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L. Arnold edited this page May 27, 2015 · 11 revisions

5-27-15 Manually Linkable between Odoo App and Magento App Takes a bit of work but significant rewards. Ideal would be prebuilt apps with connectors in, but will start with new instructions on how.

(Current Instructions to be built for V 7. Being ported to 8 now but this will reference also)

Below was related to OpenERP 7 Linking to Magento 1.7 ca Q4 2013

Just started an OpenERP page here in TKL-GIT. 2 Appliances to be joined, OpenERP built on Postgres, and Magento (in Library) generally built on MySQL. The Connector system referenced here has not been released yet for OpenERP 7. There is a Connector from OpenLabs (on GitHub, and active as of this writing: openlabs / magento_integration) that will seemingly do the trick. (l-arnold)*

Likely will boil to a recipe, but could be built as 2 Installable aps which would greatly simplify all of the pieces that need to be tied together. Consider sources and Stabilty (much has changed in OpenERP sources particularly)

On Bazaar, OpenERP plus the Magento Connector looks very interesting, though somewhat difficult to combine. If this could be built and packaged together My sense is that it could be a real blockbuster.

(essentially an OPENERP/Magento Connected Build)

Bazaar Branches are here (NEEDS TO BE UPDATED as of 10-12-13):

OpenERP is Here:

OpenLabs: One of the Partners in OpenERP/Magento Connector is here:

MagentoConnector Install Directions are somewhat outlined here:

From the OpenLabs link above the following may also be required:

These links seem part of the above, but this is also some of the complication here:

I think this is all doable. For some reason this is all being held behind the veil of Package Managment and to get inside it would be great to have a method that not only got the system started but also let people start to participate in the Branches Forks and Development... Lots to learn.

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