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Import & Export

Joel Lonbeck edited this page Jan 9, 2015 · 1 revision

Here are the details of the import and export process in the app. This is a work in progress..

There has been several revisions of this process since the first versions of this app. Therefore, the app needs to provide support for backwards compatibility. Below is a simple description of what the app looks at when importing.

##DokuWiki The current practice is to combine frames into chapters and then zip all the chapter text files into a single archive.

  • any zipped file that does not have a .git directory in it is a DokuWiki archive.
  • any text file is a legacy DokuWiki file.

##translationStudio Project The current practice is to generate a manifest.json file and zip it along with any number of projects into an archive with the .tstudio extension.

  • any zipped file that has a .git directory in it is a legacy project archive
  • any file with the .tstudio extension is a project archive
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