- dunst
- i3-gaps
- i3status-rust
- polybar
- rofi
rofi-collection - wal
- amfora, gemini, gopher cli-browser
- bolt, launcher wrapper for having a lightning fast Unix workflow
- batcat colourful cat written in rust
- cava, alsa sound
- chezmoi dotfile manager
- cod, completion daemon for bash, fish etc
- devdash, system monitoring
- devour, x11 window swallower
- feh, fast and light image viewer
- flameshot, screenshot utility
- fzf, fuzzy find
- handbrake
- htop
- joshuto, ranger-replacement written in rust
- nvim
- newsboat, feed reader
- mpv
- neomutt
- plocate, fast
to find files - qrcp - Transfer files over Wi-Fi from your computer to a mobile device by scanning a QR code
- rtv super-excellent reddit client, no longer maintained, anyone care to fork?
- spicetify-cli, spice up your spotify via cli
- spotify-cli, spotify cli
- sxiv, Simple X Image Viewer
- transcrypt, secrets manager works with git
- torify
- vifm, curses based Vim-like file manager
- vtop, better than htop
- watson
- ytfzf, youtube fuzzy finder
- zathura
- alacritty
- hyper
- urxvt-unicode
- stterm - suckless tools terminal aka simple terminal
- tmux
- zellij, terminal workspace
- poetry - replacement python package manager
curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 -
- volta -- replacement for NVM, javascript tool manager
curl https://get.volta.sh | bash
- bun -- fast replacement for npm npx
curl -fsSL https://bun.sh/install | bash