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So, backup with some updates and ergonomics that bugged me many years. Plus, more priority to ES code.
Strange thing is it doesn't even show when search for exact match of tunnckocore/modern-javascript-snippets... I don't know.
{ // Place your global snippets here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a scope, prefix, body and // description. Add comma separated ids of the languages where the snippet is applicable in the scope field. If scope // is left empty or omitted, the snippet gets applied to all languages. The prefix is what is // used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are: // $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders. // Placeholders with the same ids are connected. // Example: // "Print to console": { // "scope": "javascript,typescript", // "prefix": "log", // "body": [ // "console.log('$1');", // "$2" // ], // "description": "Log output to console" // } "assertStrictEqual": { "prefix": "ase", "body": "${1:assert}.strictEqual(${2:actual}, ${3:expected})${0}", "description": "assert.strictEqual" }, "assertNotStrictEqual": { "prefix": "asn", "body": "${1:assert}.notStrictEqual(${2:actual}, ${3:expected})${0}", "description": "assert.notStrictEqual" }, "assertDeepStrictEqual": { "prefix": "asd", "body": "${1:assert}.deepStrictEqual(${2:actual}, ${3:expected})${0}", "description": "assert.deepStrictEqual" }, "assertNotDeepStrictEqual": { "prefix": "asdn", "body": "${1:assert}.notDeepStrictEqual(${2:actual}, ${3:expected})${0}", "description": "assert.notDeepStrictEqual" }, "assertIfError": { "prefix": "asi", "body": "${1:assert}.ifError(${2:err})${0}", "description": "assert.ifError" }, "assertThrows": { "prefix": "ast", "body": "${1:assert}.throws(${2:actual}, ${3:expected})${0}", "description": "assert.throws" }, "nodeCallback": { "prefix": "cb", "body": "(err, ${1:value}) => {${0}}", "description": "Node callback" }, // bugs me // "promiseConstructor": { // "prefix": "p", // "body": "new Promise((resolve${1:, reject}) => {\n ${0}\n})", // "description": "Promise constructor" // }, "promiseThen": { "prefix": "then", "body": "${1:promise}.then((${2:value}) => {${0}})", "description": "Promise.then" }, "chainThen": { "prefix": ".then", "body": ".then((${1:value}) => {${0}})", "description": "chain then" }, "promiseCatch": { "prefix": "catch", "body": "${1:promise}.catch((${2:err}) => {${0}})", "description": "Promise.catch" }, "chainCatch": { "prefix": ".catch", "body": ".catch((${1:err}) => {${0}})", "description": "chain catch" }, "class": { "prefix": "cls", "body": "class ${1:ClassName} {\n constructor (${2:args}) {\n ${0}\n }\n}", "description": "class" }, "classExtends": { "prefix": "csx", "body": "class ${1:ClassName} extends ${2:BaseClass} {\n constructor (${3:args}) {\n super(${3:args})\n ${4}\n }\n}", "description": "class extends" }, "classMethod": { "prefix": "csm", "body": "${1:name} (${2:args}) {\n ${3}\n}", "description": "class method" }, // ! too old school // "es5SingletonClass": { // "prefix": "csi", // "body": "function ${1:ClassName} (${2:args}) {\n if (!(this instanceof ${1:ClassName})) {\n return new ${1:ClassName}(${2:args})\n }\n ${3}\n}", // "description": "es5 singleton class" // }, // "es5FunctionClass": { // "prefix": "csf", // "body": "function ${1:ClassName} (${2:args}) {\n ${3}\n}", // "description": "es5 function class" // }, "consoleLog": { "prefix": "cl", "body": "console.log(${0})", "description": "console.log" }, "consoleError": { "prefix": "ce", "body": "console.error(${0})", "description": "console.error" }, "consoleWarn": { "prefix": "cwa", "body": "console.warn(${0})", "description": "console.warn" }, "consoleDir": { "prefix": "cdir", "body": "console.dir(${0})", "description": "console.dir" }, "ifStatement": { "prefix": "if", "body": "if (${1:condition}) {\n ${2}\n}", "description": "if statement" }, "elseStatement": { "prefix": "el", "body": "else {\n ${1}\n}", "description": "else statement" }, "if/elseStatement": { "prefix": "ife", "body": "if (${1:condition}) {\n ${2}\n} else {\n ${3}\n}", "description": "if/else statement" }, "elseIfStatement": { "prefix": "eli", "body": "else if (${1:condition}) {\n ${2}\n}", "description": "else if statement" }, "try/catch": { "prefix": "tc", "body": "try {\n ${1}\n} catch (${2:err}) {\n ${3}\n}", "description": "try/catch" }, "try/finally": { "prefix": "tf", "body": "try {\n ${1}\n} finally {\n ${2}\n}", "description": "try/finally" }, "try/catch/finally": { "prefix": "tcf", "body": "try {\n ${1}\n} catch (${2:err}) {\n ${3}\n} finally {\n ${4}\n}", "description": "try/catch/finally" }, // ! no var usage // "varStatement": { // "prefix": "v", // "body": "var ${1:name}", // "description": "var statement" // }, // "varAssignment": { // "prefix": "v=", // "body": "var ${1:name} = ${2:value}", // "description": "var assignment" // }, // "letStatement": { // "prefix": "l", // "body": "let ${1:name}", // "description": "let statement" // }, "letAssignment": { "prefix": "l=", "body": "let ${1:name} = ${2:value}", "description": "let assignment" }, // "constStatement": { // "prefix": "c", // "body": "const ${1:name}", // "description": "const statement" // }, "constAssignment": { "prefix": "c=", "body": "const ${1:name} = ${2:value}", "description": "const assignment" }, // "constYielded": { // "prefix": "cy", // "body": "const ${1:name} = yield ${2:value}", // "description": "const yielded" // }, "constAwaited": { "prefix": "cawa", "body": "const ${1:name} = await ${2:value}", "description": "const awaited" }, // "letYielded": { // "prefix": "ly", // "body": "let ${1:name} = yield ${2:value}", // "description": "let yielded" // }, "letAwaited": { "prefix": "lawa", "body": "let ${1:name} = await ${2:value}", "description": "let awaited" }, "constObject": { "prefix": "co", "body": "const ${1:name} = {\n ${2}\n}", "description": "const object" }, "constArray": { "prefix": "ca", "body": "const ${1:name} = [\n ${2}\n]", "description": "const array" }, "onEventHandler": { "prefix": "on", "body": "${1:emitter}.on('${2:event}', ${3:args})", "description": "on event handler" }, "chainOn": { "prefix": ".on", "body": ".on('${1:event}', ${2:handler})", "description": "chain .on" }, "onceEventHandler": { "prefix": "once", "body": "${1:emitter}.once('${2:event}', ${3:args})", "description": "once event handler" }, "chainOnce": { "prefix": ".once", "body": ".once('${1:event}', ${2:handler})", "description": "chain .once" }, "emitEvent": { "prefix": "emit", "body": "${1:emitter}.emit('${2:event}', ${3:args})", "description": "emit event" }, "chainEmit": { "prefix": ".emit", "body": ".emit('${1:event}', ${2:args})", "description": "chain .emit" }, "anonymousFunction": { "prefix": "fnanon", "body": "function anonFn(${1:args}) {${0}}", "description": "anonymous function" }, "namedFunction": { "prefix": "fnc", "body": "function ${1:name}(${2:args}) {${0}}", "description": "named function" }, "asyncArrowFunction": { "prefix": "asf", "body": "async (${1:args}) => {${0}}", "description": "async arrow function" }, "asyncNamedFunction": { "prefix": "asfn", "body": "async function ${1:name} (${2:args}) {${0}}", "description": "async named function" }, "arrowFunction": { "prefix": "afn", "body": "(${1:args}) => ${2:statement}", "description": "arrow function" }, "arrowFnWithBody": { "prefix": "afnc", "body": "(${1:args}) => {${0}}", "description": "arrow fn with body" }, "generator": { "prefix": "gf", "body": "function * (${1:args}) {${0}}", "description": "generator" }, "namedGenerator": { "prefix": "gfn", "body": "function * ${1:name} (${2:args}) {${0}}", "description": "named generator" }, "immediatelyInvokedFunctionExpression": { "prefix": "iife", "body": ";(function (${1:args}) {\n ${0}\n})(${2})", "description": "immediately-invoked function expression" }, "functionApply": { "prefix": "fa", "body": "${1:fn}.apply(${2:this}, ${3:args})", "description": "function apply" }, "functionCall": { "prefix": "fc", "body": "${1:fn}.call(${2:this}, ${3:args})", "description": "function call" }, "functionBind": { "prefix": "fb", "body": "${1:fn}.bind(${2:this}, ${3:args})", "description": "function bind" }, "forEachLoop": { "prefix": "fore", "body": "${1:iterable}.forEach(${2:iterator})", "description": "forEach loop" }, "chainForEach": { "prefix": ".fe", "body": ".forEach(${1:iterator})", "description": "chain forEach" }, "map": { "prefix": "map", "body": "${1:iterable}.map(${2:iterator})", "description": "map" }, "chainMap": { "prefix": ".map", "body": ".map(${1:iterator})", "description": "chain map" }, "reduce": { "prefix": "reduce", "body": "${1:iterable}.reduce((${2:previous}, ${3:current}) => {\n ${0}\n}${4:, initial})", "description": "reduce" }, "chainReduce": { "prefix": ".reduce", "body": ".reduce((${1:previous}, ${2:current}) => {\n ${0}\n}${3:, initial})", "description": "chain reduce" }, "filter": { "prefix": "filter", "body": "${1:iterable}.filter(${2:iterator})", "description": "filter" }, "chainFilter": { "prefix": ".filter", "body": ".filter(${1:iterator})", "description": "chain filter" }, "find": { "prefix": "find", "body": "${1:iterable}.find(${2:iterator})", "description": "find" }, "chainFind": { "prefix": ".find", "body": ".find(${1:iterator})", "description": "chain find" }, "every": { "prefix": "every", "body": "${1:iterable}.every(${2:iterator})", "description": "every" }, "chainEvery": { "prefix": ".every", "body": ".every(${1:iterator})", "description": "chain every" }, "some": { "prefix": "some", "body": "${1:iterable}.some(${2:iterator})", "description": "some" }, "chainSome": { "prefix": ".some", "body": ".some(${1:iterator})", "description": "chain some" }, "jsonKeyValuePair": { "prefix": ";", "body": "\"${1:key}\": \"${2:value}\"", "description": "JSON key/value pair" }, "jsonArray": { "prefix": ";a", "body": "\"${1:key}\": [\"${2:values}\"]", "description": "JSON array" }, "jsonTrue": { "prefix": ";t", "body": "\"${1:key}\": true", "description": "JSON true" }, "forLoop": { "prefix": "foro", "body": "for (let ${1:i} = 0; ${1:i} < ${2:iterable}${3:.length}; ${1:i}++) {\n ${4}\n}", "description": "for loop" }, "forInLoop": { "prefix": "fi", "body": "for (let ${1:key} in ${2:source}) {\n if (${2:source}.hasOwnProperty(${1:key})) {\n ${3}\n }\n}", "description": "for in loop" }, "forOfLoop": { "prefix": "forof", "body": "for (const ${1:key} of ${2:source}) {\n ${3}\n}", "description": "for of loop" }, "forAwaitOf": { "prefix": "foraf", "body": "for await (const ${1:key} of ${2:source}) {\n ${3}\n}", "description": "for await of loop" }, "whileLoop": { "prefix": "wl", "body": "while (${1:condition}) {\n ${2}\n}", "description": "while loop" }, "fastWhileLoop": { "prefix": "wf", "body": "let len = ${1:iterable}.length\nlet i = 0\n\nwhile (i < len) {\n let val = ${1:iterable}[${2:i++}]\n ${0}\n}", "description": "fast while loop" }, // ! too old // "useStrict": { // "prefix": "us", // "body": "'use strict'", // "description": "use strict" // }, // "constSelfThis": { // "prefix": "self", // "body": "const self = this", // "description": "const self this" // }, // "yield": { // "prefix": "ye", // "body": "yield ${0}", // "description": "yield" // }, "await": { "prefix": "awa", "body": "await ${0}", "description": "await" }, // "processExit": { // "prefix": "pe", // "body": "process.exit(${1:code})${0}", // "description": "process.exit" // }, "throwNewError": { "prefix": "trn", "body": "throw new ${1:TypeError}('${2:message}')${3}", "description": "throw new error" }, "ifNotTypeofThenThrowError": { "prefix": "iferr", "body": "if (typeof ${1:actual} !== ${2:expected}) {\n throw new ${3:TypeError}('${4:message}')\n}${5}", "description": "if not typeof then throw error" }, "jsonStringify": { "prefix": "jst", "body": "JSON.stringify($0)", "description": "JSON.stringify()" }, "jsonParse": { "prefix": "jsp", "body": "JSON.parse($0)", "description": "JSON.parse()" }, // "arrayify": { // "prefix": "afi", // "body": "/* istanbul ignore next */\nconst arrayify = (val) => {\n if (!val) return []\n if (Array.isArray(val)) return val\n return [val]\n}", // "description": "arrayify" // }, "fixture usefulForAssertThrows": { "prefix": "fixture", "body": "function fixture () {\n ${1:fnName}\n}${0}", "description": "fixture (useful for assert.throws)" }, "requireModule": { "prefix": "req", "body": "require('${1:pkg}')${0}", "description": "require module" }, "constRequirePackage": { "prefix": "rr", "body": "const ${2:name} = require('${1:pkg}')${0}", "description": "const require package" }, "exportsMember": { "prefix": "em", "body": "exports.${1:member} = ${2:value}", "description": "exports.member" }, "exportsDefault": { "prefix": "emd", "body": "exports['default'] = ${1:value}", "description": "exports default" }, "moduleExports": { "prefix": "me", "body": "module.exports = ${1:value}", "description": "module.exports" }, "moduleExportsAndExportsDefault": { "prefix": "med", "body": "module.exports = exports['default'] = ${1:value}", "description": "module exports and exports default" }, "moduleExport": { "prefix": "ex", "body": "export ${1:member}", "description": "module export" }, "moduleDefaultExport": { "prefix": "exd", "body": "export default ${1:member}", "description": "module default export" }, "importModule": { "prefix": "im", "body": "import ${2:name} from '${1:pkg}'${3}", "description": "import module" }, "importModuleAs": { "prefix": "ima", "body": "import ${2:*} as ${3:name} from '${1:pkg}'${4}", "description": "import module as" }, "importModuleDestructured": { "prefix": "imd", "body": "import { $2 } from '${1:pkg}'${3}", "description": "import module destructured" }, "keyValuePair": { "prefix": "kv", "body": "${1:key}: ${2:'value'}", "description": "key/value pair" }, // "prototypeMethod": { // "prefix": "proto", // "body": "${1:ClassName}.prototype.${2:key} = ${3:value}", // "description": "prototype method" // }, // "chainPrototypeMethod": { // "prefix": ".proto", // "body": ".prototype.${2:key} = ${3:value}", // "description": "chain prototype method" // }, "extendShallow": { "prefix": "exas", "body": "extend(${1:defaults}, ${2:sources})${0}", "description": "extend-shallow" }, "objectAssign": { "prefix": "oas", "body": "{${1:bar}, ...${2:options}}${0}", "description": "Object.assign" }, "objectKeys": { "prefix": "ok", "body": "Object.keys(${1:obj})${0}", "description": "Object.keys" }, // "return": { // "prefix": "r", // "body": "return ${0}", // "description": "return" // }, // "returnThis": { // "prefix": "rth", // "body": "return this", // "description": "return this" // }, // "returnNull": { // "prefix": "rn", // "body": "return null", // "description": "return null" // }, // "returnTrue": { // "prefix": "rt", // "body": "return true", // "description": "return true" // }, // "returnFalse": { // "prefix": "rf", // "body": "return false", // "description": "return false" // }, // "return0": { // "prefix": "r0", // "body": "return 0", // "description": "return 0" // }, // "returnMinus1": { // "prefix": "r-1", // "body": "return -1", // "description": "return -1" // }, // "returnPromise": { // "prefix": "rp", // "body": "return new Promise((resolve${1:, reject}) => {\n ${0}\n})", // "description": "return promise" // }, "asyncTest mocha/mukla/jest": { "prefix": "ita", "body": "${1:test}('${2:description}', async () => {\n ${0}\n})", "description": "async test (mocha/mukla/jest)" }, "synchronousTest mocha/mukla": { "prefix": "its", "body": "${1:test}('${2:description}', () => {\n ${0}\n})", "description": "synchronous test (mocha/mukla)" }, "tapeStyleTest": { "prefix": "te", "body": "${1:test}('${2:description}', (${3:t}) => {\n ${0}\n})", "description": "tape-style test" }, "setTimeout": { "prefix": "stout", "body": "setTimeout(() => {\n ${0}\n}, ${1:delay})", "description": "setTimeout" }, "delay": { "prefix": "delay", "body": "await setTimeout(${1:1000})", "description": "async timers setTimeout" }, "processNextTick": { "prefix": "nextick", "body": "process.nextTick(() => {\n ${0}\n}${1:, args})", "description": "process.nextTick" }, "setInterval": { "prefix": "sti", "body": "setInterval(() => {\n ${0}\n}, ${1:delay})", "description": "setInterval" }, "setImmediate": { "prefix": "sime", "body": "setImmediate(() => {\n ${0}\n})", "description": "setImmediate" }, // "string": { // "prefix": "S", // "body": "String", // "description": "String" // }, // "symbol": { // "prefix": "Sy", // "body": "Symbol('${1:name}')", // "description": "Symbol" // }, // "boolean": { // "prefix": "B", // "body": "Boolean", // "description": "Boolean" // }, // "number": { // "prefix": "N", // "body": "Number", // "description": "Number" // }, // "object": { // "prefix": "O", // "body": "Object", // "description": "Object" // }, // "array": { // "prefix": "A", // "body": "Array", // "description": "Array" // }, // "date": { // "prefix": "D", // "body": "Date", // "description": "Date" // }, // "regExp": { // "prefix": "Rx", // "body": "RegExp", // "description": "RegExp" // }, // "promise": { // "prefix": "P", // "body": "Promise", // "description": "Promise" // }, "typeofEqualTo": { "prefix": "tofe", "body": "typeof ${1:source} === '${2:value}'", "description": "typeof equal to" }, "typeofNotEqualTo": { "prefix": "tofi", "body": "typeof ${1:source} !== '${2:value}'", "description": "typeof not equal to" }, "instanceof": { "prefix": "insof", "body": "${1:source} instanceof ${2:Object}", "description": "instanceof" }, "arrayIsArray": { "prefix": "isarr", "body": "Array.isArray(${1:source})", "description": "Array.isArray()" } }
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
No branches or pull requests
So, backup with some updates and ergonomics that bugged me many years. Plus, more priority to ES code.
Strange thing is it doesn't even show when search for exact match of
...I don't know.
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: