You can find the data on this Google Drive Link. Please go through the date preparation guide to prepare the data. Download the data and change the path to the data in the launch/turtlmap.launch
file. We note that it's important to start the logs from different timestamps to ensure proper synchronization of the bags that contain different sensor information. The provided data has three rosbags per log:
: this contains all the information that is collected on the BR2 computer, including the DVL, barometer, and their static transforms.logX_imu.bag
: this contains the information from the 3DM-GX5-25 IMU, which we use for the factor graph.logX_zed-001.bag
: this contains the stereo images, IMU and registered pointcloud from the on-board Zed-Mini camerastamped_groundtruth.txt
: this contains the groundtruth information that is used for evaluation purposes.
Use the launch/turtlmap.launch
- For log1, set the start flag
in the rosbag player node as 20 - For log2, set the start flag
in the rosbag player node as 15 Simply run:
roslaunch turtlmap turtlmap.launch