Mapping between device id and operating room.
- Device: device id (name of the Draeger Perseus device).
- Description: human readable location (could change during study due to relocation of the Draeger Perseus device to another operating room).
- OR: medlinq operating room Id e.g 21 for ZOP2/Saal 1, or 30 for ZOP2/Saal 10.
Weekly summary report exported from Draeger connect software.
First line contains the total summary of all rows below.
- Geräte_Produkt: type of device (not used).
- Geräte_Standort: location/id of the device.
- Geräte_Seriennummer: serial number, empty (not used).
- Geräte_Gerätenummer; device number, empty (not used).
- Fälle_Gesamt: total cases, used to map the reports from the operating rooms to the devices.
- Fälle_Inhalativ: not used.
- Fälle_Durchschnittl. Dauer [min]: not used.
- Durchschnittl. Kosten_Pro Fall [EUR]: not used.
- Durchschnittl. Kosten_Pro Minute [EUR]: not used.
- Durchschnittl. FG-Flow pro Fall [L/min]_Gesamt: not used.
- Durchschnittl. FG-Flow pro Fall [L/min]_O2: not used.
- Durchschnittl. FG-Flow pro Fall [L/min]_N2O: not used.
- Durchschnittl. FG-Flow pro Fall [L/min]_Air: not used.
- Durchschnittl. Verbrauch pro Fall (mL)_Gesamt: not used.
- Durchschnittl. Verbrauch pro Fall (mL)_Iso: not used.
- Durchschnittl. Verbrauch pro Fall (mL)_Des: not used.
- Durchschnittl. Verbrauch pro Fall (mL)_Sev: not used.
- Durchschnittl. Uptake pro Fall [mL]_Gesamt: not used.
- Durchschnittl. Uptake pro Fall [mL]_Iso: not used.
- Durchschnittl. Uptake pro Fall [mL]_Des: not used.
- Durchschnittl. Uptake pro Fall [mL]_Sev: not used.
- Durchschnittl. Effizienz pro Fall [%]_Gesamt: not used.
- Durchschnittl. Effizienz pro Fall [%]_Iso: not used.
- Durchschnittl. Effizienz pro Fall [%]_Des: not used.
- Durchschnittl. Effizienz pro Fall [%]_Sev: not used.
- CO2-Äquivalent gesamt [kg]_Gesamt: not used.
- CO2-Äquivalent gesamt [kg]_Iso: not used.
- CO2-Äquivalent gesamt [kg]_Des: not used.
- CO2-Äquivalent gesamt [kg]_Sev not used.
Weekly individual report exported from Draeger connect software.
First line contains the total summary of all rows below.
- Geräte_Produkt: type of device (not used).
- Fälle Datum: date, format: Weekday, Day. Month Year.
- Fälle Zeit: time, format: HH:MM - HH:MM (from - to).
- Fälle Inhalativ: inhaled anaesthetics used yes/no (ja/nein), not used.
- Fälle Dauer (min): duration in minutes.
- Kosten Pro Fall [EUR]: not used.
- Kosten Pro Minute [EUR]: not used.
- Durchschnittl. FG-Flow pro Fall [L/min] Gesamt: average total fresh gas flow.
- Durchschnittl. FG-Flow pro Fall [L/min] O2: average oxygen fresh gas flow.
- Durchschnittl. FG-Flow pro Fall [L/min] N2O: not used.
- Durchschnittl. FG-Flow pro Fall [L/min] Air: average air fresh gas flow.
- Verbrauch pro Fall (ml) Gesamt: not used.
- Verbrauch pro Fall (ml) Iso: not used.
- Verbrauch pro Fall (ml) Des: not used.
- Verbrauch pro Fall (ml) Sev: used sevoflurane in ml; not used.
- Uptake pro Fall (ml) Gesamt: not used.
- Uptake pro Fall (ml) Iso: not used.
- Uptake pro Fall (ml) Des: not used.
- Uptake pro Fall (ml) Sev: not used.
- Effizienz pro Fall (%) Gesamt: not used.
- Effizienz pro Fall (%) Iso: not used.
- Effizienz pro Fall (%) Des: not used.
- Effizienz pro Fall (%) Sev: not used.
- CO2-Äquivalent Gesamt: not used.
- CO2-Äquivalent Iso: not used.
- CO2-Äquivalent Des: not used.
- CO2-Äquivalent Sev: not used.
UserLogEntry exported from Draeger Perseus, subset generated by:
# header
head -n1 A500_ASDD-0010_DsrUserLogEntry_.csv > case1.csv
# keep just fgf and vapor setting changes
grep "\#201[ad]\#8" A500_ASDD-0010_DsrUserLogEntry_.csv >> case1.csv
- Class: always "Operating Code".
- Code: Code ID.
- TimeStamp: timestamp.
- Decription: German description of
. - CodeExtension: numbers containing the actual settings, separated by #
- SerialNumber: always empty
One file for each operating room.
- Id: id of the sevoflurane bottle (initially we started with unique Ids, e.g. first bottle in 21 was 1 and first bottle in 25 was 2; subsequently we used unique increasing numbers in each room (so the ids are not unique across the csv-files; the bottles are kept in each room).
- Date: date of weight measurement, %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.
- InitialWeight: weight of the sevoflurane bottle before the vapor was filled.
- FinalWeight: weight of the sevoflurane bottle after the vapor was filled (if it was not filled, we just copy the InitialWeight).
- Comment: comment.
Information about the CONTRAfluran anaesthetic gas canister.
- Id: id of the anaesthetic gas canister (AGC).
- InitialWeight: weight of the AGC before use.
- FinalWeight: weight of the AGC after use (red LED on SENSOfluran unit).
- FinalWeight2: weight of the AGC after storage in our hospital just before it was sent to ZeoSys.
- FinalWeight3: weight of the AGC after storage in ZeoSys, just before desorption.
- OR: medlinq operating room Id e.g 21 for ZOP2/Saal 1, or 30 for ZOP2/Saal 10.
- Start: date and time when the AGC was installed.
- End: date and time when the AGC was removed.
- Comment: comment.