Releases: uartois/sonar-golang
Fix for #42
This release fix a problem with absolute path.
Fix for #32
This rules fix #33 with support of vet: shadowed variable
This release is a pre release for the moment, if they are not issue detected by the users, this release will become the release 1.2.11.
Add new rules and #31
This release add this rules:
- struct field [a-zA-Z0-9]+ should be [a-zA-Z0-9]+ (Example: id should be ID)
- unreachable code: error detect by vet linter
This release correct the ExportedHaveComment rule and add a "." to the regex for detect method with point, example: BaseGS1.CodingSet
This release is a pre release for the moment, if they are not issue detected by the users, this release will become the release 1.2.11.
Fix number 2 for #32
Correction of regexp for shadow rule.
This release is a pre release for the moment, if they are not issue detected by the users, this release will become the release 1.2.11.
Fix #26 and PR #27
Add Gas rules
This version add gas rule from #24 pull request.
Now it is possible to disable the highlighting if it prevents the use of the plugin (exceptions launched during analysis).
v1.2.10-rc2 Fix #15
This release correct the bug with a temp solution of issue #15
v1.2.10-rc1: Add option for highlighting
This pre-release add an option for disabled highlighting.
Add sonar.highlighting=false in for disabled
This release contains all correction of:
This pre-release is the first release candidate for version 1.2.10 and add a temp fix for #15. If there is no problem, this pre-release could become the new release 1.2.10.
Test fix for #14
This is a possible correction for #14.
v1.2.10-beta: add debug info for #14
add debug info for #14