diff --git a/Tests/Data/Mechanics/CooksMembrane/CooksMembraneBbar.py b/Tests/Data/Mechanics/CooksMembrane/CooksMembraneBbar.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9114c2317a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tests/Data/Mechanics/CooksMembrane/CooksMembraneBbar.py
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+# ---
+# jupyter:
+# jupytext:
+# text_representation:
+# extension: .py
+# format_name: percent
+# format_version: '1.3'
+# jupytext_version: 1.16.2
+# kernelspec:
+# display_name: Python 3 (ipykernel)
+# language: python
+# name: python3
+# ---
+# %% [raw]
+# +++
+# title = "Cook's membrane example"
+# date = "2024-06-11"
+# author = "Wenqing Wang"
+# image = "figures/cooks_membrane.png"
+# web_subsection = "small-deformations"
+# weight = 3
+# +++
+# %% [markdown]
+# $$
+# \newcommand{\B}{\text{B}}
+# \newcommand{\F}{\text{F}}
+# \newcommand{\I}{\mathbf I}
+# \newcommand{\intD}[1]{\int_{\Omega_e}#1\mathrm{d}\Omega}
+# $$
+# # Cook's membrane example for nearly icompressible solid
+# ## B bar method
+# Considering a strain decomposition: $\mathbf\epsilon = \underbrace{\mathbf\epsilon- \frac{1}{3}(\epsilon:\mathbf I)}_{\text{deviatoric}}\I + \underbrace{\frac{1}{3}(\epsilon:\mathbf I)}_{\text{dilatational}} \I$.
+# The idea of the B bar method is to use another quadrature rule to interpolate the dilatational part, which leads to a modified B matrix [1]:
+# $$
+# \bar\B = \underbrace{\B - \B^{\text{dil}}}_{\text{original B elements}}+ \underbrace{{\bar\B}^{\text{dil}}}_{\text{by another quadrature rule} }
+# $$
+# There are several methods to form ${\bar\B}^{\text{dil}}$ such as selective integration, generalization of the mean-dilatation formulation. In the current OGS, we use the latter, which reads
+# $$
+# {\bar\B}^{\text{dil}} = \frac{\intD{\B^{\text{dil}}(\xi)}}{\intD{}}
+# $$
+# ## Example
+# To verify the implementation of the B bar method, the so called Cook's membrane is used as a benchmark.
+# Illustrated in the following figure, this example simulates a tapered
+# and swept panel of unit thickness. The left edge is clamped and the right edge is applied with a distributed shearing load $F$ = 100 N/mm. The plane strain condition is considered. This numerical model is exactly the same as that is presented in the paper by T. Elguedj et al [1,2].
+# ## Reference
+# [1] T.J.R. Hughes (1980). Generalization of selective integration procedures to anisotropic and nonlinear media. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 15(9), 1413-1418.
+# [2] T. Elguedj, Y. Bazilevs, V.M. Calo, T.J.R. Hughes (2008),
+# $\bar\B$ and $\bar\F$ projection methods for nearly incompressible linear and non-linear elasticity and plasticity using higher-order NURBS elements, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 197(33--40), 2732-2762.
+# %%
+import os
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+from pathlib import Path
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import matplotlib.tri as tri
+import numpy as np
+import pyvista as pv
+import vtuIO
+from ogs6py.ogs import OGS
+out_dir = Path(os.environ.get("OGS_TESTRUNNER_OUT_DIR", "_out"))
+if not out_dir.exists():
+ out_dir.mkdir(parents=True)
+# %%
+def get_last_vtu_file_name(pvd_file_name):
+ tree = ET.parse(Path(out_dir) / pvd_file_name)
+ root = tree.getroot()
+ # Get the last DataSet tag
+ last_dataset = root.findall(".//DataSet")[-1]
+ # Get the 'file' attribute of the last DataSet tag
+ file_attribute = last_dataset.attrib["file"]
+ return f"{out_dir}/" + file_attribute
+def get_top_uy(pvd_file_name):
+ top_point = (48.0e-3, 60.0e-3, 0)
+ file_name = get_last_vtu_file_name(pvd_file_name)
+ mesh = pv.read(file_name)
+ p_id = mesh.find_closest_point(top_point)
+ u = mesh.point_data["displacement"][p_id]
+ return u[1]
+# %%
+def run_single_test(mesh_name, output_prefix, use_bbar="false"):
+ model = OGS(INPUT_FILE="CooksMembrane.prj", PROJECT_FILE=f"{out_dir}/modified.prj")
+ model.replace_text(mesh_name, xpath="./mesh")
+ model.replace_text(use_bbar, xpath="./processes/process/use_b_bar")
+ model.replace_text(output_prefix, xpath="./time_loop/output/prefix")
+ model.replace_text(
+ "BiCGSTAB", xpath="./linear_solvers/linear_solver/eigen/solver_type"
+ )
+ model.replace_text("ILUT", xpath="./linear_solvers/linear_solver/eigen/precon_type")
+ vtu_file_name = output_prefix + "_ts_1_t_1.000000.vtu"
+ model.replace_text(vtu_file_name, xpath="./test_definition/vtkdiff[1]/file")
+ model.replace_text(vtu_file_name, xpath="./test_definition/vtkdiff[2]/file")
+ model.replace_text(vtu_file_name, xpath="./test_definition/vtkdiff[3]/file")
+ model.write_input()
+ # Run OGS
+ model.run_model(logfile=f"{out_dir}/out.txt", args=f"-o {out_dir} -m .")
+ # Get uy at the top
+ return get_top_uy(output_prefix + ".pvd")
+# %%
+mesh_names = [
+ "mesh.vtu",
+ "mesh_n10.vtu",
+ "mesh_n15.vtu",
+ "mesh_n20.vtu",
+ "mesh_n25.vtu",
+ "mesh_n30.vtu",
+output_prefices_non_bbar = [
+ "cooks_membrane_sd_edge_div_4_non_bbar",
+ "cooks_membrane_sd_refined_mesh_10_non_bbar",
+ "cooks_membrane_sd_refined_mesh_15_non_bbar",
+ "cooks_membrane_sd_refined_mesh_20_non_bbar",
+ "cooks_membrane_sd_refined_mesh_25_non_bbar",
+ "cooks_membrane_sd_refined_mesh_30_non_bbar",
+uys_at_top_non_bbar = []
+for mesh_name, output_prefix in zip(mesh_names, output_prefices_non_bbar):
+ uy_at_top = run_single_test(mesh_name, output_prefix)
+ uys_at_top_non_bbar.append(uy_at_top)
+expected_uys_at_top_non_bbar = np.array(
+ [
+ 0.002164586784123102,
+ 0.0022603329644579383,
+ 0.002375295856067169,
+ 0.002519725590136146,
+ 0.0026515294133790837,
+ 0.002868289617025223,
+ ]
+ actual=uys_at_top_non_bbar, desired=expected_uys_at_top_non_bbar, atol=1e-10
+# %%
+output_prefices = [
+ "cooks_membrane_sd_edge_div_4",
+ "cooks_membrane_sd_refined_mesh_10",
+ "cooks_membrane_sd_refined_mesh_15",
+ "cooks_membrane_sd_refined_mesh_20",
+ "cooks_membrane_sd_refined_mesh_25",
+ "cooks_membrane_sd_refined_mesh_30",
+uys_at_top_bbar = []
+for mesh_name, output_prefix in zip(mesh_names, output_prefices):
+ uy_at_top = run_single_test(mesh_name, output_prefix, "true")
+ uys_at_top_bbar.append(uy_at_top)
+expected_uys_at_top_bbar = np.array(
+ [
+ 0.0069574713856979,
+ 0.007772616910217863,
+ 0.007897597955618913,
+ 0.007951479575082158,
+ 0.007976349858390623,
+ 0.007999718483861992,
+ ]
+ actual=uys_at_top_bbar, desired=expected_uys_at_top_bbar, atol=2e-4
+# %%
+ne = [4, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30]
+def plot_data(ne, u_y_bbar, uy_non_bbar, file_name=""):
+ # Plotting
+ plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = [5, 5]
+ if len(u_y_bbar) != 0:
+ plt.plot(
+ ne, np.array(u_y_bbar) * 1e3, marker="o", linestyle="dashed", label="B bar"
+ )
+ if len(uy_non_bbar) != 0:
+ plt.plot(
+ ne,
+ np.array(uy_non_bbar) * 1e3,
+ marker="x",
+ linestyle="dashed",
+ label="non B bar",
+ )
+ plt.xlabel("Number of elements per side")
+ plt.ylabel("Top right corner displacement /mm")
+ plt.legend()
+ plt.tight_layout()
+ if file_name != "":
+ plt.savefig(file_name)
+ plt.show()
+# %% [markdown]
+# ## Result
+# ### Vertical diplacement at the top point
+# The following figure shows that the convergence of the solutions obtained by using the B bar method follows the one presented in the paper by T. Elguedj et al [1]. However, the results obtained without the B bar method are quit far from the converged solution with the finest mesh.
+# %%
+plot_data(ne, uys_at_top_bbar, uys_at_top_non_bbar, "b_bar_linear.png")
+# %% [markdown]
+# ### Contour plot
+# %%
+nedges = ["4", "10", "15", "20", "25", "30"]
+def contour_plot(pvd_file_name, title):
+ file_name = get_last_vtu_file_name(pvd_file_name)
+ m_plot = vtuIO.VTUIO(file_name, dim=2)
+ triang = tri.Triangulation(m_plot.points[:, 0], m_plot.points[:, 1])
+ triang = tri.Triangulation(m_plot.points[:, 0], m_plot.points[:, 1])
+ s_plot = m_plot.get_point_field("sigma")
+ s_trace = s_plot[:, 0] + s_plot[:, 1] + s_plot[:, 2]
+ u_plot = m_plot.get_point_field("displacement")
+ fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(8, 3))
+ ax[0].set_title(title, loc="left", y=1.12)
+ plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.5)
+ contour_stress = ax[0].tricontourf(triang, s_trace, cmap="viridis")
+ contour_displacement = ax[1].tricontourf(triang, u_plot[:, 1], cmap="gist_rainbow")
+ fig.colorbar(contour_stress, ax=ax[0], label="Stress trace / MPa")
+ fig.colorbar(contour_displacement, ax=ax[1], label="Dispplacement / m")
+ fig.tight_layout()
+ plt.savefig(pvd_file_name + ".png")
+ plt.show()
+# %% [markdown]
+# #### Results obtained without the B bar method:
+# %%
+for nedge, output_prefix in zip(nedges, output_prefices_non_bbar):
+ contour_plot(output_prefix + ".pvd", "Number of elements per side: " + nedge)
+# %% [markdown]
+# #### Results obtained with the B bar method:
+# %%
+for nedge, output_prefix in zip(nedges, output_prefices):
+ contour_plot(output_prefix + ".pvd", "Number of elements per side: " + nedge)
+# %% [markdown]
+# The contour plots show that even with the coarsest mesh, the B bar method still gives reasonable stress result.
diff --git a/Tests/Data/Mechanics/EvaluatingBbarWithSimpleExamples/evaluating_bbbar_with_simple_examples.py b/Tests/Data/Mechanics/EvaluatingBbarWithSimpleExamples/evaluating_bbbar_with_simple_examples.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d3b5fc8c171
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tests/Data/Mechanics/EvaluatingBbarWithSimpleExamples/evaluating_bbbar_with_simple_examples.py
@@ -0,0 +1,647 @@
+# ---
+# jupyter:
+# jupytext:
+# text_representation:
+# extension: .py
+# format_name: percent
+# format_version: '1.3'
+# jupytext_version: 1.16.2
+# kernelspec:
+# display_name: Python 3 (ipykernel)
+# language: python
+# name: python3
+# ---
+# %% [raw]
+# +++
+# title = "Evaluating the B-bar method with simple examples"
+# date = "2024-08-29"
+# author = "Wenqing Wang"
+# image = "figures/quad_M_fig.png"
+# web_subsection = "small-deformations"
+# weight = 3
+# +++
+# %% [markdown]
+# $$
+# \newcommand{\B}{\text{B}}
+# \newcommand{\F}{\text{F}}
+# \newcommand{\I}{\mathbf I}
+# \newcommand{\intD}[1]{\int_{\Omega_e}#1\mathrm{d}\Omega}
+# $$
+# ## Evaluating the B-bar method with simple examples
+# This is a plane strain example demonstrating the mechanical behavior of a $1\text{m}\times1\text{m}$ domain under a constant pressure of 10 MPa.
+# We analyze two problems, referred to as the homogeneous and heterogeneous problems. The schematics of these problems are shown in the figures below:
+# Homogeneous problem | heterogeneous problem
+# :-----------------------------:|:-----------------------------:
+# |
+# As can be seen from the schematic figures, the settings of the two problems are identical except for the boundary conditions on the bottom edge. For the homogeneous problem, the bottom boundary has a roller support with the horizontal displacement fixed at the lower left corner. Under these boundary conditions, the strain and stress remain homogeneous throughout the domain. For the heterogeneous problem, all displacement components on the bottom are fixed, leading to heterogeneous strain, and stress within the domain.
+# Material compressibility is accounted for by using a Poisson's ratio of 0.2 for the compressible material and 0.499 for the incompressible material.
+# We also consider the influence of element size on the accuracy of the solutions. Therefore, the tests are conducted using different meshes, generated by dividing the domain into a varying number of elements per edge: 2, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30, respectively. Test
+# %%
+import os
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+from pathlib import Path
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import matplotlib.tri as tri
+import numpy as np
+import pyvista as pv
+import vtuIO
+from ogs6py.ogs import OGS
+out_dir = Path(os.environ.get("OGS_TESTRUNNER_OUT_DIR", "_out"))
+if not out_dir.exists():
+ out_dir.mkdir(parents=True)
+# %%
+def get_last_vtu_file_name(pvd_file_name, out_dir=out_dir):
+ tree = ET.parse(Path(out_dir, pvd_file_name))
+ root = tree.getroot()
+ # Get the last DataSet tag
+ last_dataset = root.findall(".//DataSet")[-1]
+ # Get the 'file' attribute of the last DataSet tag
+ file_attribute = last_dataset.attrib["file"]
+ return str(Path(out_dir, file_attribute))
+def get_variables_at_center(pvd_file_name):
+ center = (0.5, 0.5, 0)
+ file_name = get_last_vtu_file_name(pvd_file_name)
+ mesh = pv.read(file_name)
+ p_id = mesh.find_closest_point(center)
+ u = mesh.point_data["displacement"][p_id]
+ epsilon = mesh.point_data["epsilon"][p_id]
+ sigma = mesh.point_data["sigma"][p_id]
+ return (u, epsilon, sigma)
+# %%
+def contour_plot(pvd_file_name, title):
+ file_name = get_last_vtu_file_name(pvd_file_name)
+ m_plot = vtuIO.VTUIO(file_name, dim=2)
+ triang = tri.Triangulation(m_plot.points[:, 0], m_plot.points[:, 1])
+ stress_data = m_plot.get_point_field("sigma") * 1e-6
+ u_data = m_plot.get_point_field("displacement") * 1e3
+ fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(8, 3))
+ ax[0].set_title(title, loc="left", y=1.12)
+ plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.5)
+ contour_stress = ax[0].tricontourf(triang, stress_data[:, 1], cmap="jet")
+ contour_displacement = ax[1].tricontourf(triang, u_data[:, 1], cmap="jet")
+ fig.colorbar(contour_stress, ax=ax[0], label="Vertical stress / [MPa]")
+ fig.colorbar(contour_displacement, ax=ax[1], label="Vertical displacement / [mm]")
+ fig.tight_layout()
+ # plt.savefig(pvd_file_name + '.png')
+ plt.show()
+# %%
+def plot_data_curve(ne, x, y_lable, file_name=""):
+ # Plotting
+ plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = [5, 5]
+ plt.plot(ne, x, marker="o", linestyle="dashed")
+ plt.xlabel("Number of elements per side")
+ plt.ylabel(y_lable)
+ # plt.legend()
+ plt.tight_layout()
+ if file_name != "":
+ plt.savefig(file_name)
+ plt.show()
+# %%
+class SingleSimulationModel:
+ """An OGS run model"""
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ out_dir,
+ output_prefix,
+ order=2,
+ use_bbar="false",
+ is_homogeneous_mode=False,
+ poisson_ratio=0.2,
+ ):
+ self.model = OGS(
+ INPUT_FILE="simple_b_bar_test.prj", PROJECT_FILE=f"{out_dir}/modified.prj"
+ )
+ self.model.replace_text(use_bbar, xpath="./processes/process/use_b_bar")
+ self.model.replace_text(output_prefix, xpath="./time_loop/output/prefix")
+ print(f"Shape function order = {order}")
+ print(f"use_b_bar = {use_bbar}")
+ self.model.replace_text(
+ order, xpath="./process_variables/process_variable/order"
+ )
+ if is_homogeneous_mode:
+ xpath = "./process_variables/process_variable/boundary_conditions/boundary_condition[1]/geometry"
+ self.model.replace_text("origin", xpath)
+ xpath = "./parameters/parameter[name='nu']/value"
+ self.model.replace_text(poisson_ratio, xpath)
+ self.out_dir = out_dir
+ self.output_prefix = output_prefix
+ def run(self, mesh_name):
+ self.model.replace_text(mesh_name, xpath="./mesh")
+ self.model.write_input()
+ self.model.run_model(
+ logfile=Path(self.out_dir, "out.txt"), args=f"-o {self.out_dir} -m ."
+ )
+ return get_variables_at_center(self.output_prefix + ".pvd")
+# %%
+mesh_names = [
+ "quad_edge_div_2.vtu",
+ "quad_edge_div_10.vtu",
+ "quad_edge_div_15.vtu",
+ "quad_edge_div_20.vtu",
+ "quad_edge_div_25.vtu",
+ "quad_edge_div_30.vtu",
+ "quad_edge_div_40.vtu",
+def run_all_tests(ogs_mode):
+ u_at_center_all = np.empty((0, 2))
+ eps_at_center_all = np.empty((0, 4))
+ sigma_at_center_all = np.empty((0, 4))
+ for mesh_name in mesh_names:
+ (u, eps, sigma) = ogs_mode.run(mesh_name)
+ u_at_center_all = np.append(u_at_center_all, [u], axis=0)
+ eps_at_center_all = np.append(eps_at_center_all, [eps], axis=0)
+ sigma_at_center_all = np.append(sigma_at_center_all, [sigma], axis=0)
+ return (u_at_center_all, eps_at_center_all, sigma_at_center_all)
+# %%
+def compare_with_analytic_solution(solutions, solution_analytic, atol_, rtol_=1e-10):
+ for solution in solutions:
+ np.testing.assert_allclose(
+ actual=solution, desired=solution_analytic, atol=atol_, rtol=rtol_
+ )
+# %%
+class AllTest:
+ """Run all tests and post-process the result data"""
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ out_dir,
+ output_prefix,
+ order=2,
+ is_homogeneous_mode=False,
+ poisson_ratio=0.2,
+ ):
+ self.output_prefix_non_bbar = output_prefix + "_non_bbar"
+ use_bbar = "false"
+ print("Simulating without the B-bar method:")
+ model_non_bbar = SingleSimulationModel(
+ out_dir,
+ self.output_prefix_non_bbar,
+ order,
+ use_bbar,
+ is_homogeneous_mode,
+ poisson_ratio,
+ )
+ (
+ self.u_at_center_all_nonbbar,
+ self.eps_at_center_all_nonbbar,
+ self.sigma_at_center_all_nonbbar,
+ ) = run_all_tests(model_non_bbar)
+ print("Simulating with the B-bar method:")
+ self.output_prefix_bbar = output_prefix + "_bbar"
+ use_bbar = "true"
+ model_bbar = SingleSimulationModel(
+ out_dir,
+ self.output_prefix_bbar,
+ order,
+ use_bbar,
+ is_homogeneous_mode,
+ poisson_ratio,
+ )
+ (
+ self.u_at_center_all_bbar,
+ self.eps_at_center_all_bbar,
+ self.sigma_at_center_all_bbar,
+ ) = run_all_tests(model_bbar)
+ def contour_plot_all(self, title):
+ contour_plot(self.output_prefix_non_bbar + ".pvd", title + " (non B-bar)")
+ contour_plot(self.output_prefix_bbar + ".pvd", title + " (B-bar)")
+ def compare_with_analytic_solution(
+ self, u_analytic, eps_analytic, sigma_analytic, exlude_nonbbar=False
+ ):
+ compare_with_analytic_solution(self.u_at_center_all_bbar, u_analytic, 2.5e-5)
+ compare_with_analytic_solution(self.eps_at_center_all_bbar, eps_analytic, 8e-16)
+ compare_with_analytic_solution(
+ self.sigma_at_center_all_bbar, sigma_analytic, 3e-5
+ )
+ if exlude_nonbbar:
+ return
+ compare_with_analytic_solution(self.u_at_center_all_nonbbar, u_analytic, 3e-5)
+ compare_with_analytic_solution(
+ self.eps_at_center_all_nonbbar, eps_analytic, 8e-16
+ )
+ compare_with_analytic_solution(
+ self.sigma_at_center_all_nonbbar, sigma_analytic, 3e-5
+ )
+ def compute_errors(self):
+ print(
+ "Differences between the results obtained with"
+ " and without the B-bar, respectively"
+ )
+ self.diffs_u = np.linalg.norm(
+ self.u_at_center_all_nonbbar - self.u_at_center_all_bbar, axis=1
+ )
+ print(
+ f"Displacement differences corresponding to "
+ f"the mesh refinement levels: { self.diffs_u}"
+ )
+ self.diffs_eps = np.linalg.norm(
+ self.eps_at_center_all_nonbbar - self.eps_at_center_all_bbar, axis=1
+ )
+ print(
+ f"Strain differences corresponding to "
+ f"the mesh refinement levels: {self.diffs_eps}"
+ )
+ self.diffs_sigma = np.linalg.norm(
+ self.sigma_at_center_all_nonbbar - self.sigma_at_center_all_bbar, axis=1
+ )
+ print(
+ f"Stress differences corresponding "
+ f"to the mesh refinement levels: {self.diffs_sigma}"
+ )
+ def assert_errors(self, expected_u_diffs, expected_eps_diffs, expected_sigma_diffs):
+ self.compute_errors()
+ tolerance = 6.0e-5
+ np.testing.assert_allclose(
+ actual=self.diffs_u, desired=expected_u_diffs, atol=tolerance
+ )
+ tolerance = 5.0e-5
+ np.testing.assert_allclose(
+ actual=self.diffs_eps, desired=expected_eps_diffs, atol=tolerance
+ )
+ tolerance = 1.0e-10
+ np.testing.assert_allclose(
+ actual=self.diffs_sigma, desired=expected_sigma_diffs, atol=tolerance
+ )
+ def plot_solutions(
+ self, figure_name="", scaling_u=1e3, scaling_eps=1e5, scaling_sigma=1e-6
+ ):
+ mesh_refine_level = np.array([2, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40])
+ fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(9, 3))
+ def plot_subfigure(sug_figure, x, x_bbar, y_label):
+ sug_figure.plot(
+ mesh_refine_level, x, "C0", linestyle="dashed", label="Non B-bar"
+ )
+ sug_figure.plot(mesh_refine_level, x_bbar, "C2", label="B-bar")
+ sug_figure.set_xlabel("Number of elements per side")
+ sug_figure.set_ylabel(y_label)
+ sug_figure.legend()
+ plot_subfigure(
+ ax[0],
+ self.u_at_center_all_nonbbar[:, 1] * scaling_u,
+ self.u_at_center_all_bbar[:, 1] * scaling_u,
+ "Vertical displacement[mm]",
+ )
+ plot_subfigure(
+ ax[1],
+ self.eps_at_center_all_nonbbar[:, 1] * scaling_eps,
+ self.eps_at_center_all_bbar[:, 1] * scaling_eps,
+ r"Vertical strain[$ \times 10^{-5}$, -]",
+ )
+ plot_subfigure(
+ ax[2],
+ self.sigma_at_center_all_nonbbar[:, 1] * scaling_sigma,
+ self.sigma_at_center_all_bbar[:, 1] * scaling_sigma,
+ r"Vertical stress [MPa]",
+ )
+ plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.5)
+ fig.tight_layout()
+ if figure_name != "":
+ plt.savefig(figure_name)
+ plt.show()
+ def plot_errors(self, figure_name=""):
+ mesh_refine_level = np.array([2, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40])
+ fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(9, 3))
+ def plot_subfigure(sub_fig, x, y_label):
+ sub_fig.plot(mesh_refine_level, x, "C2")
+ sub_fig.set_xlabel("Number of elements per side")
+ sub_fig.set_ylabel(y_label)
+ plot_subfigure(ax[0], self.diffs_u * 1e3, "Displacement difference [mm]")
+ plot_subfigure(
+ ax[1], self.diffs_eps * 1e5, r"Strain difference [$ \times 10^{-5}$, -]"
+ )
+ plot_subfigure(ax[2], self.diffs_sigma * 1e-3, r"Stress difference [kPa]")
+ plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.5)
+ fig.tight_layout()
+ if figure_name != "":
+ plt.savefig(figure_name)
+ plt.show()
+# %% [markdown]
+# ### 1. Homogeneous problem
+# Obviously, the analytical solutions of the stress components on tha plane are $\sigma_{11} = 0$, $\sigma_{22} = -10$ MPa. The analytical solutions of the remaining variables are
+# $$
+# \begin{align}
+# \sigma_{33} &= \nu(\sigma_{11}+\sigma_{22})\\
+# \epsilon_{11} &= \frac{\lambda}{4G(\lambda+G)}\sigma_{22}\\
+# \epsilon_{22} &= \epsilon_{11} + \frac{\sigma_{22}}{2G} \\
+# u_{1} &= \epsilon_{11}x \\
+# u_{2} &= \epsilon_{11}y
+# \end{align}
+# $$
+# with $E$ the Young's modulus, $G=E/2(1+\nu)$ the shear modulus, $\nu$ the Poisson ratio, and $\lambda=E\nu/((1+\nu)(1-2\nu))$ the Lame constant, $u$ the displacement, $\epsilon$ the strain, and $\sigma$ the strress.
+# #### 1.1. Compressible material
+# For this case, the Poisson ratio is 0.2 as that is depicted in the schematics.
+# %%
+output_prefix = "simple_test_homo"
+all_test_homo = AllTest(out_dir, output_prefix, is_homogeneous_mode=True)
+# %% [markdown]
+# #### 1.1.1. Contour plot of the result
+# The stress and displacement results obtained from the test using the finest mesh are shown in the following figures.
+# The left figure illustrates the vertical stress within the domain expressed as an offset $s$ from -10 MPa, the analytical solution. In the simulation without the B-bar method, the offset $s$ ranges between $-0.6 \times 10^{-12}$ MPa and $0.45 \times 10^{-12}$ MPa, indicating a stress accuracy better than $10^{-11}$ MPa. With the B-bar method applied, the stress accuracy improves further to better than $10^{-12}$ MPa.
+# %%
+all_test_homo.contour_plot_all("Results of the homogeneous problem")
+# %% [markdown]
+# #### 1.1.2. Compared with the analytical solution
+# For this homogeneous problem, the solutions obtained using the B-bar method have almost the same accuracy as those obtained with the standard approach. This is confirmed by the following comparisons with the analytical solutions:
+# %%
+E = 1e10
+nu = 0.2
+lambd = nu * E / (1 + nu) / (1 - 2.0 * nu)
+G = 0.5 * E / (1 + nu)
+p = -10e6
+eps_11 = -0.25 * lambd * p / G / (lambd + G)
+eps_22 = eps_11 + 0.5 * p / G
+u_1 = eps_11 * 0.5
+u_2 = eps_22 * 0.5
+sigma_33 = nu * p
+u_analytic = np.array([u_1, u_2])
+eps_analytic = np.array([eps_11, eps_22, 0.0, 0.0])
+sigma_analytic = np.array([0.0, p, sigma_33, 0.0])
+all_test_homo.compare_with_analytic_solution(u_analytic, eps_analytic, sigma_analytic)
+# %% [markdown]
+# #### 1.2. Incompressible material
+# For this case, the Poisson ratio is set to 0.499.
+# %%
+output_prefix = "simple_test_homo_incompress"
+all_test_homo_incompress = AllTest(
+ out_dir, output_prefix, poisson_ratio=0.499, is_homogeneous_mode=True
+# %% [markdown]
+# #### 1.2.1. Contour plot of the result
+# The stress and displacement results obtained from the test using the finest mesh are shown in the following figures.
+# The same as that is explained in section 1.1.1, in the simulation without the B-bar method, the offset $s$ ranges between $-1.0 \times 10^{-10}$ MPa and $1.0 \times 10^{-10}$ MPa, indicating a stress accuracy better than $2\cdot 10^{-10}$ MPa. With the B-bar method applied, the stress accuracy improves further to better than $10^{-10}$ MPa. The simulation using the B-bar method results in a larger displacement compared to the simulation without it, which is physically correct. Specifically, the vertical displacement at the top is 8e-7 mm without the B-bar method, whereas it is 1.05e-6 mm with the B-bar method.
+# %%
+ "Results of the homogeneous problem with incompressible material"
+# %% [markdown]
+# 1.2.2. Variable variation with mesh refinement level
+# The following three figures show the variations in vertical displacement, vertical strain, and vertical stress at the domain center as the mesh refinement level increases. These figures demonstrate that both simulations, with or without the B-bar method, deliver accurate solutions, and exhibit excellent mesh size independence. This refects the fact that this test has no volumetric locking though the material is incompressible.
+# %%
+# %%
+E = 1e10
+nu = 0.499
+lambd = nu * E / (1 + nu) / (1 - 2.0 * nu)
+G = 0.5 * E / (1 + nu)
+p = -10e6
+eps_11 = -0.25 * lambd * p / G / (lambd + G)
+eps_22 = eps_11 + 0.5 * p / G
+u_1 = eps_11 * 0.5
+u_2 = eps_22 * 0.5
+sigma_33 = nu * p
+u_analytic = np.array([u_1, u_2])
+eps_analytic = np.array([eps_11, eps_22, 0.0, 0.0])
+sigma_analytic = np.array([0.0, p, sigma_33, 0.0])
+ u_analytic, eps_analytic, sigma_analytic
+# %% [markdown]
+# ### 2. Heterogeneous problem
+# #### 2.1. Compressible material
+# The Poisson ratio is set to 0.2 to represent the material compressiblility.
+# %%
+output_prefix = "simple_test_hete"
+all_test_hete = AllTest(out_dir, output_prefix)
+# %% [markdown]
+# #### 2.1.1. Contour plot of the result
+# The stress and displacement results obtained from the test using the finest mesh are shown in the following figures.
+# With and without the B-bar method, the variable distribution patterns look quite similar, and their magnitudes are almost identical.
+# %%
+# run the following function to see the figures
+all_test_hete.contour_plot_all("Results of the heterogeneous problem")
+# %%
+expected_u_diffs = np.array(
+ [
+ 1.12405235e-05,
+ 6.98028121e-07,
+ 4.86382769e-07,
+ 2.46115691e-07,
+ 2.13871759e-07,
+ 1.32847503e-07,
+ 8.56033763e-08,
+ ]
+expected_eps_diffs = np.array(
+ [
+ 6.70627315e-05,
+ 1.49169891e-06,
+ 4.79273581e-07,
+ 3.38301639e-07,
+ 2.15516897e-07,
+ 1.49147744e-07,
+ 8.76670751e-08,
+ ]
+expected_sigma_diffs = np.array(
+ [
+ 704485.50372313,
+ 17708.37333467,
+ 6689.6486797,
+ 4550.46300458,
+ 2812.39480024,
+ 2125.37608244,
+ 1265.2448748,
+ ]
+all_test_hete.assert_errors(expected_u_diffs, expected_eps_diffs, expected_sigma_diffs)
+# %% [markdown]
+# #### 2.1.2. Solution difference with mesh refinement level
+# The following three figures show the differences between the the results obtained with and without the B-bar method. Such differences tend to become tiny as the mesh refinement level increases.
+# %%
+# %% [markdown]
+# #### 2.2. Incompressible material
+# Considering the material's incompressibility, we changed the Poisson's ratio from 0.2 to 0.499, while keeping the Young's modulus and boundary conditions unchanged.
+# %%
+output_prefix = "simple_test_hete_incompress"
+all_test_hete_incompress = AllTest(out_dir, output_prefix, poisson_ratio=0.499)
+# %% [markdown]
+# #### 2.2.1. Contour plot of the result of incompressible material
+# The stress and displacement results obtained from this test using the finest mesh are shown in the following figures.
+# We can see that without using the B-bar method, the stress distribution exhibits strong numerical artifacts at the two lower corners of the domain, while the displacement is highly underestimated.
+# %%
+all_test_hete_incompress.contour_plot_all("Results of the heterogeneous problem")
+# %% [markdown]
+# #### 2.2.2. Variable variation with mesh refinement level
+# The following three figures show the variations in vertical displacement, vertical strain, and vertical stress at the domain center as the mesh refinement level increases. These figures demonstrate that the B-bar method provides the exact stress solution, and also delivers accurate displacement and strain results even with a relatively coarse mesh. In contrast, the standard method underestimates displacement and strain, and it fails to provide a correct stress result at almost any mesh refinement level.
+# %%
+all_test_hete_incompress.plot_solutions() # run this to see figures
+# %%
+expected_u_diffs_hete = np.array(
+ [
+ 1.50137352e-04,
+ 1.27562998e-05,
+ 8.09392747e-06,
+ 5.25915838e-06,
+ 4.17237417e-06,
+ 3.17767882e-06,
+ 2.23063182e-06,
+ ]
+expected_eps_diffs_hete = np.array(
+ [
+ 1.74274160e-04,
+ 7.85738732e-06,
+ 1.06605607e-05,
+ 6.43779986e-06,
+ 6.47798969e-06,
+ 4.65601719e-06,
+ 3.56212669e-06,
+ ]
+expected_sigma_diffs_hete = np.array(
+ [
+ 22405506.38102712,
+ 4294228.47182196,
+ 790313.72457601,
+ 1408200.09778569,
+ 449367.67353797,
+ 671266.75303949,
+ 388173.41044101,
+ ]
+ expected_u_diffs_hete, expected_eps_diffs_hete, expected_sigma_diffs_hete
+# %% [markdown]
+# ## Conclusions
+# In the FEM analysis of small deformation problems,
+# * The B-bar method can significantly alleviate volumetric locking in incompressible materials with a high-quality mesh.
+# * When applied to problems with compressible materials, the B-bar method can still give accurate solutions with a fine mesh.
+# * Only the B-bar method provides the correct solution when the material is highly incompressible and there is volumetric locking.
+# %%