespace fqn =

view : Env -> Model -> Html Msg
view env model =
case env.perspective of
view : Perspective -> Model -> Html Msg
view perspective model =
case perspective of
Perspective.Codebase _ ->
viewEmptyStateCodebase env.appContext

Perspective.Namespace { fqn, details } ->
case details of
Expand Down
177 changes: 177 additions & 0 deletions src/UnisonShare/PerspectiveLanding.elm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
module UnisonShare.PerspectiveLanding exposing (..)

import Code.Definition.Doc as Doc
import Code.Definition.Readme as Readme
import Code.Definition.Reference exposing (Reference)
import Code.FullyQualifiedName as FQN exposing (FQN)
import Code.Namespace exposing (Namespace(..))
import Code.Perspective as Perspective exposing (Perspective)
import Html exposing (Html, a, article, div, h2, header, p, section, span, strong, text)
import Html.Attributes exposing (class, href, id, rel, target)
import Lib.Util as Util
import RemoteData exposing (RemoteData(..))
import UI
import UI.Button as Button exposing (Button)
import UI.Icon as Icon
import UI.Toolbar as Toolbar

type alias Model =

init : Model
init =

type Msg
= OpenReference Reference
| ToggleDocFold Doc.FoldId
| Find

type OutMsg
= OpenDefinition Reference
| ShowFinderRequest
| None

update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, OutMsg )
update msg model =
case msg of
OpenReference r ->
( model, OpenDefinition r )

Find ->
( model, ShowFinderRequest )

ToggleDocFold fid ->
( Doc.toggleFold model fid, None )


container : List (Html msg) -> Html msg
container content =
article [ id "perspective-landing" ]
[ section
[ id "perspective-landing-content" ]

viewLoading : Html msg
viewLoading =
[ div
[ class "loading" ]
[ UI.loadingPlaceholderRow
, UI.loadingPlaceholderRow

viewError : FQN -> String -> Html msg
viewError fqn message =
[ div
[ class "perspective-landing-error" ]
[ header [] [ Icon.view Icon.warn, text ("Error loading " ++ FQN.toString fqn) ]
, p [] [ text message ]

viewEmptyState : Html msg -> List (Html msg) -> Button msg -> Html msg
viewEmptyState title description cta =
fauxItem =
div [ class "faux-empty-state-item" ]
[ UI.loadingPlaceholderRow
, UI.loadingPlaceholderRow
[ section [ class "perspective-landing-empty-state" ]
[ section
[ class "content" ]
(h2 [] [ title ]
:: description
++ [ fauxItem
, fauxItem
, section [ class "actions" ] [ Button.view cta ]

viewEmptyStateCodebase : Html Msg
viewEmptyStateCodebase =
(span [ class "unison-share" ] [ text "Unison ", span [ class "context" ] [ text "Share" ] ])
[ p [] [ text "Explore to discover and share Unison libraries, documentation, types, and terms." ] ]
(Button.iconThenLabel Find "Find Definition"
|> Button.primaryMono
|> Button.medium

viewEmptyStateNamespace : FQN -> Html Msg
viewEmptyStateNamespace fqn =
fqn_ =
FQN.toString fqn
(FQN.view fqn)
[ p [] [ text "Browse, search, read docs, open definitions, and explore" ] ]
(Button.iconThenLabel Find ("Find Definitions in " ++ fqn_)
|> Button.primaryMono
|> Button.medium

view : Perspective -> Model -> Html Msg
view perspective model =
case perspective of
Perspective.Codebase _ ->

Perspective.Namespace { fqn, details } ->
case details of
NotAsked ->

Loading ->

Success (Namespace _ _ { readme }) ->
content =
case readme of
Just r ->
[ div [ class "perspective-landing-readme" ]
[ header [ class "title" ] [ Icon.view Icon.doc, text "README" ]
, Readme.view OpenReference ToggleDocFold model r

Nothing ->
viewEmptyStateNamespace fqn
div []
[ Button.iconThenLabel Find "Find Definition"
|> Button.small
|> Button.view
|> Toolbar.toolbar
|> Toolbar.view
, content

Failure error ->
viewError fqn (Util.httpErrorToString error)
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion src/unisonLocal.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ const flags = {
operatingSystem: detectOs(window.navigator),
appContext: "UnisonLocal",

Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion src/unisonShare.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ const flags = {
operatingSystem: detectOs(window.navigator),
appContext: "UnisonShare",

Expand Down

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