docker pull jmduarte/hhh
docker run -it jmduarte/hhh bash
cd work
git clone
cd hhh
pip install -e .
cd ..
Copy the Delphes ROOT TTree datasets from:
, or - UCSD UAF:
to the data/delphes/v2/GF_HHH_SM_c3_0_d4_0_14TeV
Convert to training and testing HDF5 files.
python -m data/delphes/v2/GF_HHH_SM_c3_0_d4_0_14TeV/sample_*.root --out-file data/delphes/v2/hhh_training.h5
python -m data/delphes/v2/GF_HHH_SM_c3_0_d4_0_14TeV/sample_*.root --out-file data/delphes/v2/hhh_testing.h5
Override options file with --gpus 0
if no GPUs are available.
python -m spanet.train -of options_files/delphes/hhh_v2.json [--gpus 0]
Assuming the output log directory is spanet_output/version_0
Add --gpu
if a GPU is available.
python -m spanet.test spanet_output/version_0 -tf data/delphes/v2/hhh_testing.h5 [--gpu]
python -m src.models.test_baseline --test-file data/delphes/v2/hhh_testing.h5
The CMS dataset was updated to run with the v26
setup (nAK4 >= 4 and HLT selection
). The update includes the possibility to apply the b-jet energy correction. By keeping events with at a least 4 jets, the boosted training can be performed on a maximum number of events and topologies.
List of samples (currently setup validated using 2018):
To run the framework, first convert the samples (this will allow to use both jets pt
or ptcorr
, steerable from the configuration file:
mkdir data/cms/v26/
python -m /eos/user/m/mstamenk/CxAOD31run/hhh-6b/cms-samples-spanet/v26/GluGluToHHHTo6B_SM_spanet_v26_2018.root --out-file data/cms/v26/hhh_training.h5
python -m /eos/user/m/mstamenk/CxAOD31run/hhh-6b/cms-samples-spanet/v26/GluGluToHHHTo6B_SM_spanet_v26_2018.root --out-file data/cms/v26/hhh_testing.h5
Then training can be done via:
python -m spanet.train -of options_files/cms/hhh_v26.json --gpus 1
Two config files exist for the event options:
event_files/cms/hhh.yaml # regular jet pT
event_files/cms/hhh_bregcorr.yaml # jet pT with b-jet energy correction scale factors applied
Note: to run the training with the b-jet energy correction applied, the log_normalize
of the input variable was removed. Keeping it caused a 'Assignement collision'.