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Releases: ufs-community/ufs-s2s-model

UFS-S2S-model Port to Stampede

22 Oct 15:13
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Available components in this tag are UFS-Atm, MOM6, CICE6, WW3 and CMEPS
This tag implements the porting of ufs-s2s-model to the platform Stampede


08 Sep 18:22
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Available components in this tag are UFS-Atm, MOM6, CICE6, WW3 and CMEPS.

This tag also implements fixes to the z0 fields passed between components so that UFS-Atm sets an internally consistent value for z0 when z0 is not available from the wave model.

UFS-S2S-model CMEPS Milestone v0.7

10 Jul 12:52
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This tag updates the CMEPS mediator with fractional land capability. An issue with isolated coastal anomalies seen in the ufss2s_cmeps_v0.6 tag has also been fixed. See NOAA-EMC/CMEPS#1 for details. Available components are the UFS-Atm, MOM6, CICE5, WW3. Coupling between components can be implemented with either the NEMS mediator or the CMEPS mediator. When coupled with CMEPS as the mediator, UFS-S2S-model composed of UFS-Atm, MOM6 and CICE5 is restart reproducible if the orography data does not include lake fraction and lake depth.

UFS-S2S-model CMEPS Milestone v0.6

04 Jun 21:57
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This tag adds a second mediator (CMEPS) to UFS-S2S-model. Available components now include UFS-Atm, MOM6, CICE5, WW3. Coupling between components can be implemented with either the NEMS mediator or the CMEPS mediator. When coupled with CMEPS as the mediator, UFS-S2S-model composed of UFS-Atm, MOM6 and CICE5 is restart reproducible at C96 resolution.

Prototype_4.0 WCOSS-Phase2 port

22 May 19:13
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This tag is for the WCOSS-Phase2 port of S2S Prototype 4.0


18 May 18:58
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This tag adds wave->ocean coupling. Wave coupling is two-way with the atmosphere, two-way with the ocean and one way (ice concentration -> waves) with ice.