Have a new card idea? First, read these guidelines to ensure it fits within the Who Goes First project.
Ensure your idea matches these guidelines before submitting it.
Cards MUST be appropriate for all ages. The board game community included people of all ages and backgrounds, please ensure Who Goes First is safe for everyone to use.
Card images MUST be properly licensed for reuse, allowing for modifications. Images MUST be clearly documented as licensed Creative Commons Attribution or another license that allows Who Goes First the right to modify and redistribute it.
Card images SHOULD have square dimensions, for example: 64 pixels by 64 pixels (pixel art), 800 pixels by 800 pixels (photographs), or 4 cm by 4 cm (vector art). This way, cards will all have a similar layout.
Cards SHOULD be less than 100 KB to be respectful of players' bandwidth and storage space. Who Goes First needs to work well offline and with spotty connections.
Cards SHOULD work on all devices. Some cards may be interactive, but they SHOULD NOT require a specific kind of device to work. This means the card should respond to both touch events and click events.
First, check to see if someone else has added the same idea. If the idea is already listed, you can vote up the issue using the thumbs up button.
If the idea isn't listed yet, file a new issue.